太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > paul the peddler >


paul the peddler-第4节

小说: paul the peddler 字数: 每页4000字

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prizes。  I got one of 'em。〃

There was a group of half…a…dozen boys around Paul; two of whom

were about to invest; but on hearing thus they changed their

intention; and walked of in the direction of the post office。

Looking up; Paul saw that the boy who had injured his trade was

Mike; who had drawn the first fifty…cent prize from his


〃Can't you stop interfering?〃 he said; angrily。  〃I've lost two

customers by you。〃

〃If you don't like it; you can lump it;〃 said Mike; insolently。 

〃This is a free country; ain't it?〃

〃It's a mean trick;〃 said Paul; indignantly。

〃Say that ag'in; and I'll upset your basket;〃 returned Mike。

〃I'll say it as often as I like;〃 said Paul; who wasn't troubled

by cowardice。  〃Come on; if you want to。〃

Mike advanced a step; doubling his fists; but; finding that Paul

showed no particular sign of fear; he stopped short; saying:

〃I'll lick you some other time。〃

〃You'd better put it off;〃 said Paul。  〃Have a prize package;

sir?  Only five cents!〃

This was addressed to a young man who came out of an insurance


〃I don't mind if I do;〃 said the young man。  〃Five cents; is it? 

What prize may I expect?〃

〃The highest is ten cents。〃

〃There's a boy around the post office that gives fifty…cent

prizes; mister;〃 said Mike。  〃You'd better buy of him。〃

〃I'll wait till another time;〃 said the young man。  〃Here's the

money; Johnny。  Now for the package。〃

〃Look here;〃 said Paul; indignantly; when his customer had gone

away; 〃haven't you anything to do except to drive off my


〃Give me two cents on every package;〃 said Mike; 〃and I'll tell

'em you give dollar prizes。〃

〃That would be a lie; and I don't want to do business that way。〃

Mike continued his persecutions a while longer; and then turned

the corner into Nassau street。

〃I'm glad he's gone;〃 thought Paul。  〃Now there's a chance for


He managed after a while to sell twenty of his packages。  By this

time it was twelve o'clock; and he began to feel hungry。  He

resolved; therefore; to go home to dinner and come out again in

the afternoon。  He didn't know how much he had made; but probably

about fifty cents。  He had made more than double as much the day

before in less time; but then he did not suffer from competition。

He began to doubt whether he could long pursue this business;

since other competitors were likely to spring up。

As he walked by the post office he had the curiosity to look and

see how his competitor was getting along。

Teddy had started; originally; with seventy…five packages; but of

those scarcely a dozen were left。  A group of boys were around

him。  Among them was Mike; who was just on the point of buying

another package。  As before; he put it in his pocket; and it was

not till Teddy asked; 〃What luck; Mike?〃 that he drew it out;

and opening it again; produced fifty cents。

〃It's the big prize!〃  he said。  〃Sure I'm in luck; anyhow。〃

〃You're the boy that's lucky;〃 said Teddy; with a grin。

As Paul witnessed the scene a light broke upon him。  Now he

understood how Teddy could afford to give such large prizes。 

Mike and the other boy; Jim; were only confederates of hisdecoy

duckswho kept drawing over again the same prize; which was

eventually given back to Teddy。  It was plain now why Mike put

the package into his pocket before opening it。  It was to

exchange it for another packet into which the money had

previously been placed; but which was supposed by the lookers…on

to be the same that had just been purchased。  The prize could

afterward be placed in a new packet and used over again。

〃That ain't the same package;〃 said Paul; announcing his

discovery。  〃He had it all the while in his pocket。〃

〃Look here;〃 blustered Mike; 〃you jest mind your own business! 

That's the best thing for you。〃

〃Suppose I don't?〃

〃If you don't there may be a funeral to…morrow of a boy about

your size。〃

There was a laugh at Paul's expense; but he took it coolly。

〃I'll send you a particular invitation to attend; if I can get

anybody to go over to the island。〃

As Mike had been a resident at Blackwell's Island on two

different occasions; this produced a laugh at his expense; in the

midst of which Paul walked off。



〃Have you sold all your packages; Paul?〃 asked Jimmy; as our

hero entered the humble room; where the table was already spread

with a simple dinner。

〃No;〃 said Paul; 〃I only sold twenty。  I begin to think that the

prize…package business will soon be played out。〃


〃There's too many that'll go into it。〃

Here Paul related his experience of the morning; explaining how

it was that Teddy had managed to distance him in the competition。

〃Can't you do the same; Paul?〃 asked Jimmy。  〃Mother's got a

gold dollar she could lend you。〃

〃That might do;〃 said Paul; 〃but I don't know any boy I could

trust to draw it except you; and some of them would know we were


〃I think; Paul; that would be dishonest;〃 said Mrs。 Hoffman。  〃I

would rather make less; if I were you; and do it honestly。〃

〃Maybe you're right; mother。  I'll try it again this afternoon;

