太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > paul the peddler >


paul the peddler-第11节

小说: paul the peddler 字数: 每页4000字

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Paul found himself standing before a handsome house of brown

stone。  He ascended the steps; and inquired; on the door being

opened; if Mr。 Preston was at home。

〃I'll see;〃 said the servant。

She returned in a short time; and said: 〃He says you may come


Paul followed the servant; who pointed out a door at the head of

the first staircase。

Paul knocked; and; hearing 〃Come in〃 from within; he opened the

door and entered。

He found himself in a spacious chamber; handsomely furnished。 

Mr。 Preston; in dressing…gown and slippers; sat before a

cheerful; open fire。

〃Come and sit down by the fire;〃 he said; sociably。

〃Thank you; sir; I am warm with walking;〃 and Paul took a seat

near the door。

〃I am one of the cold kind;〃 said Mr。 Preston; 〃and have a fire

earlier than most people。  You come about the shirts; I suppose?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Will your mother undertake them?〃

〃With pleasure; sir。  She can no longer get work from the shop。〃

〃Business dull; I suppose?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Then I am glad I thought of giving her the commission。  How's

business with you to…day; eh?〃

〃Pretty good; sir。〃

〃How many neckties did you sell?〃

〃Nineteen; sir。〃

〃And how much do you get for that?〃

〃Nine shillings and a halfa dollar and eighteen cents。〃

〃That's pretty good for a boy like you。  When I was of your age I

was working on a farm for my board and clothes。〃

〃Were you; sir?〃 asked Paul; interested。

〃Yes; I was bound out till I was twenty…one。  At the end of that

time I was to receive a hundred dollars and a freedom suit to

begin the world with。  That wasn't a very large capital; eh?〃

〃No; sir。〃

〃But the death of my employer put an end to my apprenticeship at

the age of eighteen。  I hadn't a penny of money and was thrown

upon my own resources。  However; I had a pair of good strong

arms; and a good stock of courage。  I knew considerable about

farming; but I didn't like it。  I thought I should like trade

better。  So I went to the village merchant; who kept a small

dry…goods store; and arranged with him to supply me with a small

stock of goods; which I undertook to sell on commission for him。 

His business was limited; and having confidence in my honesty; he

was quite willing to intrust me with what I wanted。  So I set out

with my pack on my back and made a tour of the neighboring


Paul listened with eager interest。  He had his own way to make;

and it was very encouraging to find that Mr。 Preston; who was

evidently rich and prosperous; was no better off at eighteen than

he was now。 

〃You will want to know how I succeeded。  Well; at first only

moderately; but I think I had some tact in adapting myself to the

different classes of persons with whom I came in contact; at any

rate; I was always polite; and that helped me。  So my sales

increased; and I did a good thing for my employer as well as

myself。  He would have been glad to employ me for a series of

years; but I happened to meet a traveling salesman of a New York

wholesale house; who offered to obtain me a position similar to

his own。  As this would give me a larger field and larger

profits; I accepted gladly; and so changed the nature of my

employment。  I became very successful。  My salary was raised from

time to time; till it reached five thousand dollars。  I lived

frugally and saved money; and at length bought an interest in the

house by which I had been so long employed。  I am now senior

partner; and; as you may suppose; very comfortably provided for。

〃Do you know why I have told you this?〃 asked Mr。 Preston;

noticing the eagerness with which Paul had listened。

〃I don't know; sir; but I have been very much interested。〃

〃It is because I like to give encouragement to boys and young men

who are now situated as I used to be。  I think you are a smart


〃Thank you; sir。〃

〃And; though you are poor; you can lift yourself to prosperity;

if you are willing to work hard enough and long enough。〃

〃I am not afraid of work;〃 said Paul; promptly。

〃No; I do not believe you are。  I can tell by a boy's face; and

you have the appearance of one who is willing to work hard。  How

long have you been a street peddler?〃

〃About a year; sir。  Before that time my father was living; and I

was kept at school。〃

〃You will find the street a school; though of a different kind;

