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the complete angler-第13节

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 that was sung by your daughter when I last passed over this meadow; about eight or nine days since。

Milk…woman。 What song was it; I pray?  Was it; 〃 Come; Shepherds; deck your herds 〃 ? or; 〃 As at noon Dulcina rested 〃 ? or; 〃 Phillida flouts me 〃 ? or; 〃 Chevy Chace 〃 ? or; 〃 Johnny Armstrong 〃 ? or; 〃 Troy Town 〃 ?

Piscator。 No; it is none of those; it is a Song that your daughter sung the first part; and you sung the answer to it。

Milk…woman。 O; I know it now。 I learned the first part in my golden age; when I was about the age of my poor daughter; and the latter part; which indeed fits me best now; but two or three years ago; when the cares of the world began to take hold of me: but you shall; God willing; hear them both; and sung as well as we can; for we both love anglers。 Come; Maudlin; sing the first part to the gentlemen; with a merry heart; and I'll sing the second when you have done。

The Milk…maid's song。

Come live with me; and be my love; And we will all the pleasures prove; That valleys; groves; or hills; or fields; Or woods; and steepy mountains yields;

Where we will sit upon the rocks; And see the shepherds feed our flocks; By shallow rivers; to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals。

And I will make thee beds of roses; And; then; a thousand fragrant posies; A cap of flowers; and a kirtle; Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool Which from our pretty lambs we pull Slippers; lin'd choicely for the cold; With buckles of the purest gold;

A belt of straw and ivy…buds; With coral clasps; and amber studs。 And if these pleasures may thee move; Come; live with me; and be my love;

Thy silver dishes; for thy meat As precious as the Gods do eat Shall; on an ivory table; be Prepared each day for thee and me。

The shepherd swains shall dance and sing For thy delight; each May morning。 If these delights thy mind may move; Then live with me; and be my love。

Venator。 Trust me; master; it is a choice song; and sweetly sung by honest Maudlin。 I now see it was not without cause that our good queen Elizabeth did so often wish herself a milk…maid all the month of May; because they are not troubled with fears and cares; but sing sweetly all the day; and sleep securely all the night: and without doubt; honest; innocent; pretty Maudlin does so。 I'll bestow Sir Thomas Overbury's milk…maid's wish upon her; 〃that she may die in the Spring; and; being dead; may have good store of flowers stuck round about her winding… sheet 〃 。

The Milk…maid's mother's answer

If all the world and love were young And truth in every shepherd's tongue; These pretty pleasures might me move To live with thee; and be thy love。

But Time drives flocks from field to fold。 When rivers rage; and rocks grow cold Then Philomel becometh dumb And age complains of cares to come。

The flowers do fade; and wanton fields To wayward winter reckoning yields。 A honey tongue; a heart of gall; Is fancy's spring but sorrow's fall。

Thy gowns; thy shoes; thy beds of roses; Thy cap; thy kirtle; and thy posies; Soon break; soon wither; soon forgotten; In folly rise。 in reason rotten。

Thy belt of straw; and ivy buds; Thy coral clasps; and amber studs; All these in me no means can move To come to thee; and be thy love。

What should we talk of dainties; then; Of better meat than's fit for men ? These are but vain: that's only good Which God hath blessed and sent for food。

But could youth last; and love still breed; Had joys no date; nor age no need; Then those delights my mind might move To live with thee; and be thy love。

Mother。 Well! I have done my song。 But stay; honest anglers; for I will make Maudlin sing you one short song more。 Maudlin ! sing that song that you sung last night; when young Coridon the shepherd played so purely on his oaten pipe to you and your cousin Betty。

Maudlin。 I will; mother。

I married a wife of late; The more's my unhappy fate: I married her for love; As my fancy did me move; And not for a worldly estate:

But oh! the green sickness Soon changed her likeness; And all her beauty did fail。 But 'tis not so With those that go Thro'frost and s As As all men know; And carry the milking…pail。

Piscator。 Well sung; good woman; I thank you。 I'll give you another dish of fish one of these days; and then beg another song of you。 Come; scholar ! let Maudlin alone: do not you offer to spoil her voice。 Look ! yonder comes mine hostess; to call us to supper。 How now! is my brother Peter come?

