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weir of hermiston-第25节

小说: weir of hermiston 字数: 每页4000字

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with the Cauldstaneslap party; then she lived at Cauldstaneslap。  Here 

was Archie's secret; here was the woman; and more than that … though I 

have need here of every manageable attenuation of language … with the 

first look; he had already entered himself as rival。  It was a good deal 

in pique; it was a little in revenge; it was much in genuine admiration: 

the devil may decide the proportions!  I cannot; and it is very likely 

that Frank could not。

〃Mighty attractive milkmaid;〃 he observed; on the way home。

〃Who?〃 said Archie。

〃O; the girl you're looking at … aren't you?  Forward there on the road。  

She came attended by the rustic bard; presumably; therefore; belongs to 

his exalted family。  The single objection! for the four black brothers 

are awkward customers。  If anything were to go wrong; Gib would gibber; 

and Clem would prove inclement; and Dand fly in danders; and Hob blow up 

in gobbets。  It would be a Helliott of a business!〃

〃Very humorous; I am sure;〃 said Archie。

〃Well; I am trying to be so;〃 said Frank。  〃It's none too easy in this 

place; and with your solemn society; my dear fellow。  But confess that 

the milkmaid has found favour in your eyes; or resign all claim to be a 

man of taste。〃

〃It is no matter;〃 returned Archie。

But the other continued to look at him; steadily and quizzically; and 

his colour slowly rose and deepened under the glance; until not 

impudence itself could have denied that he was blushing。  And at this 

Archie lost some of his control。  He changed his stick from one hand to 

the other; and … 〃O; for God's sake; don't be an ass!〃 he cried。

〃Ass?  That's the retort delicate without doubt;〃 says Frank。  〃Beware 

of the homespun brothers; dear。  If they come into the dance; you'll see 

who's an ass。  Think now; if they only applied (say) a quarter as much 

talent as I have applied to the question of what Mr。 Archie does with 

his evening hours; and why he is so unaffectedly nasty when the 

subject's touched on … 〃

〃You are touching on it now;〃 interrupted Archie with a wince。

〃Thank you。  That was all I wanted; an articulate confession;〃 said 


〃I beg to remind you … 〃 began Archie。

But he was interrupted in turn。  〃My dear fellow; don't。  It's quite 

needless。  The subject's dead and buried。〃

And Frank began to talk hastily on other matters; an art in which he was 

an adept; for it was his gift to be fluent on anything or nothing。  But 

although Archie had the grace or the timidity to suffer him to rattle 

on; he was by no means done with the subject。  When he came home to 

dinner; he was greeted with a sly demand; how things were looking 

〃Cauldstaneslap ways。〃  Frank took his first glass of port out after 

dinner to the toast of Kirstie; and later in the evening he returned to 

the charge again。

〃I say; Weir; you'll excuse me for returning again to this affair。  I've 

been thinking it over; and I wish to beg you very seriously to be more 

careful。  It's not a safe business。  Not safe; my boy;〃 said he。

〃What?〃 said Archie。

〃Well; it's your own fault if I must put a name on the thing; but 

really; as a friend; I cannot stand by and see you rushing head down 

into these dangers。  My dear boy;〃 said he; holding up a warning cigar; 

〃consider!  What is to be the end of it?〃

〃The end of what?〃 … Archie; helpless with irritation; persisted in this 

dangerous and ungracious guard。

〃Well; the end of the milkmaid; or; to speak more by the card; the end 

of Miss Christina Elliott of the Cauldstaneslap。〃

〃I assure you;〃 Archie broke out; 〃this is all a figment of your 

imagination。  There is nothing to be said against that young lady; you 

have no right to introduce her name into the conversation。〃

〃I'll make a note of it;〃 said Frank。  〃She shall henceforth be 

nameless; nameless; nameless; Grigalach!  I make a note besides of your 

valuable testimony to her character。  I only want to look at this thing 

as a man of the world。  Admitted she's an angel … but; my good fellow; 

