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the dragon and the raven-及31准

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which they had suffered察the destruction of home and
property察and the slaughter of friends and relations察would
fain have exterminated their foes。 King Alfred察however
thought otherwise。

Guthorn and the Danes had effected a firm settlement
in East Anglia察and lived at amity with the Saxons there。 They
had察it is true察wrested from them the greatest portion of
their lands。 Still peace and order were now established。 The
Saxons were allowed liberty and equal rights。 Intermarriages
were taking place察and the two peoples were becoming welded
into one。 Alfred then considered that it would be well to
have the king of this country as an ally察he and his settled
people would soon be as hostile to further incursions of the
Northmen as were the Saxons themselves察and their interests
and those of Wessex would be identical。

Did he察on the other hand察carry out a general massacre
of the Danes now in his power he might have brought upon
England a fresh invasion of Northmen察who察next to plunder
loved revenge察and who might come over in great hosts
to avenge the slaughter of their countrymen。 Moved察then
by motives of policy as well as by compassion察he granted the
terms they asked察and hostages having been sent in from the
camp he ordered provisions to be supplied to the Danes。

The same night a messenger of rank came in from
Guthorn saying that he intended to embrace Christianity。
The news filled Alfred and the Saxons with joy。 The king察a
sincere and devoted Christian察had fought as much for his
religion as for his kingdom察and his joy at the prospect of
Guthorn's conversion察which would as a matter of course be
followed by that of his subjects察was deep and sincere。

To the Saxons generally the temporal consequence of
the conversion had no doubt greater weight than the spiritual。
The conversion of Guthorn and the Danes would be a
pledge far more binding than any oaths of alliance between
the two kingdoms。 Guthorn and his followers would be
viewed with hostility by their countrymen察whose hatred of
Christianity was intense察and East Anglia would察therefore
naturally seek the close alliance and assistance of its
Christian neighbour。

Great were the rejoicings in the Saxon camp that night。
Seldom察indeed察has a victory had so great and decisive an
effect upon the future of a nation as that of Ethandune。 Had
the Saxons been crushed察the domination of the Danes in
England would have been finally settled。 Christianity would
have been stamped out察and with it civilization察and the
island would have made a backward step into paganism and
barbarism which might have delayed her progress for centuries。

The victory established the freedom of Wessex察converted
East Anglia into a settled and Christian country察and
enabled King Alfred to frame the wise laws and statutes and
to establish on a firm basis the institutions which raised Saxon
England vastly in the scale of civilization察and have in no
small degree affected the whole course of life of the English


Seven weeks afterwards Guthorn察accompanied by thirty
of his noblest warriors察entered Alfred's camp察which was
pitched at Aller察a place not far from Athelney。
An altar was erected and a solemn service performed
and Guthorn and his companions were all baptized察Alfred
himself becoming sponsor for Guthorn察whose name
was changed to Athelstan。 The Danes remained for twelve
days in the Saxon camp。 For the first eight they wore察in
accordance with the custom of the times察the chrismal察a white
linen cloth put on the head when the rite of baptism was
performed察on the eighth day the solemn ceremony known
as the chrism察the loosing or removal of the cloths察took place
at Wedmore。 This was performed by the Ealdorman

During these twelve days many conferences were held
between Alfred and Athelstan as to the future of the two
kingdoms。 While the Danes were still in the camp a
witenagemot or Saxon parliament was held at Wedmore。 At
this Athelstan and many of the nobles and inhabitants of
East Anglia were present察and the boundary of the two kingdoms
was settled。 It was to commence at the mouth of the
Thames察to run along the river Lea to its source察and at
Bedford turn to the right along the Ouse as far as Watling
Street。 According to this arrangement a considerable portion
of the kingdom of Mercia fell to Alfred's share。

The treaty comprehended various rules for the conduct
of commerce察and courts were instituted for the trial of
disputes and crimes。 The Danes did not at once leave Mercia
but for a considerable time lay in camp at Cirencester察but all
who refused to become Christians were ordered to depart
beyond the seas察and the Danes gradually withdrew within
their boundary。

Guthorn's conversion察although no doubt brought about
at the moment by his admiration of the clemency of Alfred
had probably been for some time projected by him。 Mingling
as his people did in East Anglia with the Christian Saxons
there察he must have had opportunities for learning the
nature of their tenets察and of contrasting its mild and
beneficent teaching with the savage worship of the pagan gods。
By far the greater proportion of his people followed their king's
example察but the wilder spirits quitted the country察and under
their renowned leader Hastings sailed to harry the shores
of France。 The departure of the more turbulent portion of
his followers rendered it more easy for the Danish king to
carry his plans into effect。

After the holding of the witan Edmund and Egbert at
once left the army with their followers察and for some months
the young ealdorman devoted himself to the work of restoring
the shattered homes of his people察aiding them with loans
from the plunder he had gained on the seas察Alfred having
at once repaid him the sums which he had lent at Athelney。
As so many of his followers had also brought home money
after their voyage察the work of rebuilding and restoration went
on rapidly察and in a few months the marks left of the ravages
by the Danes had been well´nigh effaced。

Flocks and herds again grazed in the pastures察herds of
swine roamed in the woods察the fields were cultivated察and
the houses rebuilt。 In no part of Wessex was prosperity so
speedily re´established as in the district round Sherborne
governed by Edmund。 The Dragon was thoroughly overhauled
and repaired察for none could say how soon fresh fleets of the
Northmen might make their appearance upon the southern
shores of England。 It was not long察indeed察before the
Northmen reappeared察a great fleet sailing up the Thames
at the beginning of the winter。 It ascended as high as Fulham
where a great camp was formed。 Seeing that the Saxons and
East Anglians would unite against them did they advance
further察the Danes remained quietly in their encampment
during the winter察and in the spring again took ship and sailed
for France。

For the next two years England enjoyed comparative
quiet察the Danes turning their attention to France and Holland
sailing up the Maas察Scheldt察Somme察and Seine。 Spreading
from these rivers they carried fire and sword over a great
extent of country。 The Franks resisted bravely察and in two
pitched battles defeated their invaders with great loss。 The
struggle going on across the Channel was watched with great
interest by the Saxons察who at first hoped to see the Danes
completely crushed by the Franks。

The ease察however察with which the Northmen moved
from point to point in their ships gave them such immense
advantage that their defeats at Hasle and Saucourt in no way
checked their depredations。 Appearing suddenly off the
coast察or penetrating into the interior by a river察their hordes
would land察ravage the country察slay all who opposed them
and carry off the women and children captives察and would
then take to their ships again before the leaders of the Franks
could assemble an army。

Alfred spent this time of repose in restoring as far as
possible the loss and damage which his kingdom had
suffered。 Many wise laws were passed察churches were rebuilt
and order restored察great numbers of the monks and wealthier
people who had fled to France in the days of the Danish
supremacy now returned to England察which was for the time
freer from danger than the land in which they had sought
refuge察and many Franks from the districts exposed to the
Danish ravages came over and settled in England。

Gradually the greater part of England acknowledged
the rule of Alfred。 The kingdom of Kent was again united to
that of Wessex察while Mercia察which extended across the
centre of England from Anglia to Wales察was governed for Alfred
by Ethelred the Ealdorman察who was the head of the powerful
family of the Hwiccas察and had received the hand of
Alfred's daughter Ethelfleda。 He ruled Mercia according to
its own laws and customs察which differed materially from those
of the West Saxons察and which prevented a more perfect union
of the two kingdoms until William the Conqueror welded
the whole country into a single whole。 But Ethelred
acknowledged the supremacy of Alfred察consulted him upon all
occasions of importance察and 

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