Hostess。 Yes; and a friend with him。 They are both glad to hear that you are in these parts; and long to see you; and long to be at supper; for they be very hungry。

The third day … continued

On the Trout

Chapter V

Piscator; Peter; Venator; Coridon

Piscator。 Well met; brother Peter! I heard you and a friend would lodge here to…night; and that hath made me to bring my friend to lodge here too。 My friend is one that would fain be a brother of the angle: he hath been an angler but this day; and I have taught him how to catch a Chub; by dapping with a grasshopper; and the Chub he caught was a lusty one of nineteen inches long。 But pray; brother Peter; who is your companion ?

Peter。 Brother Piscator; my friend is an honest countryman; and his name is Coridon; and he is a downright witty companion; that met me here purposely to be pleasant and eat a Trout; and I have not yet wetted my line since we met together: but I hope to fit him with a Trout for his breakfast; for I'll be early up。

Piscator。 Nay; brother; you shall not stay so long; for; look you! here is a Trout will fill six reasonable bellies。

Come; hostess; dress it presently; and get us what other meat the house will afford; and give us some of your best barley…wine; the good liquor that our honest forefathers did use to think of; the drink which preserved their health; and made them live so long; and to do so many good deeds。

Peter。 On my word; this Trout is perfect in season。 Come; I thank you; and here is a hearty draught to you; and to all the brothers of the angle wheresoever they be; and to my young brother's good fortune to… morrow。 I will furnish him with a rod; if you will furnish him with the rest of the tackling: we will set him up; and make him a fisher。 And I will tell him one thing for his encouragement; that his fortune hath made him happy to be scholar to such a master; a master that knows as much; both of the nature and breeding of fish; as any man; and can also tell him as well how to catch and cook them; from the Minnow to the Salmon; as any that I ever met withal。

Piscator。 Trust me; brother Peter; I find my scholar to be so suitable to my own humour; which is to be free and pleasant and civilly merry; that my resolution is to hide nothing that I know from him。 Believe me; scholar; this is my resolution; and so here's to you a hearty draught; and to all that love us and the honest art of Angling。

Venator。 Trust me; good master; you shall not sow your seed in barren ground; for I hope to return you an increase answerable to your hopes: but; however; you shall find me obedient; and thankful; and serviceable to my best ability。

Piscator。 'Tis enough; honest scholar! come; let's to supper。 Come; my friend Coridon; this Trout looks lovely; it was twenty…two inches when it was taken; and the belly of it looked; some part of it; as yellow as a marigold; and part of it as white as a lily; and yet; methinks; it looks better in this good sauce。

Coridon。 Indeed; honest friend; it looks well; and tastes well: I thank you for it; and so doth my friend Peter; or else he is to blame。

Peter。 Yes; and so I do; we all thank you: and; when we have supped; I will get my friend Coridon to sing you a song for requital。

Coridon。 I will sing a song; if anybody will sing another; else; to be plain with you; I will sing none。 I am none of those that sing for meat; but for company: I say;

'〃Tis merry in hall; When men sing all。〃

Piscator。 I'll promise you I'll sing a song that was lately made; at my request; by Mr。 William Basse; one that hath made the choice songs of the 〃 Hunter in his Career;〃 and of 〃 Tom of Bedlam;〃 and many others of note; and this; that I will sing; is in praise of Angling。

Coridon。 And then mine shall be the praise of a Countryman's life。 What will the rest sing of?

Peter。 I will promise you; I will sing another song in praise of Angling to…morrow night; for we will not part till then; but fish to…morrow; and sup together: and the next day every man leave fishing; and fall to his business。

Venator。 Tis a match; and I will provide you a song or a catch against then; too; which shall give some addition of mirth to the company; for we will be civil and as merry as beggars。

Piscator。 Tis a match; my masters。 Let's e en say grace; and turn to the fire; drink the other cup to whet our whistles; and so sing away all sad thoughts。 Come on; my masters; who begins? I think it is best to draw cuts; and avoid contention。

Peter。 It is a match。 Look; the shortest cut falls to Coridon。

Coridon。 Well; then; I will begin; for I hate contention

Coridon's song。

Oh the sweet contentment The countryman doth find! Heigh trolollie lollie foe; Heigh trolollie

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