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the prophet of berkeley square-第17节

小说: the prophet of berkeley square 字数: 每页4000字

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the Prophet; repeating his formula morosely。

〃A gatheringwhat of?〃

〃Peoplepersons; that is。〃

〃Whata party?〃

〃Two parties;〃 replied the Prophet; instinctively giving Mr。

Sagittarius and Madame their undoubted due。 〃Two。〃

〃Two parties at the same timeand in the afternoon! How very odd!〃

〃They will look very odd; veryin Berkeley Square;〃 responded the

Prophet; in a tone of considerable dejection。 〃I don't know; I'm sure;

what Mr。 Ferdinand and Gustavus will think。 Still I've given strict

orders that they are to be let in。 What else could I do?〃

He gazed at Lady Enid in a demanding manner。

〃What else could I possibly do under the circumstances?〃 he repeated。

〃Sit down; dear Mr。 Vivian;〃 she answered; with her peculiar Scotch

lassie seductiveness; 〃and tell me; your sincere friend; what the

circumstances are。〃

Unluckily her curiosity had led her to overdo persuasion。 That cooing

interpolation of 〃your sincere friend〃too strongly honeyedsuddenly

recalled the Prophet to the fact that Lady Enid was not; and could

never be; his confidante in the matter that obsessed him。 He therefore

sat down; but with an abrupt air of indefinite social liveliness; and

exclaimed; not unlike Mr。 Robert Green;

