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tales and fantasies-第15节

小说: tales and fantasies 字数: 每页4000字

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there was the reference to John's original flight … a subject

which he always kept resolutely curtained in his own mind;

for he was a man who loved to have made no mistakes; and when

he feared he might have made one kept the papers sealed。  In

view of all these surprises and reminders; and of his son's

composed and masterful demeanour; there began to creep on Mr。

Nicholson a sickly misgiving。  He seemed beyond his depth; if

he did or said anything; he might come to regret it。  The

young man; besides; as he had pointed out himself; was

playing a generous part。  And if wrong had been done … and

done to one who was; after; and in spite of; all; a Nicholson

… it should certainly be righted。

All things considered; monstrous as it was to be cut short in

his inquiries; the old gentleman submitted; pocketed the

change; and followed his son into the dining…room。  During

these few steps he once more mentally revolted; and once

more; and this time finally; laid down his arms: a still;

small voice in his bosom having informed him authentically of

a piece of news; that he was afraid of Alexander。  The

strange thing was that he was pleased to be afraid of him。

He was proud of his son; he might be proud of him; the boy

had character and grit; and knew what he was doing。

These were his reflections as he turned the corner of the

dining…room door。  Miss Mackenzie was in the place of honour;

conjuring with a tea…pot and a cosy; and; behold! there was

another person present; a large; portly; whiskered man of a

very comfortable and respectable air; who now rose from his

seat and came forward; holding out his hand。

'Good…morning; father;' said he。

Of the contention of feeling that ran high in Mr。 Nicholson's

starched bosom; no outward sign was visible; nor did he delay

long to make a choice of conduct。  Yet in that interval he

had reviewed a great field of possibilities both past and

future; whether it was possible he had not been perfectly

wise in his treatment of John; whether it was possible that

John was innocent; whether; if he turned John out a second

time; as his outraged authority suggested; it was possible to

avoid a scandal; and whether; if he went to that extremity;

it was possible that Alexander might rebel。

'Hum!' said Mr。 Nicholson; and put his hand; limp and dead;

into John's。

And then; in an embarrassed silence; all took their places;

and even the paper … from which it was the old gentleman's

habit to suck mortification daily; as he marked the decline

of our institutions … even the paper lay furled by his side。

But presently Flora came to the rescue。  She slid into the

silence with a technicality; asking if John still took his

old inordinate amount of sugar。  Thence it was but a step to

the burning question of the day; and in tones a little

shaken; she commented on the interval since she had last made

tea for the prodigal; and congratulated him on his return。

And then addressing Mr。 Nicholson; she congratulated him also

in a manner that defied his ill…humour; and from that

launched into the tale of John's misadventures; not without

some suitable suppressions。

Gradually Alexander joined; between them; whether he would or

no; they forced a word or two from John; and these fell so

tremulously; and spoke so eloquently of a mind oppressed with

dread; that Mr。 Nicholson relented。  At length even he

contributed a question: and before the meal was at an end all

four were talking even freely。

Prayers followed; with the servants gaping at this new…comer

whom no one had admitted; and after prayers there came that

moment on the clock which was the signal for Mr。 Nicholson's


'John;' said he; 'of course you will stay here。  Be very

careful not to excite Maria; if Miss Mackenzie thinks it

desirable that you should see her。  Alexander; I wish to

speak with you alone。'  And then; when they were both in the

back room: 'You need not come to the office to…day;' said he;

'you can stay and amuse your brother; and I think it would be

respectful to call on Uncle Greig。  And by the bye' (this

spoken with a certain… dare we say? … bashfulness); 'I agree

to concede the principle of an allowance; and I will consult

with Doctor Durie; who is quite a man of the world and has

sons of his own; as to the amount。  And; my fine fellow; you

may consider yourself in luck!' he added; with a smile。

'Thank you;' said Alexander。

Before noon a detective had restored to John his money; and

brought news; sad enough in truth; but perhaps the least sad

possible。  Alan had been found in his own house in Regent

Terrace; under care of the terrified butler。  He was quite

mad; and instead of going to prison; had gone to Morningside

Asylum。  The murdered man; it appeared; was an evicted tenant

who had for nearly a year pursued his late landlord with

threats and insults; and beyond this; the cause and details

of the tragedy were lost。

When Mr。 Nicholson returned from dinner they were able to put

a despatch into his hands: 'John V。 Nicholson; Randolph

Crescent; Edinburgh。 … Kirkham has disappeared; police

looking for him。  All understood。  Keep mind quite easy。 …

Austin。' Having had this explained to him; the old gentleman

took down the cellar key and departed for two bottles of the

1820 port。  Uncle Greig dined there that day; and Cousin

Robina; and; by an odd chance; Mr。 Macewen; and the presence

of these strangers relieved what might have been otherwise a

somewhat strained relation。  Ere they departed; the family

was welded once more into a fair semblance of unity。

In the end of April John led Flora … or; as more descriptive;

Flora led John … to the altar; if altar that may be called

which was indeed the drawing…room mantel…piece in Mr。

Nicholson's house; with the Reverend Dr。 Durie posted on the

hearthrug in the guise of Hymen's priest。

The last I saw of them; on a recent visit to the north; was

at a dinner…party in the house of my old friend Gellatly

Macbride; and after we had; in classic phrase; 'rejoined the

ladies;' I had an opportunity to overhear Flora conversing

with another married woman on the much canvassed matter of a

husband's tobacco。

'Oh yes!' said she; 'I only allow Mr。 Nicholson four cigars a

day。  Three he smokes at fixed times … after a meal; you

know; my dear; and the fourth he can take when he likes with

any friend。'

'Bravo!' thought I to myself; 'this is the wife for my friend



EVERY night in the year; four of us sat in the small parlour

of the George at Debenham … the undertaker; and the landlord;

and Fettes; and myself。  Sometimes there would be more; but

blow high; blow low; come rain or snow or frost; we four

would be each planted in his own particular arm…chair。

Fettes was an old drunken Scotchman; a man of education

obviously; and a man of some property; since he lived in

idleness。  He had come to Debenham years ago; while still

young; and by a mere continuance of living had grown to be an

adopted townsman。  His blue camlet cloak was a local

antiquity; like the church…spire。  His place in the parlour

at the George; his absence from church; his old; crapulous;

disreputable vices; were all things of course in Debenham。

He had some vague Radical opinions and some fleeting

infidelities; which he would now and again set forth and

emphasise with tottering slaps upon the table。  He drank rum

… five glasses regularly every evening; and for the greater

portion of his nightly visit to the George sat; with his

glass in his right hand; in a state of melancholy alcoholic

saturation。  We called him the Doctor; for he was supposed to

have some special knowledge of medicine; and had been known;

upon a pinch; to set a fracture or reduce a dislocation; but

beyond these slight particulars; we had no knowledge of his

character and antecedents。

One dark winter night … it had struck nine some time before

the landlord joined us … there was a sick man in the George;

a great neighbouring proprietor suddenly struck down with

apoplexy on his way to Parliament; and the great man's still

greater London doctor had been telegraphed to his bedside。

It was the first time that such a thing had happened in

Debenham; for the railway was but newly open; and we were all

proportionately moved by the occurrence。

'He's come;' said the landlord; after he had filled and

lighted his pipe。

'He?' said I。  'Who? … not the doctor?'

'Himself;' replied our host。

'What is his name?'

'Doctor Macfarlane;' said the landlord。

Fettes was far through his third tumbler; stupidly fuddled;

now nodding over; now staring mazily around him; but at the

last word he seemed to awaken; and repeated the name

'Macfarlane' twice; quietly enough the first time; but with

sudden emotion at the second。


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