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paul the peddler-第14节

小说: paul the peddler 字数: 每页4000字

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would do me; and I could buy a bully breakfast wid the money I'd

get for this。〃

Just at this moment he espied an empty barrela barrel

apparently quite new and in an unguarded position。  He resolved

to take it; but the affair must be managed slyly。

He lounged up to the barrel; and leaned upon it indolently。 

Then; in apparent unconsciousness; he began to turn it; gradually

changing its position。  If observed; he could easily deny all

felonious intentions。  This he kept up till he got round the

corner; when; glancing around to see if he was observed; he

quickly lifted it on his shoulder and marched off。

All this happened without his being observed by the owner of the

barrel。  But a policeman; who chanced to be going his rounds; had

been a witness of Jerry's little game。  He remained quiet till

Jerry's intentions became evident; then walked quietly up and put

his hand on his shoulder。

〃Put down that barrel!〃  he said; authoritatively。

Jerry had been indulging in visions of the breakfast he would get

with the twenty…five cents he expected to obtain for the barrel;

and the interruption was not an agreeable one。  But he determined

to brazen it out if possible。

〃What for will I put it down?〃 he said。

〃Because you have stolen it; that's why。〃

〃No;〃 said Jerry; 〃I'm carrying it round to my boss。  It's his。〃

〃Where do you work?〃

〃In Fourth street;〃 said Jerry; at random。

〃What number?〃

〃No。 136。〃

〃Then your boss will have to get some one in your place; for you

will have to come with me。〃

〃What for?〃

〃I saw you steal the barrel。  You're a barrel thief; and this

isn't the first time you've been caught at it。  Carry back the

barrel to the place you took it from and then come with me。〃

Jerry tried to beg off; but without avail。

At that moment Mike Donovan lounged up。  When he saw his friend

in custody; he felt a degree of satisfaction; remembering the

trick Jerry had played on him。

〃Where are you goin'; Jerry?〃 he asked; with a grin; as he

passed him。  〃Did ye buy that barrel to kape your shirt in?〃

Jerry scowled but thought it best not to answer; lest his

unlawful possession of the shirt might also be discovered; and

lead to a longer sentence。

〃He's goin' down to the island to show his new shirt;〃 thought

Mike; with a grin。  〃Maybe he'll set the fashion there。〃

Mike was right。  Jerry was sent to the island for two months;

there introducing Mr。 Preston's shirt to company little dreamed

of by its original proprietor。



The next day Mrs。 Hoffman commenced work upon Mr。 Preston's

shirts。  She worked with much more cheerfulness now that she was

sure of obtaining a liberal price for her labor。  As the shirts

were of extra size; she found herself unable to finish one in a

day; as she had formerly done; but had no difficulty in making

four in a week。  This; however; gave her five dollars weekly;

instead of a dollar and a half as formerly。  Now; five dollars

may not seem a very large sum to some of my young readers; but to

Mrs。 Hoffman it seemed excellent compensation for a week's work。

〃If I could only earn as much every week;〃 she said to Paul on

Saturday evening; 〃I should feel quite rich。〃

〃Your work will last three weeks; mother; and perhaps at the end

of that time some of Mr。 Preston's friends may wish to employ


〃I hope they will。〃

〃How much do you think I have made?〃 continued Paul。

〃Six dollars。〃

〃Seven dollars and a half。〃

〃So between us we have earned over twelve dollars。〃

〃I wish I could earn something;〃 said little Jimmy; looking up

from his drawing。

〃There's time enough for that; Jimmy。  You are going to be a

great artist one of these days。〃

〃Do you really think I shall?〃 asked the little boy; wistfully。

〃I think there is a good chance of it。  Let me see what you are


The picture upon which Jimmy was at work represented a farmer

standing upright in a cart; drawn by a sturdy; large…framed

horse。  The copy bore a close resemblance to the original; even

in the most difficult portionsthe face and expression; both in

the man and the horse; being carefully reproduced。

〃This is wonderful; Jimmy;〃 exclaimed Paul; in real surprise。 

〃Didn't you find it hard to get the man's face just right?〃

〃Rather hard;〃 said Jimmy; 〃I had to be careful; but I like best

the parts where I have to take the most pains。〃

〃I wish I could afford to hire a teacher for you;〃 said Paul。 

〃Perhaps; if mother and I keep on earning so much money; we shall

be able to some time。〃

By the middle of the next week six of the shirts were finished;

