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tales and fantasies-第22节

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breakfast on a terrace overlooking all the vale of Thyme。

'I have to apologise; sir; for last night … ' he would begin。

'Of course you have;' the old gentleman would cut in

cheerfully。  'You spoke like a fool。  Say no more about it。'

'You do not understand me; sir。  I refer to a particular

point。  I confess there is much force in your argument from

the doctrine of possibilities。'

'Of course there is;' returned his father。  'Come down and

look at the stables。  Only;' he would add; 'bear this in

mind; and do remember that a man of my age and experience

knows more about what he is saying than a raw boy。'

He would utter the word 'boy' even more offensively than the

average of fathers; and the light way in which he accepted

these apologies cut Richard to the heart。  The latter drew

slighting comparisons; and remembered that he was the only

one who ever apologised。  This gave him a high station in his

own esteem; and thus contributed indirectly to his better

behaviour; for he was scrupulous as well as high…spirited;

and prided himself on nothing more than on a just submission。

So things went on until the famous occasion when Mr。 Naseby;

becoming engrossed in securing the election of a sound party

candidate to Parliament; wrote a flaming letter to the

papers。  The letter had about every demerit of party letters

in general; it was expressed with the energy of a believer;

it was personal; it was a little more than half unfair; and

about a quarter untrue。  The old man did not mean to say what

was untrue; you may be sure; but he had rashly picked up

gossip; as his prejudice suggested; and now rashly launched

it on the public with the sanction of his name。

'The Liberal candidate;' he concluded; 'is thus a public

turncoat。  Is that the sort of man we want?  He has been

given the lie; and has swallowed the insult。  Is that the

sort of man we want?  I answer No!  With all the force of my

conviction; I answer; NO!'

And then he signed and dated the letter with an amateur's

pride; and looked to be famous by the morrow。

Dick; who had heard nothing of the matter; was up first on

that inauspicious day; and took the journal to an arbour in

the garden。  He found his father's manifesto in one column;

and in another a leading article。  'No one that we are aware

of;' ran the article; 'had consulted Mr。 Naseby on the

subject; but if he had been appealed to by the whole body of

electors; his letter would be none the less ungenerous and

unjust to Mr。 Dalton。  We do not choose to give the lie to

Mr。 Naseby; for we are too well aware of the consequences;

but we shall venture instead to print the facts of both cases

referred to by this red…hot partisan in another portion of

our issue。  Mr。 Naseby is of course a large proprietor in our

neighbourhood; but fidelity to facts; decent feeling; and

English grammar; are all of them qualities more important

than the possession of land。  Mr。 … is doubtless a great man;

in his large gardens and that half…mile of greenhouses; where

he has probably ripened his intellect and temper; he may say

what he will to his hired vassals; but (as the Scotch say) …


He mauna think to domineer。

'Liberalism;' continued the anonymous journalist; 'is of too

free and sound a growth;' etc。

Richard Naseby read the whole thing from beginning to end;

and a crushing shame fell upon his spirit。  His father had

played the fool; he had gone out noisily to war; and come

back with confusion。  The moment that his trumpets sounded;

he had been disgracefully unhorsed。  There was no question as

to the facts; they were one and all against the Squire。

Richard would have given his ears to have suppressed the

issue; but as that could not be done; he had his horse

saddled; and furnishing himself with a convenient staff; rode

off at once to Thymebury。

The editor was at breakfast in a large; sad apartment。  The

absence of furniture; the extreme meanness of the meal; and

the haggard; bright…eyed; consumptive look of the culprit;

unmanned our hero; but he clung to his stick; and was stout

and warlike。

'You wrote the article in this morning's paper?' he demanded。

'You are young Mr。 Naseby?  I PUBLISHED it;' replied the

editor; rising。

'My father is an old man;' said Richard; and then with an

outburst; 'And a damned sight finer fellow than either you or

Dalton!'  He stopped and swallowed; he was determined that

all should go with regularity。  'I have but one question to

put to you; sir;' he resumed。  'Granted that my father was

misinformed; would it not have been more decent to withhold

the letter and communicate with him in private?'

