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weir of hermiston-第12节

小说: weir of hermiston 字数: 每页4000字

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offenders; and justifying the demand by much wealth of detail。  For it 

must not be supposed that the quarrel rested with the wife and did not 

take in the husband also … or with the gardener's sister; and did not 

speedily include the gardener himself。  As the upshot of all this petty 

quarrelling and intemperate speech; she was practically excluded (like a 

lightkeeper on his tower) from the comforts of human association; except 

with her own indoor drudge; who; being but a lassie and entirely at her 

mercy; must submit to the shifty weather of  〃the mistress's〃 moods 

without complaint; and be willing to take buffets or caresses according 

to the temper of the hour。  To Kirstie; thus situate and in the Indian 

summer of her heart; which was slow to submit to age; the gods sent this 

equivocal good thing of Archie's presence。  She had known him in the 

cradle and paddled him when he misbehaved; and yet; as she had not so 

much as set eyes on him since he was eleven and had his last serious 

illness; the tall; slender; refined; and rather melancholy young 

gentleman of twenty came upon her with the shock of a new acquaintance。  

He was 〃Young Hermiston;〃 〃the laird himsel' 〃: he had an air of 

distinctive superiority; a cold straight glance of his black eyes; that 

abashed the woman's tantrums in the beginning; and therefore the 

possibility of any quarrel was excluded。  He was new; and therefore 

immediately aroused her curiosity; he was reticent; and kept it awake。  

And lastly he was dark and she fair; and he was male and she female; the 

everlasting fountains of interest。

Her feeling partook of the loyalty of a clanswoman; the hero…worship of 

a maiden aunt; and the idolatry due to a god。  No matter what he had 

asked of her; ridiculous or tragic; she would have done it and joyed to 

do it。  Her passion; for it was nothing less; entirely filled her。  It 

was a rich physical pleasure to make his bed or light his lamp for him 

when he was absent; to pull off his wet boots or wait on him at dinner 

when he returned。  A young man who should have so doted on the idea; 

moral and physical; of any woman; might be properly described as being 

in love; head and heels; and would have behaved himself accordingly。  

But Kirstie … though her heart leaped at his coming footsteps … though; 

when he patted her shoulder; her face brightened for the day … had not a 

hope or thought beyond the present moment and its perpetuation to the 

end of time。  Till the end of time she would have had nothing altered; 

but still continue delightedly to serve her idol; and be repaid (say 

twice in the month) with a clap on the shoulder。

I have said her heart leaped … it is the accepted phrase。  But rather; 

when she was alone in any chamber of the house; and heard his foot 

passing on the corridors; something in her bosom rose slowly until her 

breath was suspended; and as slowly fell again with a deep sigh; when 

the steps had passed and she was disappointed of her eyes' desire。  This 

perpetual hunger and thirst of his presence kept her all day on the 

alert。  When he went forth at morning; she would stand and follow him 

with admiring looks。  As it grew late and drew to the time of his return;

she would steal forth to a corner of the policy wall and be seen standing

there sometimes by the hour together; gazing with shaded eyes; waiting the 

exquisite and barren pleasure of his view a mile off on the mountains。  

When at night she had trimmed and gathered the fire; turned down his 

bed; and laid out his night…gear … when there was no more to be done for 

the king's pleasure; but to remember him fervently in her usually very 

tepid prayers; and go to bed brooding upon his perfections; his future 

career; and what she should give him the next day for dinner … there 

still remained before her one more opportunity; she was still to take in 

the tray and say good…night。  Sometimes Archie would glance up from his 

book with a preoccupied nod and a perfunctory salutation which was in 

truth a dismissal; sometimes … and by degrees more often … the volume 

would be laid aside; he would meet her coming with a look of relief; and 

the conversation would be engaged; last out the supper; and be prolonged 

till the small hours by the waning fire。  It was no wonder that Archie 

was fond of company after his solitary days; and Kirstie; upon her side; 

