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b his sky racer(汤姆·史威夫特和他的空中赛艇)-第4节

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first complained of a minor ailment。 Perhaps now it was too late。 

     〃Oh! when will that doctor come?〃 murmured Tom impatiently。 

     Mrs。 Baggert; who was nervously going in and out of the room; again 

went to the telephone。 

     〃He's   on   his   way;〃   the   housekeeper   reported。   〃His   wife   said   he   just 

started out in his auto。〃 

     Dr。 Gladby hurried into the room a little later; and cast a quick look at 

Mr。 Swift; who had again lapsed into unconsciousness。 

     〃Do you think hethink he's going to die?〃 faltered Tom。 He was no 

longer the self…reliant young inventor。 He could meet danger bravely when 

it threatened himself alone; but when his father was stricken he seemed to 

lose all courage。 

     〃Die? Nonsense!〃 exclaimed the doctor heartily。 〃He's not dead yet; at 

all events; and while there's life there's hope。 I'll soon have him out of this 


     It   was   some   little   time;   however;   before   Mr。   Swift   again   opened   his 

eyes; but he seemed to gain strength from the remedies which Dr。 Gladby 

administered; and in about an hour the inventor could sit up。 

     〃But   you   must   be   careful;〃   cautioned   the   physician。   〃Don't   overdo 

yourself。   I'll   be   in   again   in   the   morning;   and   now   I'll   leave   you   some 

medicine; to be taken every two hours。〃 

     〃Oh;    I  feel   much    better;〃   said   Mr。   Swift;   and   his   voice   certainly 

seemed   Stronger。   〃I   can't   imagine   what   happened。   I   came   upstairs;   after 

Tom had received a visit from the minister; and that's all I remember。〃 


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            TOM SWIFT AND HIS SKY RACER or The Quickest Flight on Record 

     〃The    minister;    father!〃   exclaimed     Tom;    in  great   amazement。      〃The 

minister   wasn't   here   this   evening!   That   was   Mr。   Gunmore;   the   aviation 

secretary。 Don't you remember?〃 

     〃I don't remember any gentleman like that calling here to…night;〃 Mr。 

Swift said blankly。 〃It was the minister; I'm sure; Tom。〃 

     〃The minister was here last night; Mr。 Swift;〃 said the housekeeper。 

     〃Was he? Why; it seems like to…night。 And I came upstairs after talking 

to him; and then it all got black; andand〃 

     〃There; now; don't try to think;〃 advised the doctor。 〃You'll be all right 

in the morning。〃 

     〃But I can't remember anything about that aviation man;〃 protested Mr。 

Swift。 〃I never used to be that way forgetting things。 I don't like it!〃 

     〃Oh; it's just because you're tired;〃 declared the physician。 〃It will all 

come back to you in the morning。 I'll stop in and see you then。 Now try to 

go to sleep。〃 And he left the room。 

     Tom followed him; Mrs。 Baggert and Mr。 Jackson remaining with the 

sick man。 

     〃What is the matter with my father; Dr。 Gladby?〃 asked Tom earnestly; 

as the doctor prepared to take his departure。 〃Is it anything serious?〃 

     〃Well;〃 began the medical man; 〃I would not be doing my duty; Tom; 

if I did not tell you what it is。 That is; it is comparatively serious; but it is 

curable; and I think we can bring him around。 He has an affection of the 

heart; that; while it is common enough; is sometimes fatal。 

     〃But I  do   not   think it   will   be  so in   your   father's   case。 He  has   a  fine 

constitution;   and   this   would   never   have   happened   had   he   not   been   run 

down from overwork。 That is the principal trouble。 What he needs is rest; 

and then; with the proper remedies; he will be as well as before。〃 

     〃But that strange lapse of memory; doctor?〃 

     〃Oh;   that   is   nothing。   It   is   due   to   the   fact   that   he   has   been   using   his 

brain too much。 The brain protests; and refuses to work until rested。 Your 

father has been working rather hard of late hasn't he?〃 

     〃Yes; on a new wireless motor。〃 

     〃I thought so。 Well; a good rest is what he needs; and then his mind 

and body will be in tune again。 I'll be around in the morning。〃 


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            TOM SWIFT AND HIS SKY RACER or The Quickest Flight on Record 

