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Messengers were sent out in all directions察and early the
next morning察400 men having assembled察Edmund and his
kinsman marched away with them towards Devizes。 Upon
their arrival at that town they found the king and his brother
with 8000 men察and the following day the army moved east
towards Reading。

They had not marched many miles before a messenger
arrived saying that two of the Danish jarls with a great
following had gone out to plunder the country察that they had
been encountered by Aethelwulf察Earl of Berkshire察with his
men at Englefield察and a fierce battle had taken place。 The
Saxons had gained the victory察and great numbers of the
Danes had been slain察Sidroc察one of their jarls察being among
the fallen。

Three days later the royal army arrived in sight of Reading
being joined on their march by Aethelwulf and his men。
The Danes had thrown up a great rampart between the
Thames and the Kennet察and many were still at work on this
fortification。 These were speedily slain by the Saxons察but
their success was a short one。 The main body of the invaders
swarmed out from the city and a desperate engagement took

The Saxons fought valiantly察led by the king and Prince
Alfred察but being wholly undisciplined and unaccustomed to
war they were unable to withstand the onslaught of the Danes
who fought in better order察keeping together in ranks此after
four hours' hard fighting the Saxons were compelled to fall

They rallied again a few miles from Reading。 Ethelred
and Alfred went among them bidding them be of good cheer
for that another time察when they fought in better order察they
would gain the victory察and that their loss had not been greater
than the Danes察only that unhappily the valiant Ealdorman
Aethelwulf had been slain。 Fresh messengers were sent
throughout the country bidding all the men of Wessex to
rally round their king察and on the fourth morning after the
defeat Ethelred found himself at the head of larger forces
than had fought with him in the last battle。

The Danes had moved out from Reading and had taken
post at Ashdown察and as the Saxon army approached they
were seen to be divided into two bodies察one of which was
commanded by their two kings and the other by two jarls。
The Saxons therefore made a similar division of their army
the king commanding one division and Prince Alfred the

Edmund with the men of Sherborne was in the division
of Alfred。 The Danes advanced to the attack and fell with
fury upon them。 It had been arranged that this division
should not advance to the attack until that commanded by
the king was also put in motion。 For some time Alfred and
his men supported the assaults of the Danes察and then察being
hardly pressed察the prince sent a messenger to his brother
to urge that a movement should be made。 The Saxons were
impatient at standing on the defensive察and Alfred saw that
he must either allow them to charge the enemy or must retreat。

Presently the messenger returned saying that the king
was in his tent hearing mass察and that he had given orders
that no man should move or any should disturb him until
mass was concluded。 Alfred hesitated no longer察he formed
his men into a solid body察and then察raising his battle cry
rushed upon the Danes。 The battle was a furious one。 The
Danes were upon higher ground察their standard being planted
by the side of a single thorn´tree which grew on the slopes of
the hill。 Towards this Alfred with his men fought their way。

The lesson of the previous battle had not been lost察the
Saxons kept together in a solid body which made its way with
irresistible weight through the ranks of the Danes。 Still the
latter closed in on all sides察and the fight was doubtful until
the king察having finished his devotions察led his division into
the battle。 For a long time a desperate strife continued and
great numbers on both sides were killed察but the Saxons
animated at once by love of their country and hatred of the
invaders and by humiliation at their previous defeat察fought
with such fury that the Danes began to give way。 Then the
Saxons pressed them still more hotly察and the invaders
presently lost heart and fled in confusion察pursued in all
directions by the exulting Saxons。

The Danish king Bergsecg and five jarls察the two Sidrocs
Osbearn察Frene察and Hareld察were slain察and many thousands
of their followers。 Great spoil of arms and armour fell into
the hands of the victors。

Edmund had fought bravely in the battle at the head of
his men。 Egbert had kept beside him察and twice察when the
lad had been smitten to his knees by the enemy察covered him
with his shield and beat off the foe。

;You are over´young for such a fight as this察Edmund察
he said when the Danes had taken to flight。 ;You will need
another four or five years over your head before you can stand
in battle against these fierce Northmen。 They break down
your guard by sheer weight察but you bore yourself gallantly
and I doubt not will yet be as famous a warrior as was your
brave father。;

Edmund did not join in the pursuit察being too much
bruised and exhausted to do so察but Egbert with the men of
Sherborne followed the flying Danes until nightfall。

;You have done well察my young ealdorman察─Prince
Alfred said to the lad after the battle。 ;I have been wishing
much that you could be with me during the past month察but
I heard that you were building a strong fort and deemed it
better to let you continue your work undisturbed。 When it is
finished I trust that I shall have you often near me察but I fear
that for a time we shall have but little space for peaceful
pursuits察for the Danes are coming察as I hear察in great troops
westward察and we shall have many battles to fight ere we clear
the land of the them。;

In those days a defeat察however severe察had not the same
decisive effect as it has in modern warfare。 There were no
cannons to lose察no great stores to fall into the hands of the
victors。 The army was simply dispersed察and its component
parts reassembled in the course of a day or two察ready察when
reinforcements arrived察to renew the fight。 Thus察decisive as
was the victory of Ashdown察Prince Alfred saw that many
such victories must be won察and a prolonged and exhausting
struggle carried on before the tide of invasion would be
finally hurled back from Wessex。 The next few days were spent
in making a fair distribution of the spoil and arms among
the conquerors。 Some of the thanes then returned home
with their people察but the remainder察on the king's entreaty
agreed to march with him against the Danes察who after the
battle had fallen back to Basing察where they had been joined
by others coming from the coast。 The royal army advanced
against them察and fourteen days after the battle of Ashdown
the struggle was renewed。 The fight lasted for many hours
but towards nightfall the Saxons were compelled to retreat
moving off the field察however察in good order察so that no spoil
fell into the hands of the Danes。

This check was a great disappointment to the Saxons
who after their late victory had hoped that they should
speedily clear the kingdom of the Danes。 These察indeed察taught
prudence by the manner in which the West Saxons had fought
for a while refrained from plundering excursions。 Two
months later the Saxons were again called to arms。 Somerled
a Danish chieftain察had again advanced to Reading察and had
captured and burned the town。 The king marched against
him察and the two armies met at Merton。 Here another
desperate battle took place。

During the first part of the day the Saxons were victorious
over both the divisions of the Danish army察but in the
afternoon the latter received some reinforcements and
renewed the fight。 The Saxons察believing that the victory had
been won察had fallen into disorder and were finally driven
from the field。 Great numbers were slain on both sides。
Bishop Edmund and many Saxon nobles were killed察and
King Ethelred so severely wounded that he expired a few days
later察April 23d察871察having reigned for five years。 He was
buried at Wimbourne Minster察and Prince Alfred ascended
the throne。

Ethelred was much regretted by his people察but the accession
of Alfred increased their hopes of battling successfully
against the Danes。 Although wise and brave察King
Ethelred had been scarcely the monarch for a warlike people
in troubled times。 Religious exercises occupied too large a
share of his thoughts。 His rule was kindly rather than strong
and his authority was but weak over his nobles。 From Prince
Alfred the Saxons hoped better things。 From his boyhood
he had been regarded with special interest and affection by
the people察as his father had led them to regard him as their
future king。

The fact that he had been personally consecrated by
the pope appeared to invest him with a special authority。
His immense superiority in learning over all his people greatly
impressed them。 Though gentle he was firm and resolute
prompt in action察daring in the field。 Thus察then察although
the people regretted King Ethelred察there was a general feeling
of hope and joy when Alfred took his place on the throne。
He had succeeded to the

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