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weir of hermiston-第22节

小说: weir of hermiston 字数: 每页4000字

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unconsciousness; it was to catch again the rainbow thought with her 

first moment of awaking。


TWO days later a gig from Crossmichael deposited Frank Innes at the 

doors of Hermiston。  Once in a way; during the past winter; Archie; in 

some acute phase of boredom; had written him a letter。  It had contained 

something in the nature of an invitation or a reference to an invitation 

… precisely what; neither of them now remembered。  When Innes had 

received it; there had been nothing further from his mind than to bury 

himself in the moors with Archie; but not even the most acute political 

heads are guided through the steps of life with unerring directness。  

That would require a gift of prophecy which has been denied to man。  For 

instance; who could have imagined that; not a month after he had 

received the letter; and turned it into mockery; and put off answering 

it; and in the end lost it; misfortunes of a gloomy cast should begin to 

thicken over Frank's career?  His case may be briefly stated。  His 

father; a small Morayshire laird with a large family; became 

recalcitrant and cut off the supplies; he had fitted himself out with 

the beginnings of quite a good law library; which; upon some sudden 

losses on the turf; he had been obliged to sell before they were paid 

for; and his bookseller; hearing some rumour of the event; took out a 

warrant for his arrest。  Innes had early word of it; and was able to 

take precautions。  In this immediate welter of his affairs; with an 

unpleasant charge hanging over him; he had judged it the part of 

prudence to be off instantly; had written a fervid letter to his father 

at Inverauld; and put himself in the coach for Crossmichael。  Any port 

in a storm!  He was manfully turning his back on the Parliament House 

and its gay babble; on porter and oysters; the race…course and the ring; 

and manfully prepared; until these clouds should have blown by; to share 

a living grave with Archie Weir at Hermiston。

To do him justice; he was no less surprised to be going than Archie was 

to see him come; and he carried off his wonder with an infinitely better 


〃Well; here I am!〃 said he; as he alighted。  〃Pylades has come to 

Orestes at last。  By the way; did you get my answer?  No?  How very 

provoking!  Well; here I am to answer for myself; and that's better 


〃I am very glad to see you; of course;〃 said Archie。  〃I make you 

heartily welcome; of course。  But you surely have not come to stay; with 

the Courts still sitting; is that not most unwise?〃

〃Damn the Courts!〃 says Frank。  〃What are the Courts to friendship and a 

little fishing?〃

And so it was agreed that he was to stay; with no term to the visit but 

the term which he had privily set to it himself … the day; namely; when 

his father should have come down with the dust; and he should be able to 

pacify the bookseller。  On such vague conditions there began for these 

two young men (who were not even friends) a life of great familiarity 

and; as the days drew on; less and less intimacy。  They were together at 

meal times; together o' nights when the hour had come for whisky…toddy; 

but it might have been noticed (had there been any one to pay heed) that 

they were rarely so much together by day。  Archie had Hermiston to 

attend to; multifarious activities in the hills; in which he did not 

require; and had even refused; Frank's escort。  He would be off 

sometimes in the morning and leave only a note on the breakfast table to 

announce the fact; and sometimes; with no notice at all; he would not 

return for dinner until the hour was long past。  Innes groaned under 

these desertions; it required all his philosophy to sit down to a 

solitary breakfast with composure; and all his unaffected good…nature to 

be able to greet Archie with friendliness on the more rare occasions 

when he came home late for dinner。

〃I wonder what on earth he finds to do; Mrs。 Elliott?〃 said he one 

morning; after he had just read the hasty billet and sat down to table。

〃I suppose it will be business; sir;〃 replied the housekeeper drily; 

measuring his distance off to him by an indicated curtsy。

〃But I can't imagine what business!〃 he reiterated。

〃I suppose it will be HIS business;〃 retorted the austere Kirstie。

He turned to her with that happy brightness that made the charm of his 

disposition; and broke into a peal of healthy and natural laughter。

〃Well played; Mrs。 Elliott!〃 he cried; and the housekeeper's face 

relaxed into the shadow of an iron smile。  〃Well played indeed!〃 said 

he。  〃But you must not be making a stranger of me like that。  Why; 

