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songs of travel-第6节

小说: songs of travel 字数: 每页4000字

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Where is that glory now?

Sing me a song of a lad that is gone;

Say; could that lad be I?

Merry of soul he sailed on a day

Over the sea to Skye。

Give me again all that was there;

Give me the sun that shone!

Give me the eyes; give me the soul;

Give me the lad that's gone!

Sing me a song of a lad that is gone;

Say; could that lad be I?

Merry of soul he sailed on a day

Over the sea to Skye。

Billow and breeze; islands and seas;

Mountains of rain and sun;

All that was good; all that was fair;

All that was me is gone。

XLIII … TO S。 R。 CROCKETT (On receiving a Dedication)

BLOWS the wind to…day; and the sun and the rain are flying;

Blows the wind on the moors to…day and now;

Where about the graves of the martyrs the whaups are crying;

My heart remembers how!

Grey recumbent tombs of the dead in desert places;

Standing stones on the vacant wine…red moor;

Hills of sheep; and the howes of the silent vanished races;

And winds; austere and pure:

Be it granted me to behold you again in dying;

Hills of home! and to hear again the call;

Hear about the graves of the martyrs the peewees crying;

And hear no more at all。



THE embers of the day are red

Beyond the murky hill。

The kitchen smokes: the bed

In the darkling house is spread:

The great sky darkens overhead;

And the great woods are shrill。

So far have I been led;

Lord; by Thy will:

So far I have followed; Lord; and wondered still。

The breeze from the enbalmed land

Blows sudden toward the shore;

And claps my cottage door。

I hear the signal; Lord … I understand。

The night at Thy command

Comes。  I will eat and sleep and will not question more。



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