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the golden road-及45准

弌傍 the golden road 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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a bit frightened。  I just was quite willing to be killed。  If there hadn't been a big pile of chaff on the barn floor these words would never have been written。  But there was and I fell on it and wasn't a bit hurt察only my hair and mouth and eyes and ears got all full of chaff。  The strange part is that I wasn't a bit frightened when I thought I was going to be killed察but after all the danger was over I was awfully frightened and trembled so the Story Girl had to help me into the house。

                                     FELICITY KING。


Once upon a time there lived about half a mile from a forrest a farmer and his wife and his sons and daughters and a granddaughter。  The farmer and his wife loved this little girl very much but she caused them great trouble by running away into the woods and they often spent haf days looking for her。  One day she wondered further into the forrest than usual and she begun to be hungry。  Then night closed in。  She asked a fox where she could get something to eat。  The fox told her he knew where there was a partridges nest and a bluejays nest full of eggs。  So he led her to the nests and she took five eggs out of each。  When the birds came home they missed the eggs and flew into a rage。  The bluejay put on his topcoat and was going to the partridge for law when he met the partridge coming to him。  They lit up a fire and commenced sining their deeds when they heard a tremendous howl close behind them。  They jumped up and put out the fire and were immejutly attacked by five great wolves。  The next day the little girl was rambelling through the woods when they saw her and took her prisoner。  After she had confessed that she had stole the eggs they told her to raise an army。  They would have to fight over the nests of eggs and whoever one would have the eggs。  So the partridge raised a great army of all kinds of birds except robins and the little girl got all the robins and foxes and bees and wasps。  And best of all the little girl had a gun and plenty of ammunishun。  The leader of her army was a wolf。  The result of the battle was that all the birds were killed except the partridge and the bluejay and they were taken prisoner and starved to death。

The little girl was then taken prisoner by a witch and cast into a dunjun full of snakes where she died from their bites and people who went through the forrest after that were taken prisoner by her ghost and cast into the same dunjun where they died。  About a year after the wood turned into a gold castle and one morning everything had vanished except a piece of a tree。

                                       PETER CRAIG。

DAN察WITH A WHISTLE此Well察I guess nobody can say Peter can't write fiction after THAT。;

SARA RAY察WIPING AWAY HER TEARS此It's a very interesting story察but it ends SO sadly。;

FELIX此What made you call it The Battle of the Partridge Eggs when the bluejay had just as much to do with it拭

PETER察SHORTLY此Because it sounded better that way。;

FELICITY此Did she eat the eggs raw拭

SARA RAY此Poor little thing察I suppose if you're starving you can't be very particular。;

CECILY察SIGHING此I wish you'd let her go home safe察Peter察and not put her to such a cruel death。;

BEVERLEY此I don't quite understand where the little girl got her gun and ammunition。;

PETER察SUSPECTING THAT HE IS BEING MADE FUN OF此If you could write a better story察why didn't you拭 I give you the chance。;

THE STORY GIRL察WITH A PRETERNATURALLY SOLEMN FACE此You shouldn't criticize Peter's story like that。  It's a fairy tale察 you know察and anything can happen in a fairy tale。;

FELICITY此There isn't a word about fairies in it 

CECILY此Besides察fairy tales always end nicely and this doesn't。;

PETER察SULKILY此I wanted to punish her for running away from home。;

DAN此Well察I guess you did it all right。;

CECILY此Oh察well察it was very interesting察and that is all that is really necessary in a story。; 


Mr。 Blair Stanley is visiting friends and relatives in Carlisle。  He intends returning to Europe shortly。  His daughter察Miss Sara察will accompany him。

Mr。 Alan King is expected home from South America next month。  His sons will return with him to Toronto。  Beverley and Felix have made hosts of friends during their stay in Carlisle and will be much missed in social circles。

The Mission Band of Carlisle Presbyterian Church completed their missionary quilt last week。  Miss Cecily King collected the largest sum on her square。  Congratulations察Cecily。

