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weir of hermiston-第23节

小说: weir of hermiston 字数: 每页4000字

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one ally and sympathiser in the midst of that general union of disfavour 

that surrounded; watched; and waited on him in the house of Hermiston; 

but he had little comfort or society from that alliance; and the demure 

little maid (twelve on her last birthday) preserved her own counsel; and 

tripped on his service; brisk; dumbly responsive; but inexorably 

unconversational。  For the others; they were beyond hope and beyond 

endurance。  Never had a young Apollo been cast among such rustic 

barbarians。  But perhaps the cause of his ill…success lay in one trait 

which was habitual and unconscious with him; yet diagnostic of the man。  

It was his practice to approach any one person at the expense of some 

one else。  He offered you an alliance against the some one else; he 

flattered you by slighting him; you were drawn into a small intrigue 

against him before you knew how。  Wonderful are the virtues of this 

process generally; but Frank's mistake was in the choice of the some one 

else。  He was not politic in that; he listened to the voice of 

irritation。  Archie had offended him at first by what he had felt to be 

rather a dry reception; had offended him since by his frequent absences。  

He was besides the one figure continually present in Frank's eye; and it 

was to his immediate dependants that Frank could offer the snare of his 

sympathy。  Now the truth is that the Weirs; father and son; were 

surrounded by a posse of strenuous loyalists。  Of my lord they were 

vastly proud。  It was a distinction in itself to be one of the vassals 

of the 〃Hanging Judge;〃 and his gross; formidable joviality was far from 

unpopular in the neighbourhood of his home。  For Archie they had; one 

and all; a sensitive affection and respect which recoiled from a word of 


Nor was Frank more successful when he went farther afield。  To the Four 

Black Brothers; for instance; he was antipathetic in the highest degree。  

Hob thought him too light; Gib too profane。  Clem; who saw him but for a 

day or two before he went to Glasgow; wanted to know what the fule's 

business was; and whether he meant to stay here all session time!  

〃Yon's a drone;〃 he pronounced。  As for Dand; it will be enough to 

describe their first meeting; when Frank had been whipping a river and 

the rustic celebrity chanced to come along the path。

〃I'm told you're quite a poet;〃 Frank had said。

〃Wha tell't ye that; mannie?〃 had been the unconciliating answer。

〃O; everybody!〃 says Frank。

〃God!  Here's fame!〃 said the sardonic poet; and he had passed on his 


Come to think of it; we have here perhaps a truer explanation of Frank's 

failures。  Had he met Mr。 Sheriff Scott he could have turned a neater 

compliment; because Mr。 Scott would have been a friend worth making。  

Dand; on the other hand; he did not value sixpence; and he showed it 

even while he tried to flatter。  Condescension is an excellent thing; 

but it is strange how one…sided the pleasure of it is!  He who goes 

fishing among the Scots peasantry with condescension for a bait will 

have an empty basket by evening。

In proof of this theory Frank made a great success of it at the 

Crossmichael Club; to which Archie took him immediately on his arrival; 

his own last appearance on that scene of gaiety。  Frank was made welcome 

there at once; continued to go regularly; and had attended a meeting (as 

the members ever after loved to tell) on the evening before his death。  

Young Hay and young Pringle appeared again。  There was another supper at 

Windiclaws; another dinner at Driffel; and it resulted in Frank being 

taken to the bosom of the county people as unreservedly as he had been 

repudiated by the country folk。  He occupied Hermiston after the manner 

of an invader in a conquered capital。  He was perpetually issuing from 

it; as from a base; to toddy parties; fishing parties; and dinner 

parties; to which Archie was not invited; or to which Archie would not 

go。  It was now that the name of The Recluse became general for the 

young man。  Some say that Innes invented it; Innes; at least; spread it 


〃How's all with your Recluse to…day?〃 people would ask。

〃O; reclusing away!〃 Innes would declare; with his bright air of saying 

something witty; and immediately interrupt the general laughter which he 

had provoked much more by his air than his words; 〃Mind you; it's all 

very well laughing; but I'm not very well pleased。  Poor Archie is a 

good fellow; an excellent fellow; a fellow I always liked。  I think it 

small of him to take his little disgrace so hard; and shut himself up。  

'Grant that it is a ridiculous story; painfully ridiculous;' I keep 

telling him。  'Be a man!  Live it down; man!'  But not he。  Of course; 

