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ll of wild beasts; which he used to hunt on horseback; whenever he wished to give himself or his horses exercise。 Through the midst of the park flows the river Maeander; the sources of which are within the palace buildings; and it flows through the city of Celaenae。 The great king also has a palace in Celaenae; a strong place; on the sources of another river; the Marsyas; at the foot of the acropolis。 This river also flows through the city; discharging itself into the Maeander; and is five…and…twenty feet broad。 Here is the place where Apollo is said to have flayed Marsyas; when he had conquered him in the contest of skill。 He hung up the skin of the conquered man; in the cavern where the spring wells forth; and hence the name of the river; Marsyas。 It was on this site that Xerxes; as tradition tells; built this very palace; as well as the citadel of Celaenae itself; on his retreat from Hellas; after he had lost the famous battle。 Here Cyrus remained for thirty days; during which Clearchus the Lacedaemonian arrived with one thousand hoplites and eight hundred Thracian peltasts and two hundred Cretan archers。 At the same time; also; came Sosis the Syracusian with three thousand hoplites; and Sophaenetus the Arcadian'6' with one thousand hoplites; and here Cyrus held a review; and numbered his Hellenes in the park; and found that they amounted in all to eleven thousand hoplites and about two thousand peltasts。

'2' The Persian 〃farsang〃 = 30 stades; nearly 1 league; 3 1/2 statute     miles; though not of uniform value in all parts of Asia。

'3' 〃Two plethra〃: the plethron = about 101 English feet。

'4' Lit。 〃inhabited;〃 many of the cities of Asia being then as now     deserted; but the suggestion is clearly at times 〃thickly     inhabited;〃 〃populous。〃

'5' Lit。 〃paradise;〃 an oriental word = park or pleasure ground。

'6' Perhaps this should be Agias the Arcadian; as Mr。 Macmichael     suggests。 Sophaenetus has already been named above。

From this place he continued his march two stagesten parasangsto    10 the populous city of Peltae; where he remained three days; while Xenias; the Arcadian; celebrated the Lycaea'7' with sacrifice; and instituted games。 The prizes were headbands of gold; and Cyrus himself was a spectator of the contest。 From this place the march was continued two stagestwelve parasangsto Ceramon…agora; a populous city; the last on the confines of Mysia。 Thence a march of three stagesthirty parasangsbrought him to Caystru…pedion'8'; a populous city。 Here Cyrus halted five days; and the soldiers; whose pay was now more than three months in arrear; came several times to the palace gates demanding their dues; while Cyrus put them off with fine words and expectations; but could not conceal his vexation; for it was not his fashion to stint payment; when he had the means。 At this point Epyaxa; the wife of Syennesis; the king of the Cilicians; arrived on a visit to Cyrus; and it was said that Cyrus received a large gift of money from the queen。 At this date; at any rate; Cyrus gave the army four months' pay。 The queen was accompanied by a bodyguard of Cilicians and Aspendians; and; if report speaks truly; Cyrus had intimate relations with the queen。

'7' The Lycaea; an Arcadian festival in honour of Zeus {Arcaios}; akin     to the Roman Lupercalia; which was originally a shepherd festival;     the introduction of which the Romans ascribe to the Arcadian     Evander。

'8' Lit。 〃plain of the Cayster;〃 like Ceramon…agora; 〃the market of     the Ceramians〃 above; the name of a town。

From this place he marched two stagesten parasangsto Thymbrium; a populous city。 Here; by the side of the road; is the spring of Midas; the king of Phrygia; as it is called; where Midas; as the story goes; caught the satyr by drugging the spring with wine。 From this place he marched two stagesten parasangsto Tyriaeum; a populous city。 Here he halted three days; and the Cilician queen; according to the popular account; begged Cyrus to exhibit his armament for her amusement。 The latter being only too glad to make such an exhibition; held a review of the Hellenes and barbarians in the plain。 He ordered the Hellenes to draw up their lines and post themselves in their customary battle order; each general marshalling his own battalion。 Accordingly they drew up four…deep。 The right was held by Menon and those with him; the  15 left by Clearchus and his men; the centre by the remaining generals with theirs。 Cyrus first inspected the barbarians; who marched past in troops of horses and companies of infantry。 He then inspected the Hellenes; driving past them in his chariot; with the queen in her carriage。 And they all had brass helmets and purple tunics; and greaves; and their shields uncovered'9'。

