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the life of charlotte bronte-1-第52节

小说: the life of charlotte bronte-1 字数: 每页4000字

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ng at present; and I will endeavour to do so。〃

Of course her absent sister and brother obtained a holiday to welcome her return home; and in a few weeks she was spared to pay a visit to her friend at B。  But she was far from well or strong; and the short journey of fourteen miles seems to have fatigued her greatly。

Soon after she came back to Haworth; in a letter to one of the household in which she had been staying; there occurs this passage:… 〃Our poor little cat has been ill two days; and is just dead。  It is piteous to see even an animal lying lifeless。  Emily is sorry。〃  These few words relate to points in the characters of the two sisters; which I must dwell upon a little。  Charlotte was more than commonly tender in her treatment of all dumb creatures; and they; with that fine instinct so often noticed; were invariably attracted towards her。  The deep and exaggerated consciousness of her personal defectsthe constitutional absence of hope; which made her slow to trust in human affection; and; consequently; slow to respond to any manifestation of itmade her manner shy and constrained to men and women; and even to children。 We have seen something of this trembling distrust of her own capability of inspiring affection; in the grateful surprise she expresses at the regret felt by her Belgian pupils at her departure。  But not merely were her actions kind; her words and tones were ever gentle and caressing; towards animals:  and she quickly noticed the least want of care or tenderness on the part of others towards any poor brute creature。  The readers of 〃Shirley〃 may remember that it is one of the tests which the heroine applies to her lover。

〃Do you know what soothsayers I would consult?〃 。 。 。 〃The little Irish beggar that comes barefoot to my door; the mouse that steals out of the cranny in my wainscot; the bird in frost and snow that pecks at my window for a crumb; the dog that licks my hand and sits beside my knee。  I know somebody to whose knee the black cat loves to climb; against whose shoulder and cheek it likes to purr。 The old dog always comes out of his kennel and wags his tail; and whines affectionately when somebody passes。〃  'For 〃somebody〃 and 〃he;〃 read 〃Charlotte Bronte〃 and 〃she。〃'  〃He quietly strokes the cat; and lets her sit while he conveniently can; and when he must disturb her by rising; he puts her softly down; and never flings her from him roughly:  he always whistles to the dog; and gives him a caress。〃

The feeling; which in Charlotte partook of something of the nature of an affection; was; with Emily; more of a passion。  Some one speaking of her to me; in a careless kind of strength of expression; said; 〃she never showed regard to any human creature; all her love was reserved for animals。〃  The helplessness of an animal was its passport to Charlotte's heart; the fierce; wild; intractability of its nature was what often recommended it to Emily。  Speaking of her dead sister; the former told me that from her many traits in Shirley's character were taken; her way of sitting on the rug reading; with her arm round her rough bull… dog's neck; her calling to a strange dog; running past; with hanging head and lolling tongue; to give it a merciful draught of water; its maddened snap at her; her nobly stern presence of mind; going right into the kitchen; and taking up one of Tabby's red…hot Italian irons to sear the bitten place; and telling no one; till the danger was well…nigh over; for fear of the terrors that might beset their weaker minds。  All this; looked upon as a well… invented fiction in 〃Shirley;〃 was written down by Charlotte with streaming eyes; it was the literal true account of what Emily had done。  The same tawny bull…dog (with his 〃strangled whistle〃); called 〃Tartar〃 in 〃Shirley;〃 was 〃Keeper〃 in Haworth parsonage; a gift to Emily。  With the gift came a warning。  Keeper was faithful to the depths of his nature as long as he was with friends; but he who struck him with a stick or whip; roused the relentless nature of the brute; who flew at his throat forthwith; and held him there till one or the other was at the point of death。  Now Keeper's household fault was this。  He loved to steal upstairs; and stretch his square; tawny limbs; on the comfortable beds; covered over with delicate white counterpanes。  But the cleanliness of the parsonage arrangements was perfect; and this habit of Keeper's was so objectionable; that Emily; in reply to Tabby's remonstrances; declared that; if he was found again transgressing; she herself; in defiance of warning and his well…known ferocity of nature; would beat him so severely that he would never offend again。  In the gathering dusk of an autumn evening; Tabby came; half… triumphantly; half…tremblingly; but in great wrath; to tell Emily that Keeper was lying on the best bed; in drowsy voluptuousness。 Charlotte saw Emily's whitening face; and set mouth; but dared not speak to interfere; no one dared when Emily's eyes glowed in that manner out of the paleness of her face; and when her lips were so compressed into stone。  She went upstairs; and Tabby and Charlotte stood in the gloomy passage below; full of the dark shadows of coming night。  Down…stairs came Emily; dragging after her the unwilling Keeper; his hind legs set in a heavy attitude of resistance; held by the 〃scuft of his neck;〃 but growling low and savagely all the time。  The watchers would fain have spoken; but durst not; for fear of taking off Emily's attention; and causing her to avert her head for a moment from the enraged brute。  She let him go; planted in a dark corner at the bottom of the stairs; no time was there to fetch stick or rod; for fear of the strangling clutch at her throather bare clenched fist struck against his red fierce eyes; before he had time to make his spring; and; in the language of the turf; she 〃punished him〃 till his eyes were swelled up; and the half…blind; stupified beast was led to his accustomed lair; to have his swollen head fomented and cared for by the very Emily herself。  The generous dog owed her no grudge; he loved her dearly ever after; he walked first among the mourners to her funeral; he slept moaning for nights at the door of her empty room; and never; so to speak; rejoiced; dog fashion; after her death。  He; in his turn; was mourned over by the surviving sister。  Let us somehow hope; in half Red Indian creed; that he follows Emily now; and; when he rests; sleeps on some soft white bed of dreams; unpunished when he awakens to the life of the land of shadows。