it's just solitude; and shame; and all that。  But I confess I'm 

beginning to fear the result。  It would be all the pities in the world 

if a really promising fellow like Weir was to end ill。  I'm seriously 

tempted to write to Lord Hermiston; and put it plainly to him。〃

〃I would if I were you;〃 some of his auditors would say; shaking the 

head; sitting bewildered and confused at this new view of the matter; so 

deftly indicated by a single word。  〃A capital idea!〃 they would add; 

and wonder at the APLOMB and position of this young man; who talked as a 

matter of course of writing to Hermiston and correcting him upon his 

private affairs。

And Frank would proceed; sweetly confidential: 〃I'll give you an idea; 

now。  He's actually sore about the way that I'm received and he's left 

out in the county … actually jealous and sore。  I've rallied him and 

I've reasoned with him; told him that every one was most kindly inclined 

towards him; told him even that I was received merely because I was his 

guest。  But it's no use。  He will neither accept the invitations he 

gets; nor stop brooding about the ones where he's left out。  What I'm 

afraid of is that the wound's ulcerating。  He had always one of those 

dark; secret; angry natures … a little underhand and plenty of bile … 

you know the sort。  He must have inherited it from the Weirs; whom I 

suspect to have been a worthy family of weavers somewhere; what's the 

cant phrase? … sedentary occupation。  It's precisely the kind of 

character to go wrong in a false position like what his father's made 

for him; or he's making for himself; whichever you like to call it。  And 

for my part; I think it a disgrace;〃 Frank would say generously。

Presently the sorrow and anxiety of this disinterested friend took 

shape。  He began in private; in conversations of two; to talk vaguely of 

bad habits and low habits。  〃I must say I'm afraid he's going wrong 

altogether;〃 he would say。  〃I'll tell you plainly; and between 

ourselves; I scarcely like to stay there any longer; only; man; I'm 

positively afraid to leave him alone。  You'll see; I shall be blamed for 

it later on。  I'm staying at a great sacrifice。  I'm hindering my 

chances at the Bar; and I can't blind my eyes to it。  And what I'm 

afraid of is that I'm going to get kicked for it all round before all's 

done。  You see; nobody believes in friendship nowadays。〃

〃Well; Innes;〃 his interlocutor would reply; 〃it's very good of you; I 

must say that。  If there's any blame going; you'll always be sure of MY 

good word; for one thing。〃

〃Well;〃 Frank would continue; 〃candidly; I don't say it's pleasant。  He 

has a very rough way with him; his father's son; you know。  I don't say 

he's rude … of course; I couldn't be expected to stand that … but he 

steers very near the wind。  No; it's not pleasant; but I tell ye; man; 

in conscience I don't think it would be fair to leave him。  Mind you; I 

don't say there's anything actually wrong。  What I say is that I don't 

like the looks of it; man!〃 and he would press the arm of his momentary 


In the early stages I am persuaded there was no malice。  He talked but 

for the pleasure of airing himself。  He was essentially glib; as becomes 

the young advocate; and essentially careless of the truth; which is the 

mark of the young ass; and so he talked at random。  There was no 

particular bias; but that one which is indigenous and universal; to 

flatter himself and to please and interest the present friend。  And by 

thus milling air out of his mouth; he had presently built up a 

presentation of Archie which was known and talked of in all corners of 

the county。  Wherever there was a residential house and a walled garden; 

wherever there was a dwarfish castle and a park; wherever a quadruple 

cottage by the ruins of a peel…tower showed an old family going down; 

and wherever a handsome villa with a carriage approach and a shrubbery 

marked the coming up of a new one … probably on the wheels of machinery 

… Archie began to be regarded in the light of a dark; perhaps a vicious 

mystery; and the future developments of his career t

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