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the complete angler-第12节

小说: the complete angler 字数: 每页4000字

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ers other fishes do; as Sir Francis Bacon hath observed in his History of  Life and Death。

And next you are to take notice; that he is not like the Crocodile; which if he lives never so long; vet always thrives till his death: but 'tis not so with the Trout; for after he is come to his full growth; he declines in his body; and keeps his bigness; or thrives only in his head till his death。 And you are to know; that he will; about; especially before; the time of his spawning; get; almost miraculously; through weirs and flood…gates; against the stream; even through such high and swift places as is almost incredible。 Next; that the Trout usually spawns about October or November; but in some rivers a little sooner or later; which is the more observable; because most other fish spawn in the spring or summer; when the sun hath warmed both the earth and water; and made it fit for generation。 And you are to note; that he continues many months out of season; for it may be observed of the Trout; that he is like the Buck or the Ox; that will not be fat in many months; though he go in the very same pastures that horses do; which will be fat in one month: and so you may observe; That most other fishes recover strength; and grow sooner fat and in season than the Trout doth。

And next you are to note; That till the sun gets to such a height as to warm the earth and the water; the Trout is sick; and lean; and lousy; and unwholesome; for you shall; in winter; find him to have a big head; and; then; to be lank and thin and lean; at which time many of them have sticking on them Sugs; or Trout…lice; which is a kind of a worm; in shape like a clove; or pin with a big head; and sticks close to him; and sucks his moisture; those; I think; the Trout breeds himself: and never thrives till he free himself from them; which is when warm weather comes; and; then; as he grows stronger; he gets from the dead still water into the sharp streams and the gravel; and; there; rubs off these worms or lice; and then; as he grows stronger; so he gets him into swifter and swifter streams; and there lies at the watch for any fly or minnow that comes near to him; and he especially loves the May…fly; which is bred of the cod…worm; or cadis; and these make the Trout bold and lusty; and he is usually fatter and better meat at the end of that month than at any time of the year。

Now you are to know that it is observed; that usually the best Trouts are either red or yellow; though some; as the Fordidge Trout; be white and yet good; but that is not usual: and it is a note observable; that the female Trout hath usually a less head; and a deeper body than the male Trout; and is usually the better meat。 And note; that a hog back and a little head; to either Trout; Salmon or any other fish; is a sign that that fish is in season。

But yet you are to note; that as you see some willows or palm…trees bud and blossom sooner than others do; so some Trouts be; in rivers; sooner in season: and as some hollies; or oaks; are longer before they cast their leaves; so are some Trouts; in rivers; longer before they go out of season。

And you are to note; that there are several kinds of Trouts: but these several kinds are not considered but by very few men; for they go under the general name of Trouts; just as pigeons do; in most places; though it is certain; there are tame and wild pigeons; and of the tame; there be hermits and runts; and carriers and cropers; and indeed too many to name。 Nay; the Royal Society have found and published lately; that there be thirty and three kinds of spiders; and yet all; for aught I know; go under that one general name of spider。 And it is so with many kinds of fish; and of Trouts especially; which differ in their bigness; and shape; and spots; and colour。 The great Kentish hens may be an instance; compared to other hens: and; doubtless; there is a kind of small Trout; which will never thrive to be big; that breeds very many more than others do; that be of a larger size: which you may rasher believe; if you consider that the little wren end titmouse will have twenty young ones at a time; when; usually; the noble hawk; or the musical thrassel or blackbird; exceed not four or five。

And now you shall see me try my skill to catch a Trout; and at my next walking; either this evening or to…morrow morning; I will give you direction how you yourself shall fish for him。

Venator。 Trust me; master; I see now it is a harder matter to catch a Trout than a Chub; for I have put on patience; and followed you these two hours; and not seen a fish stir; neither at your minnow nor your worm。

Piscator。 Well; scholar; you must endure worse luck sometime; or you will never make a good angler。 But what say you now? there is a Trout now; and a good one too; if I can but hold him; and two or three turns more will tire him。 Now you see he lies still; and the sleight is to land him: reach me that landing…net。 So; Sir; now he is mine own: what say you now; is not this worth all my labour and your patience?