in which you can learn valuable lessons。  If you can get time in

the evening; however; it will be best to keep up your school


〃I am doing that now; sir。〃

〃That is well。  And now; about the shirts。  Did your mother say

how long it would take her to make them?〃

〃About three weeks; I think; sir。  Will that be soon enough?〃

〃That will do。  Perhaps it will be well; however; to bring half

the number whenever they are finished。〃

〃All right; sir。〃

〃I suppose your mother can cut them out if I send a shirt as a


〃Yes; sir。〃

Mr。 Preston rose; and; going to a bureau; took therefrom a shirt

which he handed to Paul。  He then wrote a few lines on a slip of

paper; which he also handed our hero。

〃That is an order on Barclay & Co。;〃 he explained; 〃for the

requisite materials。  If either you or your mother presents it;

they will be given you。〃

〃Very good; sir;〃 said Paul。

He took his cap; and prepared to go。

〃Good…evening; Mr。 Preston;〃 he said。

〃Good…evening。  I shall expect you with the shirts when they are


Paul went downstairs and into the street; thinking that Mr。

Preston was very sociable and agreeable。  He had fancied that

rich men were generally 〃stuck up;〃 but about Mr。 Preston there

seemed an absence of all pretense。  Paul's ambition was aroused

when he thought of the story he had heard; and he wondered

whether it would be possible for him to raise himself to wealth

and live in as handsome a house as Mr。 Preston。  He thought what

a satisfaction it would be if the time should ever come when he

could free his mother from the necessity of work; and give little

Jimmy a chance to develop his talent for drawing。  However; such

success must be a long way off; if it ever came。

He had intended to ride home; but his mind was so preoccupied

that he forgot all about it; and had got some distance on his way

before it occurred to him。  Then; not feeling particularly tired;

he concluded to keep on walking; as he had commenced。

〃It will save me six cents;〃 he reflected; 〃and that is

something。  If I am ever going to be a prosperous merchant; I

must begin to save now。〃

So he kept on walking。  Passing the Cooper Institute; he came

into the Bowery; a broad and busy street; the humble neighbor of

Broadway; to which it is nearly parallel。

He was still engaged in earnest thought; when he felt a rude slap

on the back。  Looking round; he met the malicious glance of Mike

Donovan; who probably would not have ventured on such a liberty

if he had not been accompanied by a boy a head taller than

himself; and; to judge from appearances; of about the same


〃What did you do that for; Mike?〃 demanded Paul。

〃None of your business。  I didn't hurt you; did I?〃 returned

Mike; roughly。

〃No; but I don't care to be hit that way by you。〃

〃So you're putting on airs; are you?〃

〃No; I don't do that;〃 returned Paul; 〃but I don't care about

having anything to do with you。〃

〃That's because you've got a new shirt; is it?〃 sneered Mike。

〃It isn't mine。〃

〃That's what I thought。  Who did you steal it from?〃

〃Do you mean to insult me; Mike Donovan?〃 demanded Paul;


〃Just as you like;〃 said Mike; independently。

〃If you want to know why I don't want to have anything to do with

you; I will tell you。〃

〃Tell ahead。〃

〃Because you're a thief。〃

〃If you say that again; I'll lick you;〃 said Mike; reddening with


〃It's true。  You stole my basket of candy the other day; and that

isn't the only time you've been caught stealing。〃

〃I'll give you the worst licking you ever had。  Do you want to

fight?〃 said Mike; flourishing his fist。

〃No; I don't;〃 said Paul。  〃Some time when I haven't a bundle;

I'll accommodate you。〃

〃You're a coward!〃  sneered Mike; gaining courage as he saw Paul

was not disposed for an encounter。

〃I don't think I am;〃 said Paul; coolly。

〃I'll hold your shirt;〃 said Mike's companion; with a grin; 〃if

you want to fight。〃

Paul; however; did not care to intrust the shirt to a stranger of

so unprepossessing an appearance。

He; therefore; attempted to pass on。  But Mike; encouraged by his

reluctance; stepped up and shook his fist within an inch of

Paul's nose; calling him at the same time a coward。  This was too

much for Paul's self…restraint。  He dropped the shirt and pitc

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