'9' I。e。 ready for action; c。f。 〃bayonets fixed〃。

After he had driven past the whole body; he drew up his chariot in front of the centre of the battle…line; and sent his interpreter Pigres to the generals of the Hellenes; with orders to present arms and to advance along the whole line。 This order was repeated by the generals to their men; and at the sound of the bugle; with shields forward and spears in rest; they advanced to meet the enemy。 The pace quickened; and with a shout the soldiers spontaneously fell into a run; making in the direction of the camp。 Great was the panic of the barbarians。 The Cilician queen in her carriage turned and fled; the sutlers in the marketing place left their wares and took to their heels; and the Hellenes meanwhile came into camp with a roar of laughter。 What astounded the queen was the brilliancy and order of the armament; but Cyrus was pleased to see the terror inspired by the Hellenes in the hearts of the Asiatics。

From this place he marched on three stagestwenty parasangsto Iconium; the last city of Phrygia; where he remained three days。 Thence he marched through Lycaonia five stagesthirty parasangs。 This was hostile country; and he gave it over to the Hellenes to pillage。 At this point Cyrus sent back the Cilician queen to her own country by the quickest route; and to escort her he sent the soldiers of Menon; and Menon himself。 With the rest of the troops he continued his march through Cappadocia four stagestwenty…five parasangsto Dana; a populous city; large and flourishing。 Here they halted three days; within which interval Cyrus put to death; on a charge of conspiracy; a Persian nobleman named Megaphernes; a wearer of the royal purple; and along with him another high dignitary among his subordinate commanders。

From this place they endeavoured to force a passage into Cilicia。 Now   21 the entrance was by an exceedingly steep cart…road; impracticable for an army in face of a resisting force; and report said that Syennesis was on the summit of the pass guarding the approach。 Accordingly they halted a day in the plain; but next day came a messenger informing them that Syenesis had left the pass; doubtless; after perceiving that Menon's army was already in Cilicia on his own side of the mountains; and he had further been informed that ships of war; belonging to the Lacedaemonians and to Cyrus himself; with Tamos on board as admiral; were sailing round from Ionia to Cilicia。 Whatever the reason might be; Cyrus made his way up into the hills without let or hindrance; and came in sight of the tents where the Cilicians were on guard。 From that point he descended gradually into a large and beautiful plain country; well watered; and thickly covered with trees of all sorts and vines。 This plain produces sesame plentifully; as also panic and millet and barley and wheat; and it is shut in on all sides by a steep and lofty wall of mountains from sea to sea。 Descending through this plain country; he advanced four stagestwenty…five parasangsto Tarsus; a large and prosperous city of Cilicia。 Here stood the palace of Syennesis; the king of the country; and through the middle of the city flows a river called the Cydnus; two hundred feet broad。 They found that the city had been deserted by its inhabitants; who had betaken themselves; with Syennesis; to a strong place on the hills。 All had gone; except the tavern…keepers。 The sea…board inhabitants of Soli and Issi also remained。 Now Epyaxa; Syennesis's queen; had reached Tarsus five days in advance of Cyrus。 During their passage over the mountains into the plain; two companies of Menon's army were lost。 Some said they had been cut down by the Cilicians; while engaged on some pillaging affair; another account was that they had been left behind; and being unable to overtake the main body; or discover the route; had gone astray and perished。 However it was; they numbered one hundred hoplites; and when the rest arrived; being in a fury at the destruction of their fellow soldiers; they vented their spleen by pillaging the city of Tarsus and the palace to boot。 Now when Cyrus had marched into the city; he sent for Syennesis to come to him; but    26 the latter replied that he had never yet put himself into the hands of any one who was his superior; nor was he willing to accede to the proposal of Cyrus now; until; in the end; his wife persuaded him; and he accepted pledges of good faith。 After this they met; and Syennesis gave Cyrus large sums in aid of his army; while Cyrus pre

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