'Believe me;' returned the editor; 'that alternative was not

open to me。  Mr。 Naseby told me in a note that he had sent

his letter to three other journals; and in fact threatened me

with what he called exposure if I kept it back from mine。  I

am really concerned at what has happened; I sympathise and

approve of your emotion; young gentleman; but the attack on

Mr。 Dalton was gross; very gross; and I had no choice but to

offer him my columns to reply。  Party has its duties; sir;'

added the scribe; kindling; as one who should propose a

sentiment; 'and the attack was gross。'

Richard stood for half a minute digesting the answer; and

then the god of fair play came upper…most in his heart; and

murmuring 'Good morning;' he made his escape into the street。

His horse was not hurried on the way home; and he was late

for breakfast。  The Squire was standing with his back to the

fire in a state bordering on apoplexy; his fingers violently

knitted under his coat tails。  As Richard came in; he opened

and shut his mouth like a cod…fish; and his eyes protruded。

'Have you seen that; sir?' he cried; nodding towards the


'Yes; sir;' said Richard。

'Oh; you've read it; have you?'

'Yes; I have read it;' replied Richard; looking at his foot。

'Well;' demanded the old gentleman; 'and what have you to say

to it; sir?'

'You seem to have been misinformed;' said Dick。

'Well?  What then?  Is your mind so sterile; sir?  Have you

not a word of comment? no proposal?'

'I fear; sir; you must apologise to Mr。 Dalton。  It would be

more handsome; indeed it would be only just; and a free

acknowledgment would go far … '  Richard paused; no language

appearing delicate enough to suit the case。

'That is a suggestion which should have come from me; sir;'

roared the father。  'It is out of place upon your lips。  It

is not the thought of a loyal son。  Why; sir; if my father

had been plunged in such deplorable circumstances; I should

have thrashed the editor of that vile sheet within an inch of

his life。  I should have thrashed the man; sir。  It would

have been the action of an ass; but it would have shown that

I had the blood and the natural affections of a man。  Son?

You are no son; no son of mine; sir!'

'Sir!' said Dick。

'I'll tell you what you are; sir;' pursued the Squire。

'You're a Benthamite。  I disown you。  Your mother would have

died for shame; there was no modern cant about your mother;

she thought … she said to me; sir … I'm glad she's in her

grave; Dick Naseby。  Misinformed!  Misinformed; sir?  Have

you no loyalty; no spring; no natural affections?  Are you

clockwork; hey?  Away!  This is no place for you。  Away!'

(waving his hands in the air)。  'Go away!  Leave me!'

At this moment Dick beat a retreat in a disarray of nerves; a

whistling and clamour of his own arteries; and in short in

such a final bodily disorder as made him alike incapable of

speech or hearing。  And in the midst of all this turmoil; a

sense of unpardonable injustice remained graven in his



THERE was no return to the subject。  Dick and his father were

henceforth on terms of coldness。  The upright old gentleman

grew more upright when he met his son; buckrammed with

immortal anger; he asked after Dick's health; and discussed

the weather and the crops with an appalling courtesy; his

pronunciation was POINT…DE…VICE; his voice was distant;

distinct; and sometimes almost trembling with suppressed


As for Dick; it seemed to him as if his life had come

abruptly to an end。  He came out of his theories and

clevernesses; his premature man…of…the…worldness; on which he

had prided himself on his travels; 'shrank like a thing

ashamed' before this real sorrow。  Pride; wounded honour;

pity and respect tussled together daily in his heart; and now

he was within an ace of throwing himself upon his father's

mercy; and now of slipping forth at night and coming back no

more to Naseby House。  He suffered from the sight of his

father; nay; even from the neighbourhood of this familiar

valley; where every corner had its legend; and he was


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