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tales and fantasies-第25节

小说: tales and fantasies 字数: 每页4000字

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up this breach of kindness; and reunite two hearts。  But

alas! the Squire was sick and peevish; he had been all day

glooming over Dick's estrangement … for so he put it to

himself; and now with growls; cold words; and the cold

shoulder; he beat off all advances; and entrenched himself in

a just resentment。


THAT took place upon a Tuesday。  On the Thursday following;

as Dick was walking by appointment; earlier than usual; in

the direction of the cottage; he was appalled to meet in the

lane a fly from Thymebury; containing the human form of Miss

M'Glashan。  The lady did not deign to remark him in her

passage; her face was suffused with tears; and expressed much

concern for the packages by which she was surrounded。  He

stood still; and asked himself what this circumstance might

portend。  It was so beautiful a day that he was loth to

forecast evil; yet something must perforce have happened at

the cottage; and that of a decisive nature; for here was Miss

M'Glashan on her travels; with a small patrimony in brown

paper parcels; and the old lady's bearing implied hot battle

and unqualified defeat。  Was the house to be closed against

him?  Was Esther left alone; or had some new protector made

his appearance from among the millions of Europe?  It is the

character of love to loathe the near relatives of the loved

one; chapters in the history of the human race have justified

this feeling; and the conduct of uncles; in particular; has

frequently met with censure from the independent novelist。

Miss M'Glashan was now seen in the rosy colours of regret;

whoever succeeded her; Dick felt the change would be for the

worse。  He hurried forward in this spirit; his anxiety grew

upon him with every step; as he entered the garden a voice

fell upon his ear; and he was once more arrested; not this

time by doubt; but by indubitable certainty of ill。

The thunderbolt had fallen; the Admiral was here。

Dick would have retreated; in the panic terror of the moment;

but Esther kept a bright look…out when her lover was

expected。  In a twinkling she was by his side; brimful of

news and pleasure; too glad to notice his embarrassment; and

in one of those golden transports of exultation which

transcend not only words but caresses。  She took him by the

end of the fingers (reaching forward to take them; for her

great preoccupation was to save time); she drew him towards

her; pushed him past her in the door; and planted him face to

face with Mr。 Van Tromp; in a suit of French country

velveteens and with a remarkable carbuncle on his nose。

Then; as though this was the end of what she could endure in

the way of joy; Esther turned and ran out of the room。

The two men remained looking at each other with some

confusion on both sides。  Van Tromp was naturally the first

to recover; he put out his hand with a fine gesture。

'And you know my little lass; my Esther?' he said。  'This is

pleasant; this is what I have conceived of home。  A strange

word for the old rover; but we all have a taste for home and

the home…like; disguise it how we may。  It has brought me

here; Mr。 Naseby;' he concluded; with an intonation that

would have made his fortune on the stage; so just; so sad; so

dignified; so like a man of the world and a philosopher; 'and

you see a man who is content。'

'I see;' said Dick。

'Sit down;' continued the parasite; setting the example。

'Fortune has gone against me。  (I am just sirrupping a little

brandy … after my journey。)  I was going down; Mr。 Naseby;

between you and me; I was DECAVE; I borrowed fifty francs;

smuggled my valise past the concierge … a work of

considerable tact … and here I am!'

'Yes;' said Dick; 'and here you are。'  He was quite idiotic。

Esther; at this moment; re…entered the room。

'Are you glad to see him?' she whispered in his ear; the

pleasure in her voice almost bursting through the whisper

into song。

'Oh yes;' said Dick; 'very。'

'I knew you would be;' she replied; 'I told him how you loved


'Help yourself;' said the Admiral; 'help yourself; and let us

drink to a new existence。'

