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the complete angler-第16节

小说: the complete angler 字数: 每页4000字

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 place for his abode; nor any certain kind of herb or flower for his feeding; but will boldly and disorderly wander up and down; and not endure to be kept to a diet; or fixt to a particular place。

Nay; the very colours of caterpillars are; as one has observed; very elegant and beautiful I shall; for a taste of the rest; describe one of them; which I will; some time the next month; shew you feeding on a willow…tree; and you shall find him punctually to answer this very description: his lips and mouth somewhat yellow; his eyes black as jet; his forehead purple; his feet and hinder parts green; his tail two…forked and black; the whole body stained with a kind of red spots; which run along the neck and shoulder…blade; not unlike the form of St。 Andrew's cross; or the letter X; made thus crosswise; and a white line drawn down his back to his tail; all which add much beauty to his whole body。 And it is to me observable; that at a fixed age this caterpillar gives over to eat; and towards winter comes to be covered over with a strange shell or crust; called an aurelia; and so lives a kind of dead life; without eating all the winter。 And as others of several kinds turn to be several kinds of flies and vermin; the Spring following; so this caterpillar then turns to be a painted butterfly。

Come; come; my scholar; you see the river stops our morning walk: and I will also here stop my discourse: only as we sit down under this honeysuckle hedge; whilst I look a line to fit the rod that our brother Peter hath lent you; I shall; for a little confirmation of what I have said; repeat the observation of Du Bartas:

God; not contented to each kind to give And to infuse the virtue generative; Made; by his wisdom; many creatures breed Of lifeless bodies。 without Venus' deed。

So; the cold humour breeds the Salamander; Who; in effect; like to her birth's commander; With child with hundred winters; with her touch Quencheth the fire; tho'glowing ne'er so much。

So of the fire; in burning furnace; springs The fly Pyrausta with the flaming wings: Without the fire; it dies: within it joys; Living in that which each shine else destroys。

So; slow Bo?tes underneath him sees In th' icy isles those goslings hatch'd of trees; Whose fruitful leaves; falling into the water; Are turn'd; they say; to living fowls soon after。

So; rotten sides of broken ships do change To barnacles。 O transformation strange! 'Twas first a green tree; then; a gallant hull; Lately a mushroom; now; a flying gull。

Venator。 O my good master; this morning…walk has been spent to my great pleasure and wonder: but; I pray; when shall I have your direction how to make artificial flies; like to those that the Trout loves best; and; also; how to use them ?

Piscator。 My honest scholar; it is now past five of the clock: we will fish till nine; and then go to breakfast。 Go you to yonder sycamore…tree; and hide your bottle of drink under the hollow root of it; for about that time; and in that place; we will make a brave breakfast with a piece of powdered beef; and a radish or two; that I have in my fish bag: we shall; I warrant you; make a good; honest; wholesome hungry breakfast。 And I will then give you direction for the making and using of your flies: and in the meantime; there is your rod and line; and my advice is; that you fish as you see me do; and let's try which can catch the first fish。

Venator。 I thank you; master。 I will observe and practice your direction as far as I am able。

Piscator。 Look you; scholar; you see I have hold of a good fish: I now see it is a Trout。 I pray; put that net under him; and touch not my line; for if you do; then we break all。 Well done; scholar: I thank you。

Now for another。 Trust me; I have another bite。 Come; scholar; come lay down your rod; and help me to land this as you did the other。 So now we shall be sure to have a good dish of fish for supper。

Venator。 I am glad of that: but I have no fortune: sure; master; yours is a better rod and better tackling。

Piscator。 Nay; then; take mine; and I will fish with yours。 Look you; scholar; I have another。 Come; do as you did before。 And now I have a bite at another。 Oh me!  he has broke all: there's half a line and a good hook lost。

Venator。 Ay; and a good Trout too。

Piscator。 Nay; the Trout is not lost; for pray take notice; no man can lose what he never had。

Venator。 Master; I can neither catch with the first nor second angle: I have no fortune。

