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the dragon and the raven-及37准

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the command of the defence of the tower。 It was against
this point that the Danes again made their most desperate
effort。 Their main body advanced against it察and smaller
parties attacked the city at other points察while the rowing
galleys察divided into two bodies察strove to destroy the bridge
and so isolate the defenders of the post。

Around the tower the combat was desperate。 The assailants
were well´nigh hidden under their great bucklers。
Their shouts察and the constant clashing of arms which they
maintained察made a terrific uproar察a storm of missiles from
the fleet poured upon the tower察while from the crevices
between the shields the bowmen shot incessantly at the defenders。
The very number of the Danes hindered their attack察for the
tower was so small that comparatively few could approach at once。

It had been greatly strengthened since the last assault
and through the loopholes in the walls the archers did their
best to answer the storm of missiles poured into the fort。
Edmund and Egbert went among them察begging them not to
fire at random察but to choose moments when the movements
of the assailants opened a space in the roof of shields which
covered them。

Whenever this took place a dozen arrows fell true to the
mark。 Some of those bearing the shield would be struck
and these falling察a gap would be caused through which the
arrows of the defenders flew thickly察causing death and confusion
until the shield could be raised in its place again。
Boiling liquids were poured over those who approached the
walls察and huge stones crushed the shields and their bearers。

Eudes and his men valiantly defended the wall察and the
Danes in vain strove to scale it。 All day long the battle
continued察but at nightfall the tower still remained in the hands
of the defenders察the deep ditch which they had dug round it
having prevented the Danes from working at the wall察as they
had done in the previous assault。

When darkness came on the Danes did not retire察but
lay down in the positions they occupied察under their shields。
In the morning many ships were seen crossing the river again
and the defenders saw to their surprise numbers of captives
who had been collected from the surrounding country察troops
of oxen察ship´loads of branches of trees察trusses of hay and
corn察and faggots of vines landed。 Their surprise became
horror when they saw the captives and the cattle alike
slaughtered as they landed。 Their bodies were brought forward
under cover of the shields and thrown into the moat察in which
too察were cast the hay察straw察faggots察and trees。

At the sight of the massacre the archbishop prayed to
the Virgin to give him strength察and drawing a bow to its full
strength察let fly an arrow察which察great as was the distance
flew true to its mark and struck the executioner full in the
face。 This apparent miracle of the Virgin in their favour
re´animated the spirit of the defenders察and a solemn service
was instantly held in the church in her honour察and prayers
were offered to her to save Lutece察which was the original
name of Paris察and was still cherished by its inhabitants。

The Danes were occupied all day at their work of filling
up the moat。 The besieged were not idle察but laboured at the
construction of several mangonels capable of casting huge
blocks of stone。 In the morning the Danes planted their
battering´rams察one on each side of the tower察and recommenced
the assault。 The new machines of the defenders did great
havoc in their ranks察their heavy stones crashing through the
roof of bucklers and crushing those who held them察and for
a time the Norsemen desisted from the attack。

They now filled three of their largest vessels with
combustibles察and placing them on the windward side of the
bridge察set them alight。 The people of Paris beheld with
afright these fire´ships bearing down upon the bridge察and
old and young burst into tears and cries at the view of the
approaching destruction察and察led by the archbishop察all
joined in a prayer to St。 Germain察the patron saint of Paris
to protect the city。 The exulting Danes replied to the cries of
those on the walls with triumphant shouts。 Thanks察as the
Franks believed察to the interposition of St。 Germain察the
fireships struck against the pile of stones from which the beams
supporting the bridge in the centre were raised。 Eudes and
his companions leaped down from the bridge and with hatchets
hewed holes in the sides of the ships at the water´line
and they sank without having effected any damage to the

It was now the turn of the Franks to raise triumphant
shouts察while the Danes察disheartened察fell back from the attack
and at night recrossed the river察leaving two of their
battering´rams as tokens of the triumph of the besieged。 Paris
had now a respite while the Danes again spread over the
surrounding country察many of them ascending the river in their
ships and wasting the country as far as Burgundy。

The monastery of St。 Germain and the church in which
the body of the saint was buried still remained untouched。
The bands of Northmen who had invaded England had never
hesitated to plunder and destroy the churches and shrines of
the Christians察but hitherto some thought of superstition had
kept the followers of Siegfroi from assailing the monastery
of St。 Germain。

One soldier察bolder than the rest察now approached the
church and with his spear broke some of the windows。 The
Abbe D'Abbon察an eye´witness and minute historian of the
siege of Paris察states that the impious Dane was at once struck
dead。 The same fate befell one of his comrades察who mounted
to the platform at the top of the church and in descending
fell off and was killed。 A third who entered the church and
looked round lost his sight for ever。 A fourth entering it fell
dead察and a fifth察who察more bold than all察tried to break into
the tomb of the saint察was killed by a stone which fell upon

One night after a continuance of heavy rain the Seine
being greatly swollen察swept away the centre of the bridge
connecting the tower with the town。 At daybreak the
Northmen察seeing what had taken place察hastened across the
river and attacked the tower。 The garrison was but a small
one察no more than twenty men having slept there。 For a
time these repulsed every effort of the Danes察but gradually
their numbers were lessened until at last fourteen only remained。
Their names have come down to us。 Besides Edmund and Egbert
there were Hermanfroi察Herivee察Herilard察Odoacre
and Gossuin。 These resisted so valiantly that the Danes
after losing large numbers in the vain attempt to storm
the walls察brought up a wagonful of grain察this they
rolled forward to the gate of the tower and set it on fire。

The flames rapidly spread from the gates to the walls
which were all of wood察and soon the whole were a sheet of
flames。 The little band of defenders retreated on to the end
of the bridge察and there察when the flames had sufficiently
abated to allow them to pass察the Northmen attacked them。
Edmund and Egbert were both good swimmers察but this was
an accomplishment which but few of the Franks possessed
and none of the remnant of the garrison were able to swim。
For a long time the little band repulsed all the efforts of the
Danes察but were gradually driven back foot by foot until they
reached the edge of the chasm。 Here they made a last desperate
stand察but were at length cut down or driven over by
sheer weight of numbers。 Egbert and Edmund had disencumbered
themselves of all their defensive armour察and at the last
moment察throwing off their helmets and relinquishing
their spears察they plunged into the stream察diving deeply
to avoid the arrows of the Northmen。

The fact of the river being in flood察which had caused
the destruction of the tower察now proved the cause of their
safety。 Had the water been clear察the Danes on the bridge
above could have marked their progress and poured a storm
of arrows upon them as they came to the surface察but its
yellow and turbid waters concealed them from sight察and each
time they rose to the surface for air they were enabled to take
a rapid breath and dive again before their enemies could
direct and launch their arrows at them。

As they drifted far down the stream察they reached the
land beyond bowshot of the Danes察and they soon entered
the town amid the loud acclamations of the citizens。 The
Danes now for the most part drew off from the neighbourhood
and the Abbe Ebble led out a sortie察which reached
the Danish camp察and driving back those whom they found
within it察set it on fire and effected their retreat to
Paris without loss察in spite of the efforts of the enemy
who rapidly assembled at the sight of the flames。

The Danes had brought in from the surrounding country
such vast quantities of cattle察sheep察and goats察that their
camps would not suffice to hold them察and they turned the
church of St。 Germain into a stable and crowded it with these
animals。 The saint察as the Abbe D'Abbon relates察indignant
at this desecration察sent a terrible plague among the cattle
and when the Danes in the 

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