'To a new existence;' repeated Dick; and he raised the

tumbler to his lips; but set it down untasted。  He had had

enough of novelties for one day。

Esther was sitting on a stool beside her father's feet;

holding her knees in her arms; and looking with pride from

one to the other of her two visitors。  Her eyes were so

bright that you were never sure if there were tears in them

or not; little voluptuous shivers ran about her body;

sometimes she nestled her chin into her throat; sometimes

threw back her head; with ecstasy; in a word; she was in that

state when it is said of people that they cannot contain

themselves for happiness。  It would be hard to exaggerate the

agony of Richard。

And; in the meantime; Van Tromp ran on interminably。

'I never forget a friend;' said he; 'nor yet an enemy: of the

latter; I never had but two … myself and the public; and I

fancy I have had my vengeance pretty freely out of both。'  He

chuckled。  'But those days are done。  Van Tromp is no more。

He was a man who had successes; I believe you knew I had

successes … to which we shall refer no farther;' pulling down

his neckcloth with a smile。  'That man exists no more: by an

exercise of will I have destroyed him。  There is something

like it in the poets。  First; a brilliant and conspicuous

career … the observed; I may say; of all observers; including

the bum…bailie: and then; presto! a quiet; sly; old; rustic

BONHOMME; cultivating roses。  In Paris; Mr。 Naseby … '

'Call him Richard; father;' said Esther。

'Richard; if he will allow me。  Indeed; we are old friends;

and now near neighbours; and; A PROPOS; how are we off for

neighbours; Richard?  The cottage stands; I think; upon your

father's land … a family which I respect … and the wood; I

understand; is Lord Trevanion's。  Not that I care; I am an

old Bohemian。  I have cut society with a cut direct; I cut it

when I was prosperous; and now I reap my reward; and can cut

it with dignity in my declension。  These are our little

AMOURS PROPRES; my daughter: your father must respect

himself。  Thank you; yes; just a leetle; leetle; tiny …

thanks; thanks; you spoil me。  But; as I was saying; Richard;

or was about to say; my daughter has been allowed to rust;

her aunt was a mere duenna; hence; in parenthesis; Richard;

her distrust of me; my nature and that of the duenna are

poles asunder … poles!  But; now that I am here; now that I

have given up the fight; and live henceforth for one only of

my works … I have the modesty to say it is my best … my

daughter … well; we shall put all that to rights。  The

neighbours; Richard?'

Dick was understood to say that there were many good families

in the Vale of Thyme。

'You shall introduce us;' said the Admiral。

Dick's shirt was wet; he made a lumbering excuse to go; which

Esther explained to herself by a fear of intrusion; and so

set down to the merit side of Dick's account; while she

proceeded to detain him。

'Before our walk?' she cried。  'Never!  I must have my walk。'

'Let us all go;' said the Admiral; rising。

'You do not know that you are wanted;' she cried; leaning on

his shoulder with a caress。  'I might wish to speak to my old

friend about my new father。  But you shall come to…day; you

shall do all you want; I have set my heart on spoiling you。'

'I will just take ONE drop more;' said the Admiral; stooping

to help himself to brandy。  'It is surprising how this

journey has fatigued me。  But I am growing old; I am growing

old; I am growing old; and … I regret to add … bald。'

He cocked a white wide…awake coquettishly upon his head … the

habit of the lady…killer clung to him; and Esther had already

thrown on her hat; and was ready; while he was still studying

the result in a mirror: the carbuncle had somewhat painfully

arrested his attention。

'We are papa now; we must be respectable;' he said to Dick;

in explanation of his dandyism: and then he went to a bundle

and chose himself a staff。  Where were the elegant canes of

his Parisian epoch?  This was a support for age; and designed

for rustic scenes。  Dick began to see and appreciate the

man's enjoyment in a new part; when he saw how carefully he

had 'made it up。'  He had invented a gait for this first

country stroll with his daughter; which was admirably in key。

He walked with fatigue; he leaned upon the staff; he looked

round him with a sad; smiling sympathy on all that he beheld;

he even asked the name of a plant; and rallied himself gently

for an old town bird; ignorant of nature。  'This country life

will make me young again;' he sighed。  They reached the top

of the hill towards the first hour of evening; the sun was

descending hea

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