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the dragon and the raven-及30准

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from its hiding´place to Athelney察and Edmund and Egbert
had also handed over their own share of the booty to the
king。 The golden cups and goblets he had refused to take
but had gladly accepted the silver。

Edmund and Egbert had left Athelney for a few days on
a mission。 The king had described to them minutely where
he had hidden the sacred standard with the Golden Dragon。
It was in the hut of a charcoal´burner in the heart of the
forests of Wiltshire。 Upon reaching the hut察and showing to
the man the king's signet´ring察which when leaving the
standard he had told him would be the signal that any who might
come for it were sent by him察the man produced the standard
from the thatch of his cottage察in which it was deeply
buried察and hearing that it was again to be unfurled called
his two stalwart sons from their work and at once set out
with Edmund and Egbert to join the army。

Easter came and went察but the preparations were not
yet completed。 A vast supply of arms was needed察and while
the smiths laboured at their work Edmund and Egbert drilled
the fighting men who had assembled察in the tactics which
had on a small scale proved so effective。 The wedge shape
was retained察and Edmund's own band claimed the honour
of forming the apex察but it had now swollen until it contained
a thousand men察and as it moved in a solid body察with its
thick edge of spears outward察the king felt confident that it
would be able to break through the strongest line of the Danes。

〃From morning till night Edmund and Egbert察assisted
by the thanes of Somerset who had gathered there察drilled
the men and taught them to rally rapidly from scattered order
into solid formation。 Unaccustomed to regular tactics
the ease and rapidity with which these movements came to
be carried out at the notes of Edmund's bugle seemed to all
to be little less than miraculous察and they awaited with
confidence and eagerness their meeting with the Danes on the

At the end of April messengers were sent out bidding
the Saxons hold themselves in readiness察and on the 6th of
May Alfred moved with his force from Athelney to Egbertesstan
now called Brixton察lying to the east of the forest of
Selwood察which lay between Devonshire and Somerset。 The
Golden Dragon had been unfurled On the fort in Athelney
and after crossing the marshes to the mainland it was carried
in the centre of the phalanx。

On the 12th they reached the appointed place察where
they found a great multitude of Saxons already gathered。
They had poured in from Devonshire察Somerset察and
Wiltshire察from Dorset and Hants。 In spite of the vigorous
edicts of the Danes against arms a great proportion of them
bore weapons察which had been buried in the earth察or concealed
in hollow trees or other hiding´places until the time
for action should again arrive。

As they saw the king approaching at the head of his
band察with the Golden Dragon fluttering in the breeze察a
great shout of joy arose from the multitude察and they crowded
round the monarch with shouts of welcome at his reappearance
among them察and with vows to die rather than again to
yield to the tyranny of the Northmen。 The rest of the day
was spent in distributing the newly fashioned arms to those
who needed them察and in arranging the men in bands under
their own thanes察or察in their absence察such leaders as the
king appointed。

Upon the following morning the army started察marching
in a north´easterly direction against the great camp of
the Danes at Chippenham。 That night they rested at Okeley
and then marched on until in the afternoon they came within
sight of the Danes gathered at Ethandune察a place supposed
to be identical with Edington near Westbury。

As the time for Alfred's reappearance approached the
agitation and movement on the part of the people had
attracted the attention of the Danes察and the news of his
summons to the Saxons to meet him at Egbertesstan having come
to their ears察they gathered hastily from all parts under
Guthorn their king察who was by far the most powerful viking
who had yet appeared in England察and who ruled East Anglia
as well as Wessex。 Confident of victory the great Danish
army beheld the approach of the Saxons。 Long accustomed
to success察and superior in numbers察they regarded with
something like contempt the approach of their foes。

In the centre Alfred placed the trained phalanx which
had accompanied him from Athelney察in the centre of which
waved the Golden Dragon察by whose side he placed himself。
Its command he left in the hands of Edmund察he himself
directing the general movements of the force。 On his right
were the men of Somerset and Hants察on the left those of
Wilts察Dorset察and Devon。

His orders were that the advance was to be made with
regularity察that the whole line were to fight for a while on
the defensive察resisting the onslaught of the Danes until he
gave the word for the central phalanx to advance and burst
through the lines of the enemy察and that when these had been
thrown into confusion by this attack the flanks were to charge
foward and complete the rout。 This plan was carried out。 The
Danes advanced with their usual impetuosity察and for hours
tried to break through the lines of the Saxon spears。 Both
sides fought valiantly察the Danes inspired by their pride in
their personal prowess and their contempt for the Saxons
the Saxons by their hatred for their oppressors察and their
determination to die rather than again submit to their bondage。
At length察after the battle had raged some hours察and
both parties were becoming wearied from their exertions
the king gave Edmund the order。

Hitherto his men had fought in line with the rest察but at
the sound of his bugle they quitted their places察and察ere the
Danes could understand the meaning of this sudden movement
had formed themselves into their wedge察raised a mighty
shout察and advanced against the enemy。 The onslaught was
irresistible。 The great wedge察with its thick fringe of spears
burst its way straight through the Danish centre carrying all
before it。 Then at another note of Edmund's bugle it broke
up into two bodies察which moved solidly to the right and left
crumpling up the Danish lines。

Alfred now gave the order for a general advance察and
the Saxon ranks察with a shout of triumph察flung themselves
upon the disordered Danes。 Their success was instant and
complete。 Confounded at the sudden break up of their line
bewildered by these new and formidable tactics察attacked in
front and in flank察the Danes broke and fled。 The Saxons
pursued them hotly察Edmund keeping his men well together
in case the Danes should rally。 Their rout察however察was too
complete察vast numbers were slain察and the remnant of their
army did not pause until they found themselves within the
shelter of their camp at Chippenham。

No quarter was given by the Saxons to those who fell
into their hands察and pressing upon the heels of the flying
Danes the victorious army of King Alfred sat down before
Chippenham。 Every hour brought fresh reinforcements to
the king's standard。 Many were already on their way when
the battle was fought察and as the news of the victory spread
rapidly every man of the West Saxons capable of bearing arms
made for Chippenham察feeling that now or never must a complete
victory over the Danes be obtained。

No assault was made upon the Danish camp。 Confident in his
now vastly superior numbers察and in the enthusiasm which
reigned in his army察Alfred was unwilling to waste
a single life in an attack upon the entrenchments察which must
ere long surrender from famine。 There was no risk of
reinforcements arriving to relieve the Danes。 Guthorn had led
to the battle the whole fighting force of the Danes in Wessex
and East Anglia。 This was far smaller than it would have
been a year earlier察but the Northmen察having once completed
their work of pillage察soon turned to fresh fields of
adventure。 Those whose disposition led them to prefer a
quiet life had settled upon the land from which they had
dispossessed the Saxons察but the principal bands of rovers
finding that England was exhausted and that no more plunder
could be had察had either gone back to enjoy at home the
booty they had gained察or had sailed to harry the shores of
France察Spain察and Italy。

Thus the position of the Danes in Chippenham was
desperate察and at the end of fourteen days察by which time
they were reduced to an extremity by hunger察they sent
messengers into the royal camp offering their submission。 They
promised if spared to quit the kingdom with all speed察and
to observe this contract more faithfully than those which they
had hitherto made and broken。 They offered the king as
many hostages as he might wish to take for the fulfilment of
their promises。 The haggard and emaciated condition of
those who came out to treat moved Alfred to pity。

So weakened were they by famine that they could scarce
drag themselves along。 It would have been easy for the Saxons
to have slain them to the last man察and the majority of
the Saxons察smarting under the memory of the cruel oppression
which they had suffered察the destruction of home and
property察and the slaughte

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