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paul the peddler-第19节

小说: paul the peddler 字数: 每页4000字

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〃How are you going to find out whether it will suit him?〃

〃Easily。  He is stopping at the same hotel with me。〃

〃What hotel is that?〃

〃Lovejoy's。  If you can spare the time and will come with me now;

we can arrange matters at once。  By the way; you can refer me to

some responsible citizen; who will guarantee you。  Not; of

course; that I have any doubts; but we business men are forced to

be cautious。〃

Paul mentioned Mr。 Preston's name。

〃Quite satisfactory;〃 answered the jeweler。  〃I know Mr。 Preston

personally; and as I am pressed for time; I will accept his name

without calling upon him。  What is your name?〃

〃Paul Hoffman。〃

〃I will note it down。〃

The gentleman from Syracuse drew out a memorandum book; in which

he entered Paul's name。

〃When you see Mr。 Preston; just mention my name; Felix


〃I will do so。〃

〃Say; if you please; that I would have called upon him; but;

coming to the city strictly on business; was too hurried to do


This also Paul promised; and counted himself fortunate in falling

in with a friend; or; at all events; acquaintance of Mr。 Preston;

since he was likely to make twenty…five dollars more than he

would otherwise have done。

When he got out of the car at the Astor House; the stranger said:

〃It will be half an hour before I can reach Lovejoy's; as I have

a business call to make first。  Can you call there; say; in

three…quarters of an hour?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Very well; then; I will expect you。  Inquire for me at the desk;

and ask the servant to conduct you to my room you remember my


〃Yes; sirMr。 Felix Montgomery。〃

〃Quite right。  Good…by; then; till we meet。〃

Mr。 Felix Montgomery went into the Astor House; and remained

about five minutes。  He then came out on the steps; and; looking

about him to see if Paul was anywhere near; descended the steps;

and walked across to Lovejoy's Hotel。  Going up to the desk; he


〃Can you accommodate me with a room?〃

〃Yes; sir; please enter your name。〃

The stranger entered his name with a flourish; as Felix

Montgomery; Syracuse。

〃Room No。 237;〃 said the clerk; 〃will you go up now?〃

〃Yes; I think so。〃

〃Any luggage?〃

〃My trunk will be brought from the St。 Nicholas in the course of

the afternoon。〃

〃We require payment in advance where there is no luggage。〃

〃Very well。  I will pay for one day。  I am not sure but I shall

get through my business in time to go away to…morrow。〃

Here the servant appeared to conduct Mr。 Montgomery to his room。

〃By the way;〃 he said; turning back; as if it were an

afterthought; 〃I directed a boy to call here for me in about half

an hour。  When he comes you may send him up to my room。〃

〃Very well; sir。〃

Mr。 Montgomery followed the servant upstairs to room No。 237。 

It was rather high up; but he seemed well pleased that this was

the case。

〃Hope you won't get tired of climbing; sir;〃 said the servant。

〃NoI've got pretty good wind。〃

〃Most gentlemen complain of going up so far。〃

〃It makes little difference to me。〃

At length they reached the room; and Mr。 Montgomery entered。

〃This will answer very well;〃 he said; with a hasty glance about

him。  〃When my trunk comes; I want it sent up。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃I believe that is all; you can go。〃

The servant retired and Mr。 Felix Montgomery sat down upon the


〃My little plot seems likely to succeed;〃 he said to himself。 

〃I've been out of luck lately; but this boy's ring will give me a

lift。  He can't suspect anything。  He'll be sure to come。〃

Probably the reader has already suspected that Mr。 Felix

Montgomery was not a jeweler from Syracuse; nor had he any claim

to the name under which he at present figured。  He was a noted

confidence man; who lived by preying upon the community。  His

appearance was in his favor; and it was his practice to assume

the dress and air of a respectable middle…aged citizen; as in the

present instance。  The sight of the diamond ring had excited his

cupidity; and he had instantly formed the design of getting

possession of it; if possible。  Thus far; his plan promised


Meanwhile; Paul loitered away the time in the City Hall Park for

half an hour or more。  He did not care to go home until his

negotiation was complete; and he could report the ring sold; and

carry home the money。

〃Won't mother be astonished;〃 he thought; 〃at the price I got for

the ring?  I'm in luck this morning。〃

When the stipulated time had passed; Paul rose from the bench on

which he was seated; and walked to Lovejoy's Hotel; not far


〃Has Mr。 Felix Montgomery a room here?〃 he asked。

〃Yes;〃 answered the clerk。  〃Did you wish to see him?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃He mentioned that a boy would call by appointment。  Here; James;

