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the life of charlotte bronte-1-第22节

小说: the life of charlotte bronte-1 字数: 每页4000字

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 their friends who were in the chapel。  Those who disapproved of the conduct of the singers; and sided with the minister; remained seated till the hymn was finished。  Then he gave out the chapter again; read it; and preached。  He was just about to conclude with prayer; when up started the singers and screamed forth another hymn。  These disgraceful scenes were continued for many weeks; and so violent was the feeling; that the different parties could hardly keep from blows as they came through the chapel…yard。  The minister; at last; left the place; and along with him went many of the most temperate and respectable part of the congregation; and the singers remained triumphant。

〃I believe that there was such a violent contest respecting the choice of a pastor; about this time; in the Upper Chapel at Heckmondwike; that the Riot Act had to be read at a church… meeting。〃

Certainly; the SOI…DISANT Christians who forcibly ejected Mr。 Redhead at Haworth; ten or twelve years before; held a very heathen brotherhood with the SOI…DISANT Christians of Heckmondwike; though the one set might be called members of the Church of England and the other Dissenters。

The letter from which I have taken the above extract relates throughout to the immediate neighbourhood of the place where Charlotte Bronte spent her school…days; and describes things as they existed at that very time。  The writer says;〃Having been accustomed to the respectful manners of the lower orders in the agricultural districts; I was at first; much disgusted and somewhat alarmed at the great freedom displayed by the working classes of Heckmondwike and Gomersall to those in a station above them。  The term 'lass;' was as freely applied to any young lady; as the word 'wench' is in Lancashire。  The extremely untidy appearance of the villagers shocked me not a little; though I must do the housewives the justice to say that the cottages themselves were not dirty; and had an air of rough plenty about them (except when trade was bad); that I had not been accustomed to see in the farming districts。  The heap of coals on one side of the house… door; and the brewing tubs on the other; and the frequent perfume of malt and hops as you walked along; proved that fire and 'home… brewed' were to be found at almost every man's hearth。  Nor was hospitality; one of the main virtues of Yorkshire; wanting。  Oat… cake; cheese; and beer were freely pressed upon the visitor。

〃There used to be a yearly festival; half…religious; half social; held at Heckmondwike; called 'The Lecture。'  I fancy it had come down from the times of the Nonconformists。  A sermon was preached by some stranger at the Lower Chapel; on a week…day evening; and the next day; two sermons in succession were delivered at the Upper Chapel。  Of course; the service was a very long one; and as the time was June; and the weather often hot; it used to be regarded by myself and my companions as no pleasurable way of passing the morning。  The rest of the day was spent in social enjoyment; great numbers of strangers flocked to the place; booths were erected for the sale of toys and gingerbread (a sort of 'Holy Fair'); and the cottages; having had a little extra paint and white…washing; assumed quite a holiday look。

〃The village of Gomersall〃 (where Charlotte Bronte's friend 〃Mary〃 lived with her family); 〃which was a much prettier place than Heckmondwike; contained a strange…looking cottage; built of rough unhewn stones; many of them projecting considerably; with uncouth heads and grinning faces carved upon them; and upon a stone above the door was cut; in large letters; 'SPITE HALL。'  It was erected by a man in the village; opposite to the house of his enemy; who had just finished for himself a good house; commanding a beautiful view down the valley; which this hideous building quite shut out。〃

Fearlessbecause this people were quite familiar to all of them amidst such a population; lived and walked the gentle Miss W…'s eight or nine pupils。  She herself was born and bred among this rough; strong; fierce set; and knew the depth of goodness and loyalty that lay beneath their wild manners and insubordinate ways。  And the girls talked of the little world around them; as if it were the only world that was; and had their opinions and their parties; and their fierce discussions like their elderspossibly; their betters。  And among them; beloved and respected by all; laughed at occasionally by a few; but always to her facelived; for a year and a half; the plain; short…sighted; oddly…dressed; studious little girl they called Charlotte Bronte。


Miss Bronte left Roe Head in 1832; having won the affectionate regard both of her teacher and her school…fellows; and having formed there the two fast friendships which lasted her whole life long; the one with 〃Mary;〃 who has not kept her letters; the other with 〃E。;〃 who has kindly entrusted me with a large portion of Miss Bronte's correspondence with her。  This she has been induced to do by her knowledge of the urgent desire on the part of Mr。 Bronte that the life of his daughter should be written; and in compliance with a request from her husband that I should be permitted to have the use of these letters; without which such a task could be but very imperfectly executed。  In order to shield this friend; however; from any blame or misconstruction; it is only right to state that; before granting me this privilege; she throughout most carefully and completely effaced the names of the persons and places which occurred in them; and also that such information as I have obtained from her bears reference solely to Miss Bronte and her sisters; and not to any other individuals whom I may find it necessary to allude to in connection with them。

In looking over the earlier portion of this correspondence; I am struck afresh by the absence of hope; which formed such a strong characteristic in Charlotte。  At an age when girls; in general; look forward to an eternal duration of such feelings as they or their friends entertain; and can therefore see no hindrance to the fulfilment of any engagements dependent on the future state of the affections; she is surprised that 〃E。〃 keeps her promise to write。 In after…life; I was painfully impressed with the fact; that Miss Bronte never dared to allow herself to look forward with hope; that she had no confidence in the future; and I thought; when I heard of the sorrowful years she had passed through; that it had been this pressure of grief which had crushed all buoyancy of expectation out of her。  But it appears from the letters; that it must have been; so to speak; constitutional; or; perhaps; the deep pang of losing her two elder sisters combined with a permanent state of bodily weakness in producing her hopelessness。  If her trust in God had been less strong; she would have given way to unbounded anxiety; at many a period of her life。  As it was; we shall see; she made a great and successful effort to leave 〃her times in His hands。〃

After her return home; she employed herself in teaching her sisters; over whom she had had superior advantages。  She writes thus; July 21st; 1832; of her course of life at the parsonage:…

〃An account of one day is an account of all。  In the morning; from nine o'clock till half…past twelve; I instruct my sisters; and draw; then we walk till dinner…time。  After dinner I sew till tea… time; and after tea I either write; read; or do a little fancy… work; or draw; as I please。  Thus; in one delightful; though somewhat monotonous course; my life is passed。  I have been only out twice to tea since I came home。  We are expecting company this afternoon; and on Tuesday next we shall have all the female teachers of the Sunday…school to tea。〃

I may here introduce a quotation from a letter which I have received from 〃Mary〃 since the publication of the previous editions of this memoir。

〃Soon after leaving school she admitted reading something of Cobbett's。  'She did not like him;' she said; 'but all was fish that came to her net。'  At this time she wrote to me that reading and drawing were the only amusements she had; and that her supply of books was very small in proportion to her wants。  She never spoke of her aunt。  When I saw Miss Branwell she was a very precise person; and looked very odd; because her dress; &c。; was so utterly out of fashion。  She corrected one of us once for using the word 'spit' or 'spitting。'  She made a great favourite of Branwell。  She made her nieces sew; with purpose or without; and as far as possible discouraged any other culture。  She used to keep the girls sewing charity clothing; and maintained to me that it was not for the good of the recipients; but of the sewers。  'It was proper for them to do it;' she said。  Charlotte never was 'in wild excitement' that I know of。  When in health she used to talk better; and indeed when in low spirits never spoke at all。  She needed her best spirits to say what was in her heart; for at other times she had not courage。  She never gave decided opinions at such times 。 。 。

〃Charlotte said she could get on with any one who had a bump at the top of their heads (meaning conscientiousness)。  I found that I seldom differed from her; except that she was far too t

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