Archie and I were at the High School together; and we've been to college 

together; and we were going to the Bar together; when … you know!  Dear; 

dear me! what a pity that was!  A life spoiled; a fine young fellow as 

good as buried here in the wilderness with rustics; and all for what?  A 

frolic; silly; if you like; but no more。  God; how good your scones are; 

Mrs。 Elliott!〃

〃They're no mines; it was the lassie made them;〃 said Kirstie; 〃and; 

saving your presence; there's little sense in taking the Lord's name in 

vain about idle vivers that you fill your kyte wi'。〃

〃I daresay you're perfectly right; ma'am;〃 quoth the imperturbable 

Frank。  〃But as I was saying; this is a pitiable business; this about 

poor Archie; and you and I might do worse than put our heads together; 

like a couple of sensible people; and bring it to an end。  Let me tell 

you; ma'am; that Archie is really quite a promising young man; and in my 

opinion he would do well at the Bar。  As for his father; no one can deny 

his ability; and I don't fancy any one would care to deny that he has 

the deil's own temper … 〃

〃If you'll excuse me; Mr。 Innes; I think the lass is crying on me;〃 said 

Kirstie; and flounced from the room。

〃The damned; cross…grained; old broomstick!〃 ejaculated Innes。

In the meantime; Kirstie had escaped into the kitchen; and before her 

vassal gave vent to her feelings。

〃Here; ettercap!  Ye'll have to wait on yon Innes!  I canna haud myself 

in。  ‘Puir Erchie!'  I'd ‘puir Erchie' him; if I had my way!  And 

Hermiston with the deil's ain temper!  God; let him take Hermiston's 

scones out of his mouth first。  There's no a hair on ayther o' the Weirs 

that hasna mair spunk and dirdum to it than what he has in his hale 

dwaibly body!  Settin' up his snash to me!  Let him gang to the black 

toon where he's mebbe wantit … birling in a curricle … wi' pimatum on 

his heid … making a mess o' himsel' wi' nesty hizzies … a fair 

disgrace!〃  It was impossible to hear without admiration Kirstie's 

graduated disgust; as she brought forth; one after another; these 

somewhat baseless charges。  Then she remembered her immediate purpose; 

and turned again on her fascinated auditor。  〃Do ye no hear me; tawpie?  

Do ye no hear what I'm tellin' ye?  Will I have to shoo ye in to him?  

If I come to attend to ye; mistress!〃 And the maid fled the kitchen; 

which had become practically dangerous; to attend on Innes' wants in the 

front parlour。

TANTAENE IRAE?  Has the reader perceived the reason?  Since Frank's 

coming there were no more hours of gossip over the supper tray!  All his 

blandishments were in vain; he had started handicapped on the race for 

Mrs。 Elliott's favour。

But it was a strange thing how misfortune dogged him in his efforts to 

be genial。  I must guard the reader against accepting Kirstie's epithets 

as evidence; she was more concerned for their vigour than for their 

accuracy。  Dwaibly; for instance; nothing could be more calumnious。  

Frank was the very picture of good looks; good humour; and manly youth。  

He had bright eyes with a sparkle and a dance to them; curly hair; a 

charming smile; brilliant teeth; an admirable carriage of the head; the 

look of a gentleman; the address of one accustomed to please at first 

sight and to improve the impression。  And with all these advantages; he 

failed with every one about Hermiston; with the silent shepherd; with 

the obsequious grieve; with the groom who was also the ploughman; with 

the gardener and the gardener's sister … a pious; down…hearted woman 

with a shawl over her ears … he failed equally and flatly。  They did not 

like him; and they showed it。  The little maid; indeed; was an 

exception; she admired him devoutly; probably dreamed of him in her 

private hours; but she was accustomed to play the part of silent auditor 

to Kirstie's tirades and silent recipient of Kirstie's buffets; and she 

had learned not only to be a very capable girl of her years; but a very 

secret and prudent one besides。  Frank was thus conscious that he had 

one ally and sympathiser in the midst of that general union of disfavour 

that surrounded; watched; and waited on him

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