Mr。 Peter Craig will be residing in Markdale after October and will attend school there this winter。  Peter is a good fellow and we all wish him success and prosperity。

Apple picking is almost ended。  There was an unusually heavy crop this year。  Potatoes察not so good。


Apple pies are the order of the day。

Eggs are a very good price now。  Uncle Roger says it isn't fair to have to pay as much for a dozen little eggs as a dozen big ones察but they go just as far。

                                     FELICITY KING。


F´l´t´y。  Is it considered good form to eat peppermints in church拭Ans。察No察not if a witch gives them to you。

No察F´l´x察we would not call Treasure Island or the Pilgrim's Progress dime novels。

Yes察P´t´r察when you call on a young lady and her mother offers you a slice of bread and jam it is quite polite for you to accept it。

                                          DAN KING。


Necklaces of roseberries are very much worn now。

It is considered smart to wear your school hat tilted over your left eye。

Bangs are coming in。  Em Frewen has them。  She went to Summerside for a visit and came back with them。  All the girls in school are going to bang their hair as soon as their mothers will let them。  But I do not intend to bang mine。

                                       CECILY KING。

SARA RAY察DESPAIRINGLY此I know ma will never let ME have bangs。;


D´n。  What are details拭 C´l´y。  I am not sure察but I think they are things that are left over。

CECILY察WONDERINGLY此I don't see why that was put among the funny paragraphs。  Shouldn't it have gone in the General Information department拭┌

Old Mr。 McIntyre's son on the Markdale Road had been very sick for several years and somebody was sympathizing with him because his son was going to die。  ;Oh察─Mr。 McIntyre said察quite easy察 he might as weel be awa'。  He's only retarding buzziness。;

                                        FELIX KING。


P´t´r。  What kind of people live in uninhabited places

Ans。此 Cannibals察likely。

                                        FELIX KING。



IT was the evening before the day on which the Story Girl and Uncle Blair were to leave us察and we were keeping our last tryst together in the orchard where we had spent so many happy hours。  We had made a pilgrimage to all the old hauntsthe hill field察the spruce wood察the dairy察Grandfather King's willow察the Pulpit Stone察Pat's grave察and Uncle Stephen's Walk察and now we foregathered in the sere grasses about the old well and feasted on the little jam turnovers Felicity had made that day specially for the occasion。

;I wonder if we'll ever all be together again察─sighed Cecily。

;I wonder when I'll get jam turnovers like this again察─said the Story Girl察trying to be gay but not making much of a success of it。

;If Paris wasn't so far away I could send you a box of nice things now and then察─said Felicity forlornly察 but I suppose there's no use thinking of that。  Dear knows what they'll give you to eat over there。;

;Oh察the French have the reputation of being the best cooks in the world察─rejoined the Story Girl察 but I know they can't beat your jam turnovers and plum puffs察Felicity。  Many a time I'll be hankering after them。;

;If we ever do meet again you'll be grown up察─said Felicity gloomily。

;Well察you won't have stood still yourselves察you know。;

;No察but that's just the worst of it。  We'll all be different and everything will be changed。;

;Just think察─said Cecily察 last New Year's Eve we were wondering what would happen this year察and what a lot of things have happened that we never expected。  Oh察dear 

;If things never happened life would be pretty dull察─said the Story Girl briskly。  ;Oh察don't look so dismal察all of you。;

;It's hard to be cheerful when everybody's going away察─sighed Cecily。

;Well察let's pretend to be察anyway察─insisted the Story Girl。  ;Don't let's think of parting。  Let's think instead of how much we've laughed this last year or so。  I'm sure I shall never forget this dear old place。  We've had so many good times here。;

;And some bad times察too察─reminded Felix。

;Remember when Dan et the bad berries last summer拭

;And the time we were so scared over that bell ringing in the house察─grinned Peter。

;And the Judgment Day察─added Dan。

;And the time Paddy was bewitched察─suggested Sara Ray。

;And when Peter was dying of the measles察─said Felicity。

;And the time Jimmy Patterson was lost察─said Dan。  ;Gee

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