Venator。 On my word; master; this is a gallant Trout; what shall we do with him?

Piscator。 Marry; e en eat him to supper: we'll go to my hostess from whence we came; she told me; as I was going out of door; that my brother Peter; a good angler and a cheerful companion; had sent word he would lodge there to…night; and bring a friend with him。 My hostess has two beds; and I know you and I may have the best: we'll rejoice with my brother Peter and his friend; tell tales; or sing ballads; or make a catch; or find some harmless sport to content us; and pass away a little time without offence to God or man。

Venator。 A match; good master; let's go to that house; for the linen looks white; and smells of lavender; and I long to lie in a pair of sheets that smell so。 Let's be going; good master; for I am hungry again with fishing。

Piscator。 Nay; stay a little; good scholar。 I caught my last Trout with a worm; now I will put on a minnow; and try a quarter of an hour about yonder trees for another; and; so; walk towards our lodging。 Look you; scholar; thereabout we shall have a bite presently; or not at all。 Have with you; Sir: o' my word I have hold of him。 Oh! it is a great logger… headed Chub; come; hang him upon that willow twig; and let's be going。 But turn out of the way a little; good scholar! toward yonder high honeysuckle hedge; there we'll sit and sing whilst this shower falls so gently upon the teeming earth; and gives yet a sweeter smell to the lovely flowers that adorn these verdant meadows。

Look ! under that broad beech…tree I sat down; when I was last this way a…fishing; and the birds in the adjoining grove seemed to have a friendly contention with an echo; whose dead voice seemed to live in a hollow tree near to the brow of that primrose…hill。 There I sat viewing the silver streams glide silently towards their centre; the tempestuous sea; yet sometimes opposed by rugged roots and pebble…stones; which broke their waves; and turned them into foam; and sometimes I beguiled time by viewing the harmless lambs; some leaping securely in the cool shade; whilst others sported themselves in the cheerful sun; and saw others craving comfort from the swollen udders of their bleating dams。 As I thus sat; these and other sights had so fully possess my soul with content; that I thought; as the poet has happily express it;

I was for that time lifted above earth: And possest joys not promis'd in my birth。

As I left this place; and entered into the next field; a second pleasure entertained me; 'twas a handsome milk…maid; that had not yet attained so much age and wisdom as to load her mind with any fears of many things that will never be; as too many men too often do; but she cast away all care; and sung like a nightingale。 Her voice was good; and the ditty fitted for it; it was that smooth song which was made by Kit Marlow; now at least fifty years ago; and the milk…maid's mother sung an answer to it; which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh; in his younger days。 They were old…fashioned poetry; but choicely good; I think much better than the strong lines that are now in fashion in this critical age。 Look yonder! on my word; yonder; they both be a…milking again。 I will give her the Chub; and persuade them to sing those two songs to us。

God speed you; good woman! I have been a…fishing; and am going to Bleak Hall to my bed; and having caught more fish than will sup myself and my friend; I will bestow this upon you and your daughter; for I use to sell none。

Milk…woman。 Marry! God requite you; Sir; and we'll eat it cheerfully。 And if you come this way a…fishing two months hence; a grace of God! I'll give you a syllabub of new verjuice; in a new…made hay…cock; for it。 And my Maudlin shall sing you one of her best ballads; for she and I both love all anglers; they be such honest; civil; quiet men。 In the meantime will you drink a draught of red cow's milk ? you shall have it freely。

Piscator。 No; I thank you; but; I pray; do us a courtesy that shall stand you and your daughter in nothing; and yet we will think ourselves still something in your debt: it is but to sing us a song that was sung by your daughter when I last passed over this meadow; about eight or nine days since。

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