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the complete angler-第33节

小说: the complete angler 字数: 每页4000字

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and yet; upon inquiry; I found it did not answer the expectation of Sir Henry; which; with the help of this and other circumstances; makes me have little belief in such things as many men talk of。 Not but that I think that fishes both smell and hear; as I have express in my former discourse: but there is a mysterious knack; which though it be much easier than the philosopher's stone; yet is not attainable by common capacities; or else lies locked up in the brain or breast of some chemical man; that; like the Rosicrucians; will not yet reveal it。 But let me nevertheless tell you; that camphire; put with moss into your worm…bag with your worms; makes them; if many anglers be not very much mistaken; a tempting bait; and the angler more fortunate。 But I stepped by chance into this discourse of oils; and fishes smelling; and though there might be more said; both of it and of baits for Roach and Dace and other float…fish; vet I will for bear it at this time; and tell you; in the next place; how you are to prepare your tackling: concerning which; I will; for sport sake; give you an old rhyme out of an old fish book; which will prove a part; and but a part; of what you are to provide。

My rod and my line; my float and my lead; My hook and my plummet; my whetstone and knife; My basket; my baits; both living and dead; My net; and my meat; for that is the chief: Then I must have thread; and hairs green and small; With mine angling purse: and so you have all。

But you must have all these tackling; and twice so many more; with which; if you mean to be a fisher; you must store yourself; and to that purpose I will go with you; either to Mr。 Margrave; who dwells amongst the book…sellers in St。 Paul's Church…yard; or to Mr。 John Stubs; near to the Swan in Goldinglane: they be both honest; an; and will fit an angler with what tackling he lacks。

Venator。 Then; good master; let it be at for he is nearest to my dwelling。 And I pray let's meet there the ninth of May next; about two of the clock; and I'll want nothing that a fisher should be furnished with。

Piscator。 Well; and I'll not fail you; God willing; at the time and place appointed。

Venator。 I thank you; good master; and I will not fail you。 And; good master; tell me what BAITS more you remember; for it will not now be long ere we shall be at Tottenham…High…Cross; and when we come thither I will make you some requital of your pains; by repeating as choice a copy of Verses as any we have heard since we met together; and that is a proud word; for we have heard very good ones。

Piscator Well; scholar; and I shall be then right glad to hear them。 And I will; as we walk; tell you whatsoever comes in my mind; that I think may be worth your hearing。 You may make another choice bait thus: take a handful or two of the best and biggest wheat you can get; boil it in a little milk; like as frumity is boiled; boil it so till it be soft; and then fry it; very leisurely; with honey; and a little beaten saffron dissolved in milk; and you will find this a choice bait; and good; I think; for any fish; especially for Roach; Dace; Chub; or Grayling: I know not but that it may be as good for a river Carp; and especially if the ground be a little baited with it。

And you may also note; that the SPAWN of most fish is a very tempting bait; being a little hardened on a warm tile and cut into fit pieces。 Nay; mulberries; and those black…berries which grow upon briars; be good baits for Chubs or Carps: with these many have been taken in ponds; and in some rivers where such trees have grown near the water; and the fruit customarily drops into it。 And there be a hundred other baits; more than can be well named; which; by constant baiting the water; will become a tempting bait for any fish in it。

You are also to know; that there be divers kinds of CADIS; or Case… worms; that are to be found in this nation; in several distinct counties; in several little brooks that relate to bigger rivers; as namely; one cadis called a piper; whose husk; or case; is a piece of reed about an inch long; or longer; and as big about as the compass of a two…pence。 These worms being kept three or four days in a woollen bag; with sand at the bottom of it; and the bag wet once a day; will in three or four days turn to be yellow; and these be a choice bait for the Chub or Chavender; or indeed for any great fish; for it is a large bait。

There is also a lesser cadis…worm; called a Cockspur; being in fashion like the spur of a cock; sharp at one end: and the case; or house。 in which this dwells; is made of small husks; and gravel; and slime; most curiously made of these; even so as to be wondered at; but not to be made by man; no more than a king…fisher's nest can; which is made of little fishes' bones; and have such a geometrical interweaving and connection as the like is not to be done by the art of man。 This kind of cadis is a choice bait for any float…fish; it is much less than the piper… cadis; and to be so ordered: and these may be so preserved; ten; fifteen; or twenty days; or it may be longer。

There is also another cadis; called by some a Straw…worm; and by some a Ruff…coat; whose house; or case; is made of little pieces of bents; and rushes; and straws; and water…weeds; and I know not what; which are so knit together with condensed slime; that they stick about her husk or case; not unlike the bristles of a hedge…hog。 These three cadises are commonly taken in the beginning of summer; and are good; indeed; to take any kind of fish; with float or otherwise。 I might tell you of many more; which as they do early; so those have their time also of turning to be flies in later summer; but I might lose myself; and tire you; by such a discourse: I shall therefore but remember you; that to know these; and their several kinds; and to what flies every particular cadis turns; and then how to use them; first as they be cadis; and after as they be flies; is an art; and an art that every one that professes to be an angler has not leisure to search after; and; if he had; is not capable of learning。

I'll tell you; scholar; several countries have several kinds of cadises; that indeed differ as much as dogs do; that is to say; as much as a very cur and a greyhound do。 These be usually bred in the very little rills; or ditches; that run into bigger rivers; and I think a more proper bait for those very rivers than any other。 I know not how; or of what; this cadis receives life; or what coloured fly it turns to; but doubtless they are the death of many Trouts: and this is one killing way:

Take one; or more if need be; of these large yellow cadis: pull off his head; and with it pull out his black gut; put the body; as little bruised as is possible; on a very little hook; armed on with a red hair; which will shew like the cadis…head; and a very little thin lead; so put upon the shank of the hook that it may sink presently。 Throw this bait; thus ordered; which will look very yellow; into any great still hole where a Trout is; and he will presently venture his life for it; it is not to be doubted; if you be not espied; and that the bait first touch the water before the line。 And this will do best in the deepest stillest water。

Next; let me tell you; I have been much pleased to walk quietly by a brook; with a little stick in my hand; with which I might easily take these; and consider the curiosity of their composure: and if you should ever like to do so; then note; that your stick must be a little hazel; or willow; cleft; or have a nick at one end of it; by which means you may; with ease; take many of them in that nick out of the water; before you have any occasion to use them。 These; my honest scholar; are some observations; told to you as they now come suddenly into my memory; of which you may make some use: but for the practical part; it is that that makes an angler: it is diligence; and observation; and practice; and an ambition to be the best in the art; that must do it。 I will tell you; scholar; I once heard one say; 〃 I envy not him that eats better meat than I do; nor him that is richer; or that wears better clothes than I do: I envy nobody but him; and him only; that catches more fish than I do 〃。 And such a man is like to prove an angler; and this noble emulation I wish to you; and all young anglers。

The FIFTH day…continued

Of the Minnow; or Penk; Loach; Bull…Head; or Miller's… Thumb: and the Stickle…bag

Chapter XVIII

Piscator and Venator

Piscator。 There be also three or four other little fish that I had almost forgot; that are all without scales; and may for excellency of meat; be compared to any fish of greatest value and largest size。 They be usually full of eggs or spawn; all the months of summer; for they breed often; as 'tis observed mice and many of the smaller four…footed creatures of the earth do and as those; so these come quickly to their full growth and perfection。 And it is needful that they breed both often and numerously; for they be; besides other accidents of ruin; both a prey and baits for other fish。 And first I shall tell you of the Minnow or Penk。

The MINNOW hath; when he is in perfect season; and not sick; which is only presently after spawning; a kind of dappled or waved colour; like to

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