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n the same route as the rest; but the baggage animals could not mount by any other way than this。

Here then; with shouts of encouragement to each other; they dashed at the hill with their storming columns; not from all sides; but leaving an avenue of escape for the enemy; if he chose to avail himself of it。 For a while; as the men scrambled up where each best could; the natives kept up a fire of arrows and darts; yet did not receive them at close quarters; but presently left the position in flight。 No sooner; however; were the Hellenes safely past this crest; than they came in sight of another in front of them; also occupied; and deemed it advisable to storm it also。 But now it struck Xenophon that if they  13 left the ridge just taken unprotected in their rear; the enemy might re…occupy it and attack the baggage animals as they filed past; presenting a long extended line owing to the narrowness of the road by which they made their way。 To obviate this; he left some officers in charge of the ridgeCephisodorus; son of Cephisophon; an Athenian; Amphicrates; the son of Amphidemus; an Athenian; and Archagoras; an Argive exilewhile he in person with the rest of the men attacked the second ridge; this they took in the same fashion; only to find that they had still a third knoll left; far the steepest of the three。 This was none other than the mamelon mentioned as above the outpost; which had been captured over their fire by the volunteer storming party in the night。 But when the Hellenes were close; the natives; to the astonishment of all; without a struggle deserted the knoll。 It was conjectured that they had left their position from fear of being encircled and besieged; but the fact was that they; from their higher ground; had been able to see what was going on in the rear; and had all made off in this fashion to attack the rearguard。

So then Xenophon; with the youngest men; scaled up to the top; leaving orders to the rest to march on slowly; so as to allow the hindmost companies to unite with them; they were to advance by the road; and when they reached the level to ground arms'3'。 Meanwhile the Argive Archagoras arrived; in full flight; with the announcement that they had been dislodged from the first ridge; and that Cephisodorus and Amphicrates were slain; with a number of others besides; all in fact who had not jumped down the crags and so reached the rearguard。 After this achievement the barbarians came to a crest facing the mamelon; and Xenophon held a colloquy with them by means of an interpreter; to negotiate a truce; and demanded back the dead bodies。 These they agreed to restore if he would not burn their houses; and to these terms Xenophon agreed。 Meanwhile; as the rest of the army filed past; and the colloquy was proceeding; all the people of the place had time to gather gradually; and the enemy formed; and as soon as the Hellenes began to descend from the mamelon to join the others where the troops were halted; on rushed the foe; in full force; with hue and cry。 They   20 reached the summit of the mamelon from which Xenophon was descending; and began rolling down crags。 One man's leg was crushed to pieces。 Xenophon was left by his shield…bearer; who carried off his shield; but Eurylochus of Lusia'4'; an Arcadian hoplite; ran up to him; and threw his shield in front to protect both of them; so the two together beat a retreat; and so too the rest; and joined the serried ranks of the main body。

'3' To take up position。

'4' I。e。 of Lusi (or Lusia); a town (or district) in Northern Arcadia。

After this the whole Hellenic force united; and took up their quarters there in numerous beautiful dwellings; with an ample store of provisions; for there was wine so plentiful that they had it in cemented cisterns。 Xenophon and Cheirisophus arranged to recover the dead; and in return restored the guide; afterwards they did everything for the dead; according to the means at their disposal; with the customary honours paid to good men。

Next day they set off without a guide; and the enemy; by keeping up a continuous battle and occupying in advance every narrow place; obstructed passage after passage。 Accordingly; whenever the van was obstructed; Xenophon; from behind; made a dash up the hills and broke the barricade; and freed the vanguard by endeavouring to get above the obstructing enemy。 Whenever the rear was the point attacked; Cheirisophus; in the same way; made a detour; and by endeavouring to mount higher than the barricaders; freed the passage for the rear rank; and in this way; turn and turn about; they rescued each other; and paid unflinching attention to their mutual needs。 At times it happened that; the relief party having mounted; encountered considerable annoyance in their descent from the barbarians; who were so agile that they allowed them to come up quite close; before they turned back; and still escaped; partly no doubt because the only weapons they had to carry were bows and slings。

They were; moreover; excellent archers; using bows nearly three cubits long and arrows more than two cubits。 When discharging the arrow; they draw the string by getting a purchase with the left foot planted        28 forward on the lower end of the bow。 The arrows pierced through shield and cuirass; and the Hellenes; when they got hold of them; used them as javelins; fitting them to their thongs。 In these districts the Cretans were highly serviceable。 They were under the command of Stratocles; a Cretan。


During this day they bivouacked in the villages which lie above the     1 plain of the river Centrites'1'; which is about two hundred feet broad。 It is the frontier river between Armenia and the country of the Carduchians。 Here the Hellenes recruited themselves; and the sight of the plain filled them with joy; for the river was but six or seven furlongs distant from the mountains of the Carduchians。 For the moment then they bivouacked right happily; they had their provisions; they had also many memories of the labours that were now passed; seeing that the last seven days spent in traversing the country of the Carduchians had been one long continuous battle; which had cost them more suffering than the whole of their troubles at the hands of the king and Tissaphernes put together。 As though they were truly quit of them for ever; they laid their heads to rest in sweet content。

'1' I。e。 the Eastern Tigris。

But with the morrow's dawn they espied horsemen at a certain point across the river; armed cap…a…pie; as if they meant to dispute the passage。 Infantry; too; drawn up in line upon the banks above the cavalry; threatened to prevent them debouchng into Armenia。 These troops were Armenian and Mardian and Chaldaean mercenaries belonging to Orontas and Artuchas。 The last of the three; the Chaldaeans; were said to be a free and brave set of people。 They were armed with long wicker shields and lances。 The banks before named on which they were drawn up were a hundred yards or more distant from the river; and the single road which was visible was one leading upwards and looking like a regular artificially constructed highway。 At this point the Hellenes endeavoured to cross; but on their making the attempt the water proved  6 to be more than breast…deep; and the river bed was rough with great slippery stones; and as to holding their arms in the water; it was out of the questionthe stream swept them awayor if they tried to carry them over the head; the body was left exposed to the arrows and other missiles; accordingly they turned back and encamped there by the bank of the river。

At the point where they had themselves been last night; up on the mountains; they could see the Carduchians collected in large numbers and under arms。 A shadow of deep despair again descended on their souls; whichever way they turned their eyesin front lay the river so difficult to ford; over; on the other side; a new enemy threatening to bar the passage; on the hills behind; the Carduchians ready to fall upon their rear should they once again attempt to cross。 Thus for this day and night they halted; sunk in perplexity。 But Xenophon had a dream。 In his sleep he thought that he was bound in fetters; but these; of their own accord; fell from off him; so that he was loosed; and could stretch his legs as freely as he wished'2'。 So at the first glimpse of daylight he came to Cheirisophus and told him that he had hopes that all things would go well; and related to him his dream。

'2' It is impossible to give the true sense and humour of the passage     in English; depending; as it does; on the double meaning of     {diabainein} (1) to cross (a river); (2) to stride or straddle (of     the legs)。 The army is unable to cross the Centrites; Xenophon     dreams that he is fettered; but the chains drop off his legs and     he is able to stride as freely as ever; next morning the two young     men come to him with the story how they have found themselves able     to walk cross the river instead of having to swim it。 It is     obvious to Xenophon that the dream is sent from Heaven。

The other was well pleased; and with the first faint gleam of dawn the generals all were present and did sacrifice; and the victims were favourable in the first essay。 Retiring 

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