〃Well; and how are things going with you; dear Lady Enid?〃

She jumped under the transition as under a whip。

〃Me! Butthese parties you were telling me about?〃

But the Prophet remembered his oath。 He was a strictly honourable

little man; and never swore carelessly。

〃Parties!〃 he said。 〃You and I are too old friends to waste our life in

chattering about such London nonsense。〃

〃Then we'll talk of yesterday;〃 said Lady Enid; very firmly。

The Prophet looked rather blank。

〃Yes;〃 she repeated。 〃Yesterday。 I've guessed your secret。〃

〃Which one?〃 he cried; much startled。

〃Which?〃 she said reproachfully。 〃Oh; Mr。 Vivianand I thought you

trusted in me。〃

The Prophet was silent。 The third daughter of the clergyman had often

made that remark to him when they were nearly engaged。 It recalled

bygone memories。

〃That's what I thought;〃 she added with pressure。

〃I'm sorry;〃 the Prophet murmured; rather obstinately。

〃I always think;〃 she continued; with deliberate expansiveness; 〃that

nearly all the miseries of the world come about from people not

trusting inin people。〃

〃Or from people trusting in the wrong people。 Which is it?〃 said the

Prophet; not without slyness。

She began to look thin; but checked herself。

〃Tell me;〃 she said; 〃why did you stop me yesterday when I was

beginning to say to Sir Tiglath that I was sure Malkiel was a man and

not a syndicate?〃

〃Did I stop you?〃 said the Prophet; artlessly。

〃Yes; with your eyes。〃

〃Becausebecause I was surethat is; certain you couldn't be sure。〃

〃How could you be certain?〃



〃Well; how is one certain of anything?〃 said the Prophet; rather


〃How are you certain that I'm Miss Minerva Partridge?〃

〃Because you told me so yourself; because I've seen you come into

Jellybrand's for your letters; because〃

〃Haven't I seen Malkiel come into Jellybrand's for his?〃

This unexpected retort threw the Prophet upon his beam ends。 But he

remembered his oath even in that very awkward position。

〃Does he go to Jellybrand's?〃 he exclaimed; with a wild attempt after

astonishment。 〃But he's a companySir Tiglath said so。〃

〃And what did your eyes say yesterday?〃

〃I had a cold in my eyes yesterday;〃 said the Prophet。 〃They were very

weak。 They werethey were aching。〃

Lady Enid was silent for a moment。 During that moment she was

conferring with her feminine instinct。 What it said to her must be

guessed by the manner in which she once more entered into conversation

with the Prophet。

〃Mr。 Vivian;〃 she said; with a complete change of demeanour to girlish

geniality and impulsiveness; 〃I'm going to confide in you。 I'm going to

thrown myself upon your mercy。〃

The Prophet blinked with amazement; like a martyr who suddenly finds

himself snatched from the rack and laid upon a plush divan with a satin

cushion under his head。

〃I'm going to trust you;〃 Lady Enid went on; emphasising the two


〃Many thanks;〃 said the Prophet; unoriginally。

She was sitting on a square piece of furniture which the Marquis of

Glome called an 〃Aberdeen lean…to。〃 She now spread herself out upon it

in the easy attitude of one who is about to converse intimately for

some centuries; and proceeded。

〃I daresay you know; Mr。 Vivian; that people always call me a very

sensible sort of girl。〃

The Prophet remembered his grandmother's remark about Lady Enid。

〃I know they do;〃 he assented; trying not to think of five o'clock。

〃What do they mean by that; Mr。 Vivian?〃

〃I beg your pardon?〃

〃I say what do they mean by a sensible sort of girl?〃

〃Why; I suppose〃

〃I'm going to tell you;〃 she interrupted him。 〃They mean a sort of girl

who likes fresh air; washes her face with yellow soap; sports dogskin

gloves; drives in an open cart in preference to a shut brougham; enjoys

a cold tub and Whyte Melville's novels; laughs at ghosts and cries over

'Misunderstood;' considers the Bishop of London a deity and the Albert

Memorial a gem of art; would wear a neat Royal fringe in her grave; and

a straw hat and shirt on the Judgment Day if she were in the country

for itwalks with the guns; sings 'Home; Sweet Home' in the evening

after dinner to her bald…headed father; thinks the /Daily Mail/ an

intellectual paper; the Royal Academy an uplifting institution; the

British officer a demi…god with a heart of gold in a body of steel; and

the road from Calais to Paris the way to heaven。 That's what they mean

by a sensible sort of girl; isn't it?〃

〃I daresay it is;〃 said the Prophet; endeavouring not to feel as if he

were sitting with a dozen or two of very practised stump orators。

〃Yes; and that's what they think I am。〃

〃And aren't you?〃 inquired the Prophet。

Lady Enid drew herself upon the Aberdeen lean…to。

〃No;〃 she said decisively; 〃I'm not。 I'm a Miss Minerva Partridge。〃

〃Well; but what is that?〃 asked the Prophet; with all the air of a man

inquiring about some savage race。

〃That's the secret〃

〃Oh; I beg your pardon!〃

〃That I'm going to tell you now; because I trust you〃

Again the pronouns were emphasised; and the Prophet thought how

difficult it would be to keep his oath。

〃And because I know now that you're silly too。〃

The Prophet jumped; though not for joy。

〃I've been Miss Minerva Partridge forwait a moment; I must look。〃

She got up; went to a writing table; opened a drawer in it; and took

out a large red book and turned its leaves。

〃My diary;〃 she explained。 〃It's foolish to keep one; isn't it?〃

Her intonation so obviously called for an affirmative that the Prophet

felt constrained to reply;

〃Very foolish indeed。〃

She smiled with pleasure。

〃I'm so glad you think so。 Ahexactly a year and a half。〃

〃You've been Miss Minerva Partridge?〃


〃So long as that?〃

〃Yes; indeed。 Mr。 Vivian; during that time I have been leading a double


The Prophet remembered the other double life beside the borders of the

River Mouse; and began to wonder if he were acquainted with any human

being who led a single one。

〃Many people do that;〃 he remarked rather aimlessly。

Lady Enid looked vexed。

〃I did not say I had a monopoly of the commodity;〃 she rejoined;

evidently wishing that she had。

〃Oh; no;〃 said the Prophet; making things worse; 〃one meets people who

live double lives every day; I might almost say every hour。〃

The clock had just struck four; and he had begun to think of five。 Lady

Enid's pleasant plumpness began rapidly to disappear。

〃I can't say I do;〃 she said sharply; feeling that most of the gilt was

being stripped off her sin。

She stopped in such obvious dissatisfaction that the Prophet; vaguely

aware that he had made some mistake; said;

〃Please go on。 I am so interested。 Why have you led a double life for

the last week and a half?〃

〃Year and a half; I said。〃

〃I mean year and a half。〃

He forced his mobile features to assume a fixed expression of greedy;

though rather too constant; curiosity。 Lady Enid brightened up。

〃Mr。 Vivian;〃 she said; 〃many girls are born sensible…looking without

wishing it。〃

〃Are they really? It never occurred to me。〃

〃Such things very seldom do occur to men。 Now that places these girls

in a very painful position。 I was placed in this position as soon as I

was born; or at least as soon as I began to look like anything at all。

For babies really don't。〃

〃That's very true;〃 assented the Prophet; with more fervour。

〃People conti

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