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the dragon and the raven-及16准

弌傍 the dragon and the raven 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

was completely splintered。 While this was going on the Saxons
had continued to shoot without intermission察and the
Danish dead were heaped thickly around the gate。 The Danish
archers察assisted by their comrades察had scrambled up on
to the outer bank and kept up a heavy fire on the defenders
of the wall。 The Saxons sheltered their heads and shoulders
which were above the parapet with their shields察and between
these察as through loopholes察their archers shot at the Danes。

Edmund and Egbert had debated much on the previous days
whether they would pile stones behind the gate察but
had finally agreed not to do so。 They argued that although
for a time the stones would impede the progress of the Danes
these would察if they shattered the door察sooner or later pull
down the stones or climb over them察and it was better to
have a smooth and level place for defence inside。 They had
however察raised a bank of earth ten feet high in a semicircle
at a distance of twenty yards within the gate。

When it was seen that the gates were yielding Edmund
had called down his own band from the walls and formed
them in a half´circle ten yards from the gate。 They were four
deep察as in their usual formation察with the four lines of spears
projecting towards the gate。 The mound behind them he
lined with archers。

At last the gates fell察and with an exulting shout the Danes
poured in。 As they did so the archers on the mound loosed
their arrows察and the head of the Danish column melted like
snow before the blast of a furnace。 Still they poured in and
flung themselves upon the spearmen察but they strove in vain
to pierce the hedge of steel。 Desperately they threw themselves
upon the pike´heads and died there bravely察but they
were powerless to break a passage。

The archers on the mound still shot fast among them
while those on the wall察turning round察smote them in the
back察where察unprotected by their shields察they offered a sure
and fatal mark。 Soon the narrow semicircle inside the gate
became heaped high with dead察impeding the efforts of those
still pressing in。 Several of the bravest of the Danish leaders
had fallen。 The crowd in the fosse察unaware of the obstacle
which prevented the advance of the head of the column and
harassed by the missiles from above察grew impatient察and after
half an hour of desperate efforts察and having lost upwards
of three hundred of his best men察the Danish king察furious
with rage and disappointment察called off his men。

On the other three sides the attack equally failed。 The
Danes suffered heavily while climbing the steep side of the
inner mound。 They brought with them faggots察which they
cast down at the foot of the wall察but this was built so near
the edge of the slope that they were unable to pile sufficient
faggots to give them the height required for a successful
assault upon it。 Many climbed up on their comrades' shoulders
and so tried to scale the wall察but they were thrust down
by the Saxon spears as they raised themselves to its level察and
in no place succeeded in gaining a footing。 Over two hundred
fell in the three minor attacks。

There were great rejoicings among the Saxons察on whose
side but twenty´three had been killed。 A solemn mass was
held察at which all save a few look´outs on the walls attended
and thanks returned to God for the repulse of the pagans
then the garrison full of confidence awaited the next attack
of the enemy。

Stones were piled up in the gateway to prevent any sudden
surprise being effected there。 The Danes in their retreat
had carried off their dead察and the next morning the Saxons
saw that they were busy with the ceremonies of their burial。
At some little distance from their camp the dead were placed
in a sitting position察in long rows back to back with their
weapons by their sides察and earth was piled over them until a
great mound fifty yards long and ten feet high was raised。

Three jarls and one of their kings were buried separately。
They were placed together in a sitting position察with their
helmets on their heads察their shields on their arms察and their
swords by their sides。 Their four war´horses were killed and
laid beside them察twenty slaves were slaughtered and placed
lying round them察for their spirits to attend them in the
Walhalla of the gods。 Golden drinking´vessels and other
ornaments were placed by them察and then a mound forty feet
in diameter and twenty feet high was piled over the whole。

The whole force were occupied all day with this work。
The next day numbers of trees were felled and brought to
the camp察and for the next two days the Danes were occupied
in the manufacture of war´engines for battering down
the walls。 Edmund and Egbert utilized the time in instructing
the soldiers who did not form part of the regular band
in the formation of the quadruple line of defence which the
Danes had found it so impossible to break through察so that if
more than one breach was effected察a resistance similar to
that made at the gate could be offered at all points。 The
skins of the oxen killed for the use of the garrison were
carefully laid aside察the inside being thickly rubbed
with grease。

The Danish preparations were at length completed察the
war´engines were brought up and began to hurl great stones
against the wall at three points。 The Saxons kept up a constant
fire of arrows at those employed at working them察but
the Danes察though losing many men察threw up breastworks
to protect them。

The Saxons manufactured many broad ladders察and in
the middle of the night察lowering these over the walls察they
descended noiselessly察and three strong bodies fell upon the
Danes guarding the engines。 These fought stoutly察but were
driven back察the engines were destroyed察and the Saxons retired
to their walls again and drew up their ladders before
the main body of Danes could arrive from the camp。 This
caused a delay of some days in the siege察but fresh engines
having been constructed察the assault on the walls was
recommenced察this time the whole Danish army moving out and
sleeping at night close to them。

After three days' battering察breaches of from thirty to
fifty feet wide were effected in the walls。 The Saxons had
not been idle。 Behind each of the threatened points they
raised banks of earth ten feet high察and cut away the bank
perpendicularly behind the shattered wall察so that the
assailants as they poured in at the gaps would have to
leap ten feet down。

Each night the masses of wall which fell inside were
cleared away察and when the breach was complete察and it was
evident that the assault would take place the next morning
the hides which had been prepared were laid with the hairy
side down察on the ground below。 Through them they drove
firmly into the ground numbers of pikes with the heads sticking
up one or two feet察and pointed stakes hardened in the
fire。 Then satisfied that all had been done the Saxons lay
down to rest。

In the morning the Danes advanced to the assault。 This
time they were but little annoyed in their advance by the
archers。 These were posted on the walls at each side of the
gaps to shoot down at the backs of the Danes after they had
entered。 On the inner semicircular mounds the Saxon force
gathered four deep。

With loud shouts the Danes rushed forward察climbed
the outer mounds察and reached the breaches。 Here the leaders
paused on seeing the gulf below them察but pressed by
those behind they could not hesitate long察but leapt down
from the breach on to the slippery hides below。

Not one who did so lived。 It was impossible to keep
their feet as they alighted察and as they fell they were impaled
by the pikes and stakes。 Pressed by those behind察however
fresh men leapt down察falling in their turn察until at length
the hides and stakes were covered察and those leaping down
found a foothold on the bodies of the fallen。 Then they
crowded on and strove to climb the inner bank and attack
the Saxons。 Now the archers on the walls opened fire upon
them察and察pierced through and through with the arrows
which struck them on the back察the Danes fell in great
numbers。 Edmund commanded at one of the breaches察Egbert at
another察and Oswald察an old and experienced warrior察at the

At each point the scene was similar。 The Danes struggled
up the mounds only to fail to break through the hedge of
spears which crowned them察fast numbers dying in the attempt
while as many more fell pierced with arrows。 For an
hour the Danes continued their desperate efforts察and not
until fifteen hundred had been slain did they draw off to
their camp察finding it impossible to break through the Saxon

Loud rose the shouts of the triumphant Saxons as the
Danes retired察and it needed all the efforts of their leaders to
prevent them from pouring out in pursuit察but the events of
the preceding year had taught the Saxon leaders how often
their impetuosity after success had proved fatal to the Saxons
and that once in the plain the Danes would turn upon
them and crush them by their still greatly superior numbers。
Therefore no one was allowed to sally out察and the discomfited
Danes retired unmolested。

The next morning to their joy the 

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