     Tom was somewhat relieved by the doctor's words; but not very much 

so; and he spent an anxious night; getting up every two hours to administer 

the medicine。 Toward morning Mr。 Swift fell into a heavy sleep; and did 

not awaken for some time。 

     〃Oh; you're much better!〃 declared Dr。 Gladby when he saw his patient 

that day。 

     〃Yes; I feel better;〃 admitted Mr Swift。 

     〃And can't you remember about Mr。 Gunmore calling?〃 asked Tom。 

     The aged inventor shook his head; with a puzzled air。 

     〃I can't remember it at all;〃 he said。 〃The minister is the last person I 

remember calling here。〃 

     Tom looked worried; but the physician said it was a common feature 

of the disease from  which Mr。  Swift suffered;  and would doubtless pass 


     〃And you don't remember how we talked about me building a speedy 

aeroplane and trying for the ten…thousand…dollar prize?〃 asked Tom。 

     〃I can't remember a thing about it;〃 said the inventor; with a puzzled 

shake of his head; 〃and I'm not going to try; at least not right away。 But; 

Tom; if you're going to build a new aeroplane; I want to help you。 I'll give 

you the benefit of my advice。 I think my new form of motor can be used in 


     〃Now!      now!    No    inventionsat    least   not   just  yet!〃   objected    the 

physician。   〃You   must   have   a   good   rest   first;   Mr。   Swift;   and   get   strong。 

Then you and Tom can build as many airships as you like。〃 

     Mr。 Swift felt so much better about three days later that he wanted to 

get right to work planning the airship that was to win the big prize; but the 

doctor would not hear of it。 Tom; however; began to make rough sketches 

of what he had in mind changing them from time to time; He also worked 

on   a   type   of   motor;   very   light;   and   modeled   after   one   his   father   had 

recently patented。 

     Then a new idea came to Tom in regard to the shape of his aeroplane; 

and he worked several days drawing the plans for it。 It was a new idea in 

construction; and he believed it would give him the great speed he desired。 

     〃But I'd like dad to see it;〃 he said。 〃As soon as he's well enough I'll go 


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             TOM SWIFT AND HIS SKY RACER or The Quickest Flight on Record 

over it with him。〃 

     That   time   came   a   week   later;   and   with   a   complete   set   of   the   plans; 

embodying his latest ideas; Tom went into the library where his father was 

seated in   an   easy…chair。 Dr。  Gladby  had said   it   would not now  harm  the 

aged inventor to do a little work。 Tom spread the drawings out in front of 

his father; and began to explain them in detail。 

     〃I really think you have something great there; Tom!〃 exclaimed Mr。 

Swift; at length。 〃It is a very small monoplane; to be sure; but I think with 

the new principle you have introduced it will work; but; if I were you; I'd 

shape those wing tips a little differently。〃 

     〃No; they're better that way;〃 said Tom pleasantly; for he did not often 

disagree with his father。 〃I'll show you from a little model I have made。 I'll 

get it right away。〃 

     Anxious to   demonstrate that he   was   right   in   his theory; Tom  hurried 

from the library to get the model of which he had spoken。 He left the roll 

of plans lying on a small table near where his father was seated。 

     〃There;  you   see;   dad;〃   said   the   young   inventor   as   he   re…   entered   the 

library   a   few   minutes   later;   〃when   you   warp   the   wing   tips   in   making   a 

spiral ascent it throws your tail wings out of plumb; and so〃 

     Tom paused in some amazement; for Mr。 Swift was lying back in his 

chair; with his eyes closed。 The lad started in alarm; laid aside his model; 

and sprang to his father's side。 

     〃He's   had   another   of   those   heart   attacks!〃   gasped   Tom。   He   was   just 

going to call Mrs。 Baggert; when Mr。 Swift opened his eyes。 He looked at 

Tom; and the lad could see that they were bright; and did not show  any 

signs of illness。 

     〃Well; I declare!〃 exclaimed the inventor。 〃I must have dozed off; Tom; 

while you were gone。 That's what I did。 I fell asleep!〃 

     〃Oh!〃 said Tom; much relieved。 〃I was afraid you were ill again。 Now; 

in this model; as you will see by the plans; it is necessary〃 

     He paused; and looked over at the table where he had left the drawings。 

They were not there! 

     〃The   plans;   father!〃   Tom   exclaimed。   〃The   plans   I   left   on   the   table! 

Where are they?〃 


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