keeping as far away from Teddy as I can。  If I find I can't make

it go; I'll try some other business。〃

〃Jimmy; have you shown Paul your drawing?〃 said his mother。

〃Here it is; Paul;〃 said Jimmy; producing his drawing… book; from

which he had copied a simple design of a rustic cottage。

〃Why; that's capital; Jimmy;〃 said Paul; in real surprise。  〃I

had no idea you would succeed so well。〃

〃Do you really think so; Paul?〃 asked the little boy; much


〃I really do。  How long did it take you?〃

〃Only a short timenot more than half an hour; I should think;〃

said Mrs。 Hoffman。  〃I think Jimmy succeeded very well。〃

〃You'll make a great artist some time; Jimmy;〃 said Paul。

〃I wish I could;〃 said the little boy。  〃I should like to earn

some money; so that you and mother need not work so hard。〃

〃Hard work agrees with me。  I'm tough;〃 said Paul。  〃But when we

get to be men; Jimmy; we'll make so much money that mother

needn't work at all。  She shall sit in the parlor all day;

dressed in silk; with nothing to do。〃

〃I don't think I would enjoy that;〃 said Mrs。 Hoffman; smiling。

〃Will you be in the candy business; then; Paul?〃 said Jimmy。

〃No; Jimmy。  It would never do for the brother of a great artist

to be selling candy round the streets。  I hope I shall have

something better to do than that。〃

〃Sit down to dinner; Paul;〃 said his mother。  〃It's all ready。〃

The dinner was not a luxurious one。  There was a small plate of

cold meat; some potatoes; and bread and butter; but Mrs。 Hoffman

felt glad to be able to provide even that; and Paul; who had the

hearty appetite of a growing boy; did full justice to the fare。 

They had scarcely finished; when a knock was heard at the door。 

Paul; answering the summons; admitted a stout; pleasant…looking


〃The top of the mornin' to ye; Mrs。 Donovan;〃 said Paul; bowing


〃Ah; ye'll be afther havin' your joke; Paul;〃 said Mrs。 Donovan;

good…naturedly。  〃And how is your health; mum; the day?〃

〃I am well; thank you; Mrs。 Donovan;〃 said Mrs。 Hoffman。  〃Sit

down to the table; won't you?  We're just through dinner; but

there's something left。〃

〃Thank you; mum; I've jist taken dinner。  I was goin' to wash

this afternoon; and I thought maybe you'd have some little pieces

I could wash jist as well as not。〃

〃Thank you; Mrs。 Donovan; you are very kind; but you must have

enough work of your own to do。〃

〃I'm stout and strong; mum; and hard work agrees with me; but

you're a rale lady; and ain't used to it。  It's only a thrifle;

but if you want to pay me; you could do a bit of sewin' for me。 

I ain't very good with the needle。  My fingers is too coarse;


〃Thank you; Mrs。 Donovan; on those terms I will agree to your

kind offer。  Washing is a little hard for me。〃

Mrs。 Hoffman collected a few pieces; and; wrapping them up in a

handkerchief; handed them to her guest。

〃And now what have you been doin'; Jimmy darlint?〃 said Mrs。

Donovan; turning her broad; good…humored face toward the younger


〃I've been drawing a picture;〃 said Jimmy。  〃Would you like to

see it?〃

〃Now; isn't that illigant?〃 exclaimed Mrs。 Donovan; admiringly;

taking the picture and gazing at it with rapt admiration。  〃Who

showed you how to do it?〃

〃Paul bought me a book; and I copied it out of that。〃

〃You're a rale genius。  Maybe you'll make pictures some time like

them we have in the church; of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints。

Do you think you could draw me; now?〃 she asked; with curiosity。

〃I haven't

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