Now we can understand the force of the words; 〃Our poor little cat is dead。  Emily is sorry。〃


The moors were a great resource this spring; Emily and Charlotte walked out on them perpetually; 〃to the great damage of our shoes; but I hope; to the benefit of our health。〃  The old plan of school…keeping was often discussed in these rambles; but in…doors they set with vigour to shirt…making for the absent Branwell; and pondered in silence over their past and future life。  At last they came to a determination。

〃I have seriously entered into the enterprise of keeping a school… …or rather; taking a limited number of pupils at home。  That is; I have begun in good earnest to seek for pupils。  I wrote to Mrs。〃 (the lady with whom she had lived as governess; just before going to Brussels); 〃not asking her for her daughterI cannot do that but informing her of my intention。  I received an answer from Mr。… …expressive of; I believe; sincere regret that I had not informed them a month sooner; in which case; he said; they would gladly have sent me their own daughter; and also Colonel S。's; but that now both were promised to Miss C。  I was partly disappointed by this answer; and partly gratified; indeed; I derived quite an impulse of encouragement from the warm assurance that if I had but applied a little sooner they would certainly have sent me their daughter。  I own I had misgivings that nobody would be willing to send a child for education to Haworth。  These misgivings are partly done away with。  I have written also to Mrs。 B。; and have enclosed the diploma which M。 Heger gave me before I left Brussels。  I have not yet received her answer; but I wait for it with some anxiety。  I do not expect that she will send me any of her children; but if she would; I dare say she could recommend me other pupils。  Unfortunately; she knows us only very slightly。  As soon as I can get an assurance of only ONE pupil; I will have cards of terms printed; and will commence the repairs necessary in the house。  I wish all that to be done before winter。  I think of fixing the board and English education at 25L。 per annum。〃

Again; at a later date; July 24th; in the same year; she writes:…

〃I am driving on with my small matter as well as I can。  I have written to all the friends on whom I have the slightest claim; and to some on whom I have no claim; Mrs。 B。; for example。  On her; also; I have actually made bold to call。  She was exceedingly polite; regretted that her children were already at school at Liverpool; thought the undertaking a most praiseworthy one; but feared I should have some difficulty in making it succeed on account of the SITUATION。  Such is the answer I receive from almost every one

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