太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > b his sky racer(汤姆·史威夫特和他的空中赛艇) >


b his sky racer(汤姆·史威夫特和他的空中赛艇)-第31节

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when Tom was telling her about it a few days afterward。 

     〃No。 I guess I must apologize to him。〃 Which Tom did; but Andy did 

not receive it very graciously; especially as Tom accused him of trying to 

destroy the Humming…Bird。 

     Andy     denied    this   and   denied    having     anything    to   do   with   the 

mysterious fire; and; as there was no way to prove him guilty; Tom could 

not proceed against him。 So the matter was dropped。 

     Mr。 Swift continued to improve; and was soon himself again; and able 

to   resume     his  inventive    work。    Tom    received    several    offers  to   give 

exhibition flights at big aero meets; but refused; as he was busy on his new 

rifle。 Mr。 Damon helped him。 

     Andy   Foger   made   several   successful   flights   in   his   queer   aeroplane; 

which turned out to be the product of a German genius who was supplied 

with money by Mr。 Foger。 Andy became very proud; and boasted that he 

and the German were going abroad to give flights in Europe。 

     〃I'd be glad if he would;〃 said Tom; when he heard of the plan。 〃He 

wouldn't bother me then。〃 

     With   the   money   received   from   winning   the   big   race;   and   from   his 

contracts   from   the   Government;   Tom   Swift   was   now   in   a   fair   way   to 

become   quite   wealthy。   He   was   destined   to   have   many   more   adventures; 

yet; come what might; never would he forget the thrilling happenings that 

fell to his lot while flying for the ten…thousand dollar prize in his sky racer。 


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