and Paul; as had been agreed upon; carried them up to Mr。

Preston。  He was fortunate enough to find him at home。

〃I hope they will suit you;〃 said Paul。

〃I can see that the sewing is excellent;〃 said Mr。 Preston;

examining them。  〃As to the fit; I can tell better after I have

tried one on。〃

〃Mother made them just like the one you sent; but if there is

anything wrong; she will; of course; be ready to alter them。〃

〃If they are just like the pattern; they will be sure to suit


〃And now; my young friend;〃 he added; 〃let me know how you are

getting on in your own business。〃

〃I am making a dollar a day; sometimes a little more。〃

〃That is very good。〃

〃Yes; sir; but it won't last long。〃

〃I believe you told me that the stand belonged to some one else。〃

〃Yes; sir; I am only tending it in his sickness; but he is

getting better; and when he gets about again; I shall be thrown

out of business。〃

〃But you don't look like one who would remain idle long。〃

〃No; sir; I shall be certain to find something to do; if it is

only blacking boots。〃

〃Have you ever been in that business?〃

〃I've tried about everything;〃 said Paul; laughing。

〃I suppose you wouldn't enjoy boot…blacking much?〃

〃No; sir; but I would rather do that than be earning nothing。〃

〃You are quite right there; and I am glad you have no false shame

in the matter。  There are plenty who have。  For instance; a

stout; broad…shouldered young fellow applied to me thus morning

for a clerkship。  He said he had come to the city in search of

employment; and had nearly expended all his money without finding

anything to do。  I told him I couldn't give him a clerkship; but

was in want of a porter。  I offered him the place at two dollars

per day。  He drew back; and said he should not be willing to

accept a porter's place。〃

〃He was very foolish;〃 said Paul。

〃So I thought。  I told him that if such were his feelings; I

could not help him。  Perhaps he may regret his refusal; when he

is reduced to his last penny。  By the way; whenever you have to

give up your stand; you may come to me; and I will see what I can

do for you。〃

〃Thank you; sir。〃

〃And now; about these shirts; I believe I agreed to pay a dollar

and a quarter each。〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃As they are of extra size; I think I ought to pay twelve

shillings; instead of ten。〃

〃My mother thinks herself well paid at ten shillings。〃

〃There must be a great deal of work about one。  Twelve shillings

are none too much;〃 and Mr。 Preston placed nine dollars in Paul's


〃Thank you;〃 said Paul; gratefully。  〃My mother will consider

herself very lucky。〃

When Mrs。 Hoffman received from Paul a dollar and a half more

than she anticipated; she felt in unusually good spirits。  She

had regretted the loss of her former poorly paid work; but it

appeared that her seeming misfortune had only prepared the way

for greater prosperity。  The trouble was that it would not last。 

Still; it would tide over the dull time; and when this job was

over; she might be able to resume her old employment。  At any

rate; while the future seemed uncertain; she did not feel like

increasing her expenditures on account of her increased earnings;

but laid carefully away three…quarters of her receipts to use

hereafter in case of need。

Meanwhile; Paul continued to take care of George Barry's

business。  He had been obliged to renew the stock; his large

sales having materially reduced it。  Twice a week he went up to

see his principal to report sales。  George Barry could not

conceal the surprise he felt at Paul's success。

〃I never thought you would do so well;〃 he said。  〃You beat me。〃

〃I suppose it's because I like it;〃 said Paul。  〃Then; as I get

only half the profits; I have to work the harder to make fair


〃It is fortunate for my son that he found you to take his place;〃

said Mrs。 Barry。  〃He could not afford to lose all the income

from his business。〃

〃It is a good thing for both of us;〃 said Paul。  〃I was looking

for a job just when he fell sick。〃

〃What had you been doing before?〃

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