Piscator。 Look you; scholar; I have yet another。 And now; having caught three brace of Trouts; I will tell you a short tale as we walk towards our breakfast。 A scholar; a preacher I should say; that was to preach to procure the approbation of a parish that he might be their lecturer; had got from his fellow…pupil the copy of a sermon that was first preached with great commendation by him that composed it: and though the borrower of it preached it; word for word; as it was at first; yet it was utterly disliked as it was preached by the second to his congregation; which the sermon…borrower complained of to the lender of it: and was thus answered: 〃 I lent you; indeed; my fiddle; but not my fiddle…stick; for you are to know; that every one cannot make musick with my words; which are fitted for my own mouth〃。 And so; my scholar; you are to know; that as the ill pronunciation or ill accenting of words in a sermon spoils it; so the ill carriage of your line; or not fishing even to a foot in a right place; makes you lose your labour: and you are to know; that though you have my fiddle; that is; my very rod and tacklings with which you see I catch fish; yet you have not my fiddle…stick; that is; you yet have not skill to know how to carry your hand and line; nor how to guide it to a right place: and this must be taught you; for you are to remember; I told you Angling is an art; either by practice or a long observation; or both。 But take this for a rule; When you fish for a Trout with a worm; let your line have so much; and not more lead than will fit the stream in which you fish; that is to say; more in a great troublesome stream than in a smaller that is quieter; as near as may be; so much as will sink the bait to the bottom; and keep it still in motion; and not more。

But now; let's say grace; and fall to breakfast。 What say you; scholar; to the providence of an old angler ? Does not this meat taste well? and was not this place well chosen to eat it? for this sycamore…tree will shade us from the sun's heat。

Venator。 All excellent good; and my stomach excellent good; too。 And now I remember; and find that true which devout Lessius says; 〃 that poor men; and those that fast often; have much more pleasure in eating than rich men; and gluttons; that always feed before their stomachs are empty of their last meat and call for more; for by that means they rob themselves of that pleasure that hunger brings to poor men〃。 And I do seriously approve of that saying of yours; 〃 that you had rather be a civil; well…governed; well…grounded; temperate; poor angler; than a drunken lord 〃: but I hope there is none such。 However; I am certain of this; that I have been at many very costly dinners that have not afforded me half the content that this has done; for which I thank God and you。

And now; good master; proceed to your promised direction for making and ordering my artificial fly。

Piscator。 My honest scholar; I will do it; for it is a debt due unto you by my promise。 And because you shall not think yourself more engaged to me than indeed you really are; I will freely give you such directions as were lately given to me by an ingenious brother of the angle; an honest man; and a most excellent fly…fisher。

You are to note; that there are twelve kinds of artificial made Flies; to angle with upon the top of the water。 Note; by the way; that the fittest season of using these is in a blustering windy day; when the waters are so troubled that the natural fly cannot be seen; or rest upon them。 The first is the dun…fly; in March: the body is made of dun wool; the wings; of the partridge's feathers。 The second is another dun…fly: the body; of black wool; and the wings made of the black drake's feathers; and of the feathers under his tail。 The third is the stone…fly; in April: the body is made of black wool; made yellow under the wings and under the tail; and so made with wings of the drake。 The fourth is the ruddy…fly; in the beginning of May: the body made of red wool; wrapt about with black silk; and the feathers are the wings of the drake; with the feathers of a red capon also; which hang dangling on his sides next to the tail。 The fifth is the yellow or greenish fly; in May likewise: the body made of yellow wool; and the wings made of the red cock's hackle or tail。 The sixth is the black…fly; in May also: the body made of black wool; and lapt about with the herle of a peacock's tail: the wings are made of the wings of a brown capon; with his blue feathers in his head。 The seventh is the sad yellow…fly in June: the body is made of black wool; with a yellow list on either side; and the wings taken off the wings of a buzzard; bound with black braked hemp。 The eighth is the moorish…fly; made; with the body; of duskish wool; and the wings made of the 

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