exerted all the arts of her vigorous nature to ensnare his attention。  

She would keep back some piece of news during dinner to be fired off 

with the entrance of the supper tray; and form as it were the LEVER DE 

RIDEAU of the evening's entertainment。  Once he had heard her tongue 

wag; she made sure of the result。  From one subject to another she moved 

by insidious transitions; fearing the least silence; fearing almost to 

give him time for an answer lest it should slip into a hint of 

separation。  Like so many people of her class; she was a brave narrator; 

her place was on the hearth…rug and she made it a rostrum; mimeing her 

stories as she told them; fitting them with vital detail; spinning them 

out with endless 〃quo' he's〃 and 〃quo' she's;〃 her voice sinking into a 

whisper over the supernatural or the horrific; until she would suddenly 

spring up in affected surprise; and pointing to the clock; 〃Mercy; Mr。 

Archie!〃 she would say; 〃whatten a time o' night is this of it!  God 

forgive me for a daft wife!〃  So it befell; by good management; that she 

was not only the first to begin these nocturnal conversations; but 

invariably the first to break them off; so she managed to retire and not 

to be dismissed。


Such an unequal intimacy has never been uncommon in Scotland; where the 

clan spirit survives; where the servant tends to spend her life in the 

same service; a helpmeet at first; then a tyrant; and at last a 

pensioner; where; besides; she is not necessarily destitute of the pride 

of birth; but is; perhaps; like Kirstie; a connection of her master's; 

and at least knows the legend of her own family; and may count kinship 

with some illustrious dead。  For that is the mark of the Scot of all 

classes: that he stands in an attitude towards the past unthinkable to 

Englishmen; and remembers and cherishes the memory of his forebears; 

good or bad; and there burns alive in him a sense of identity with the 

dead even to the twentieth generation。  No more characteristic instance 

could be found than in the family of Kirstie Elliott。  They were all; 

and Kirstie the first of all; ready and eager to pour forth the 

particulars of their genealogy; embellished with every detail that 

memory had handed down or fancy fabricated; and; behold! from every 

ramification of that tree there dangled a halter。  The Elliotts 

themselves have had a chequered history; but these Elliotts deduced; 

besides; from three of the most unfortunate of the border clans … the 

Nicksons; the Ellwalds; and the Crozers。  One ancestor after another 

might be seen appearing a moment out of the rain and the hill mist upon 

his furtive business; speeding home; perhaps; with a paltry booty of 

lame horses and lean kine; or squealing and dealing death in some 

moorland feud of the ferrets and the wild cats。  One after another 

closed his obscure adventures in mid…air; triced up to the arm of the 

royal gibbet or the Baron's dule…tree。  For the rusty blunderbuss of 

Scots criminal justice; which usually hurt nobody but jurymen; became a 

weapon of precision for the Nicksons; the Ellwalds; and the Crozers。  

The exhilaration of their exploits seemed to haunt the memories of their 

descendants alone; and the shame to be forgotten。  Pride glowed in their 

bosoms to publish their relationship to 〃Andrew Ellwald of the 

Laverockstanes; called ‘Unchancy Dand;' who was justifeed wi' seeven 

mair of the same name at Jeddart in the days of King James the Sax。〃  In 

all this tissue of crime and misfortune; the Elliotts of Cauldstaneslap 

had one boast which must appear legitimate: the males were gallows…

birds; born outlaws; petty thieves; and deadly brawlers; but; according 

to the same tradition; the females were all chaste and faithful。  The 

power of ancestry on the character is not limited to the inheritance of 

cells。  If I buy ancestors by the gross from the benevolence of Lyon 

King of Arms; my grandson (if he is Scottish) will feel a quickening 

emulation of their deeds。  The men of the Elliotts were proud; lawless; 

violent as of right; cherishing and prolonging a tradition。  In like 

manner with the women。  And the woman; essentially passionate and 

reckless; who crouched on the rug; in the shine of the peat fire; 

telling these tales; had cherished through life a wild integrity of 


Her father Gilbert had been deeply pious; a savage disciplinarian in the 

antique style; and withal a notorious smuggler。  〃I mind when I was a 


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