show this boy up to No。 237Mr。 Montgomery's room。〃

A hotel servant appeared; and Paul followed him up several

flights of stairs till they stood before No。 237。

〃This is the room; sir;〃 said James。  〃Wait a minute; and I'll


In answer to the knock; Mr。 Montgomery himself opened the door。

〃Come in;〃 he said to Paul; 〃I was expecting you。〃

So Paul; not suspecting treachery; entered No。 237。



〃Take a seat;〃 said Mr。 Montgomery。  〃My friend will be in

directly。  Meanwhile will you let me look at the ring once more?〃

Paul took it from his pocket; and handed it to the jeweler from

Syracuse; as he supposed him to be。

Mr。 Montgomery took it to the window; and appeared to be

examining it carefully。

He stood with his back to Paul; but this did not excite suspicion

on the part of our hero。

〃I am quite sure;〃 he said; still standing with his back to Paul;

〃that this will please my friend。  From the instructions he gave

me; it is precisely what he wanted。〃

While uttering these words; he had drawn a sponge and a vial of

chloroform from his side pocket。  He saturated the former from

the vial; and then; turning quickly; seized Paul; too much taken

by surprise to make immediate resistance; and applied the sponge

to his nose。  When he realized that foul play was meditated; he

began to struggle; but he was in a firm grasp; and the chloroform

was already beginning to do its work。  His head began to swim;

and he was speedily in a state of insensibility。  When this was

accomplished; Mr。 Felix Montgomery; eyeing the insensible boy

with satisfaction; put on his hat; walked quickly to the door;

which he locked on the outside; and made his way rapidly

downstairs。  Leaving the key at the desk; he left the hotel and


Meanwhile Paul slowly recovered consciousness。  As he came to

himself; he looked about him bewildered; not at first

comprehending where he was。  All at once it flashed upon him; and

he jumped up eagerly and rushed to the door。  He tried in vain to

open it。

〃I am regularly trapped!〃  he thought; with a feeling of mingled

anger and vexation。  〃What a fool I was to let myself be swindled

so easily!  I wonder how long I have been lying here insensible?〃

Paul was not a boy to give up easily。  He meant to get back the

ring if it was a possible thing。  The first thing was; of course;

to get out of his present confinement。  He was not used to hotel

arrangements and never thought of the bell; but; as the only

thing he could think of; began to pound upon the door。  But it so

happened that at this time there were no servants on that floor;

and his appeals for help were not heard。  Every moment that he

had to wait seemed at least five; for no doubt the man who had

swindled him was improving the time to escape to a place of

safety。  Finding that his blows upon the door produced no effect;

he began to jump up and down upon the floor; making; in his heavy

boots; a considerable noise。

The room directly under No。 237 was occupied by an old gentleman

of a very nervous and irascible temper; Mr。 Samuel Piper; a

country merchant; who; having occasion to be in the city on

business for a few days; had put up at Lovejoy's Hotel。  He had

fatigued himself by some business calls; and was now taking a

little rest upon the bed; when he was aroused from half…sleep by

the pounding overhead。

〃I wish people would have the decency to keep quiet;〃 he said to

himself; peevishly。  〃How can I rest with such a confounded

racket going on above!〃

He lay back; thinking the noise would cease; but Paul; finding

the knocking on the door ineffectual; began to jump up and down;

as I have already said。  Of course this noise was heard

distinctly in the room below。

〃This is getting intolerable!〃  exclaimed Mr。 Piper; becoming

more and more excited。  〃The man ought to be indicted as a common

nuisance。  How they can allow such go

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