is she a lady?〃

This was torture to Archie。  〃I beg your pardon;〃 he said; struggling to 

be composed; 〃but because you have wormed yourself into my confidence … 〃

〃O; come!〃 cried Frank。  〃Your confidence?  It was rosy but 

unconsenting。  Your confidence; indeed?  Now; look!  This is what I must 

say; Weir; for it concerns your safety and good character; and therefore 

my honour as your friend。  You say I wormed myself into your confidence。  

Wormed is good。  But what have I done?  I have put two and two together; 

just as the parish will be doing tomorrow; and the whole of Tweeddale in 

two weeks; and the black brothers … well; I won't put a date on that; it 

will be a dark and stormy morning!  Your secret; in other words; is poor 

Poll's。  And I want to ask of you as a friend whether you like the 

prospect?  There are two horns to your dilemma; and I must say for 

myself I should look mighty ruefully on either。  Do you see yourself 

explaining to the four Black Brothers? or do you see yourself presenting 

the milkmaid to papa as the future lady of Hermiston?  Do you?  I tell 

you plainly; I don't!〃

Archie rose。  〃I will hear no more of this;〃 he said; in a trembling 


But Frank again held up his cigar。  〃Tell me one thing first。  Tell me 

if this is not a friend's part that I am playing?〃

〃I believe you think it so;〃 replied Archle。  〃I can go as far as that。  

I can do so much justice to your motives。  But I will hear no more of 

it。  I am going to bed。〃

〃That's right; Weir;〃 said Frank heartily。  〃Go to bed and think over 

it; and I say; man; don't forget your prayers!  I don't often do the 

moral … don't go in for that sort of thing … but when I do there's one 

thing sure; that I mean it。〃

So Archie marched off to bed; and Frank sat alone by the table for 

another hour or so; smiling to himself richly。  There was nothing 

vindictive in his nature; but; if revenge came in his way; it might as 

well be good; and the thought of Archie's pillow reflections that night 

was indescribably sweet to him。  He felt a pleasant sense of power。  He 

looked down on Archie as on a very little boy whose strings he pulled … 

as on a horse whom he had backed and bridled by sheer power of 

intelligence; and whom he might ride to glory or the grave at pleasure。  

Which was it to be?  He lingered long; relishing the details of schemes 

that he was too idle to pursue。  Poor cork upon a torrent; he tasted 

that night the sweets of omnipotence; and brooded like a deity over the 

strands of that intrigue which was to shatter him before the summer 



KIRSTIE had many causes of distress。  More and more as we grow old … and 

yet more and more as we grow old and are women; frozen by the fear of 

age … we come to rely on the voice as the single outlet of the soul。  

Only thus; in the curtailment of our means; can we relieve the 

straitened cry of the passion within us; only thus; in the bitter and 

sensitive shyness of advancing years; can we maintain relations with 

those vivacious figures of the young that still show before us and tend 

daily to become no more than the moving wall…paper of life。  Talk is the 

last link; the last relation。  But with the end of the conversation; 

when the voice stops and the bright face of the listener is turned away; 

solitude falls again on the bruised heart。  Kirstie had lost her 〃cannie 

hour at e'en〃; she could no more wander with Archie; a ghost if you 

will; but a happy ghost; in fields Elysian。  And to her it was as if the 

whole world had fallen silent; to him; but an unremarkable change of 

amusements。  And she raged to know it。  The effervescency of her 

passionate and irritable nature rose within her at times to bursting 


This is the price paid by age for unseasonable ardours of feeling。  It 

must have been so for Kirstie at any time when the occasion chanced; but 

it so fell out that she was deprived of this delight in the hour when 

she had most need of it; when she had most to say; most to ask; and when 

she trembled to recognise her sovereignty not merely in abeyance but 

annulled。  For; with the clairvoyance of a genuine love; she had pierced 

the mystery that had so long embarrassed Frank。  She was conscious; even 

before it was carried out; even on that Sunday night when it began; of 

an invasion of her rights; and a voice told her the invader's name。  

Since then; by arts; by accident; by small things observed; and by the 

general drift of Archie's humour; she had passed beyond all possibility 

of doubt。  With a sense of justice that Lord Hermiston might have 

envied; she had that day in church considered and admitted the 

attractions of the younger Kirstie; and with the profound humanity and 


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