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the complete angler-第5节

小说: the complete angler 字数: 每页4000字

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ore。 Of these I might speak; but I must in manners break off; for I see Theobald's House。 I cry you mercy for being so long; and thank you for your patience。

Auceps。 Sir; my pardon is easily granted you: I except against nothing that you have said: nevertheless; I must part with you at this park…wall; for which I am very sorry; but I assure you; Mr。 Piscator; I now part with you full of good thoughts; not only of yourself; but your recreation。 And so; Gentlemen; God keep you both。

Piscator。 Well; now; Mr。 Venator; you shall neither want time; nor my attention to hear you enlarge your discourse concerning hunting。

Venator。 Not I; Sir: I remember you said that Angling itself was of great antiquity; and a perfect art; and an art not easily attained to; and you have so won upon me in your former discourse; that I am very desirous to hear what you can say further concerning those particulars。

Piscator。 Sir; I did say so: and I doubt not but if you and I did converse together but a few hours; to leave you possessed with the same high and happy thoughts that now possess me of it; not only of the antiquity of Angling; but that it deserves commendations; and that it is an art; and an art worthy the knowledge and practice of a wise man。

Venator。 Pray; Sir; speak of them what you think fit; for we have yet five miles to the Thatched House; during which walk; I dare promise you; my patience and diligent attention shall not be wanting。 And if you shall make that to appear which you have undertaken; first; that it is an art; and an art worth the learning; I shall beg that I may attend you a day or two a…fishing; and that I may become your scholar; and be instructed in the art itself which you so much magnify。

Piscator。 O; Sir; doubt not but that Angling is an art; is it not an art to deceive a Trout with an artificial Fly ? a Trout ! that is more sharp… sighted than any Hawk you have named; and more watchful and timorous than your high…mettled Merlin is bold ? and yet; I doubt not to catch a brace or two to…morrow; for a friend's breakfast: doubt not therefore; Sir; but that angling is an art; and an worth your learning。 The question is rather; whether you be capable of learning it? angling is somewhat like poetry; men are to be born so: I mean; with inclinations to it; though both may be heightened by discourse and practice: but he that hopes to be a good angler; must not only bring an inquiring; searching; observing wit; but he must bring a large measure of hope and patience; and a love and propensity to the art itself; but having once got and practiced it; then doubt not but angling will prove to be so pleasant; that it will prove to be; like virtue; a reward to itself。

Venator。 Sir; I am now become so full of expectation; that I long much to have you proceed; and in the order that you propose。

Piscator。 Then first; for the antiquity of Angling; of which I shall not say much; but only this; some say it is as ancient as Deucalion's flood: others; that Belus; who was the first inventor of godly and virtuous recreations; was the first inventor of Angling: and some others say; for former times have had their disquisitions about the antiquity of it; that Seth; one of the sons of Adam; taught it to his sons; and that by them it was derived to posterity: others say that he left it engraver on those pillars which he erected; and trusted to preserve the knowledge of the mathematicks; musick; and the rest of that precious knowledge; and those useful arts; which by God's appointment or allowance; and his noble industry; were thereby preserved from perishing in Noah's flood。

These; Sir; have been the opinions of several men; that have possibly endeavoured to make angling more ancient than is needful; or may well be warranted; but for my part; I shall content myself in telling you; that angling is much more ancient than the incarnation of our Saviour; for in the Prophet Amos mention is made of fish…hooks; and in the book of Job; which was long before the days of Amos; for that book is said to have been written by Moses; mention is made also of fish…hooks; which must imply anglers in those times。

But; my worthy friend; as I would rather prove myself a gentleman; by being learned and humble; valiant and inoffensive; virtuous and communicable; than by any fond ostentation of riches; or; wanting those virtues myself; boast that these were in my ancestors; and yet I grant; that where a noble and ancient descent and such merit meet in any man; it is a double dignification of that person; so if this antiquity of angling; which for my part I have not forced; shall; like an ancient family; be either an honour; or an ornament to this virtuous art which I profess to love and practice; I shall be the gladder that I made an accidental mention of the antiquity of it; of which I shall say no more; but proceed to that just commendation which I think it deserves。

And for that; I shall tell you; that in ancient times a debate hath risen; and it remains yet unresolved; whether the happiness of man in this world doth consist more in contemplation or action? Concerning which; some have endeavoured to maintain their opinion of the first; by saying; that the nearer we mortals come to God by way of imitation; the more happy we are。 And they say; that God enjoys himself only; by a contemplation of his own infiniteness; eternity; power; and goodness; and the like。 And upon this ground; many cloisteral men of great learning and devotion; prefer contemplation before action。 And many of the fathers seem to approve this opinion; as may appear in their commentaries upon the words of our Saviour to Martha。

And on the contrary; there want not men of equal authority and credit; that prefer action to be the more excellent; as namely; experiments in physick; and the application of it; both for the ease and prolongation of man's life; by which each man is enabled to act and do good to others; either to serve his country; or do good to particular persons: and they say also; that action is doctrinal; and teaches both art and virtue; and is a maintainer of human society; and for these; and other like reasons; to be preferred before contemplation。

Concerning which two opinions I shall forbear to add a third; by declaring my own; and rest myself contented in telling you; my very worthy friend; that both these meet together; and do most properly belong to the most honest; ingenuous; quiet; and harmless art of angling。

And first; I shall tell you what some have observed; and I have found it to be a real truth; that the very sitting by the river's side is not only the quietest and fittest place for contemplation; but will invite an angler to it: and this seems to be maintained by the learned Peter du Moulin; who; in his discourse of the fulfilling of Prophecies; observes; that when God intended to reveal any future events or high notions to his prophets; he then carried them either to the deserts; or the sea…shore; that having so separated them from amidst the press of people and business; and the cares of the world; he might settle their mind in a quiet repose; and there make them fit for revelation。

And this seems also to be imitated by the children of Israel; who having in a sad condition banished all mirth and musick from their pensive hearts; and having hung up their then mute harps upon the willow…trees growing by the rivers of Babylon; sat down upon those banks; bemoaning the ruins of Sion; and contemplating their own sad condition。

And an ingenious Spaniard says; that 〃 rivers and the inhabitants of the watery element were made for wise men to contemplate; and fools to pass by without consideration 〃。 And though I will not rank myself in the number of the first; yet give me leave to free myself from the last; by offering to you a short contemplation; first of rivers; and then of fish; concerning which I doubt not but to give you many observations that will appear very considerable: I am sure they have appeared so to me; and made many an hour pass away more pleasantly; as I have sat quietly on a flowery bank by a calm river; and contemplated what I shall now relate to you。

And first concerning rivers; there be so many wonders reported and written of them; and of the several creatures that be bred and live in them; and those by authors of so good credit; that we need not to deny them an historical faith。

As namely of a river in Epirus that puts out any lighted torch; and kindles any torch that was not lighted。 Some waters being drunk; cause madness; some drunkenness; and some laughter to death。 The river Selarus in a few hours turns a rod or wand to stone: and our Camden mentions the like in England; and the like in Lochmere in Ireland。 There is also a river in Arabia; of which all the sheep that drink thereof have their wool turned into a vermilion colour。 And one of no less credit than Aristotle; tells us of a merry river; the river Elusina; that dances at the noise of musick; for with musick it bubbles; dances; and grows sandy; and so continues till the musick ceases; but then it presently returns to its wonted calmness and clearness。 And Camden tells us of a well near to Kirby; in Westmoreland; that ebbs and flows several times every day: and 

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