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the golden road-及36准

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 report of its condition was always the same;neat as wax。; To be sure察there was one room that was always locked against her察the west gable察looking out on the garden and the hill of pines beyond。  But Mrs。 Griggs knew that in the lifetime of Jasper Dale's mother it had been unfurnished。  She supposed it still remained so察and felt no especial curiosity concerning it察though she always tried the door。

Jasper Dale had a good farm察well cultivated察he had a large garden where he worked most of his spare time in summer察it was supposed that he read a great deal察since the postmistress declared that he was always getting books and magazines by mail。  He seemed well contented with his existence and people let him alone察since that was the greatest kindness they could do him。  It was unsupposable that he would ever marry察nobody ever had supposed it。

;Jasper Dale never so much as THOUGHT about a woman察─Carlisle oracles declared。  Oracles察however察are not always to be trusted。

One day Mrs。 Griggs went away from the Dale place with a very curious story察which she diligently spread far and wide。  It made a good deal of talk察but people察although they listened eagerly察and wondered and questioned察were rather incredulous about it。  They thought Mrs。 Griggs must be drawing considerably upon her imagination察there were not lacking those who declared that she had invented the whole account察since her reputation for strict veracity was not wholly unquestioned。

Mrs。 Griggs's story was as follows

One day she found the door of the west gable unlocked。  She went in察expecting to see bare walls and a collection of odds and ends。  Instead she found herself in a finely furnished room。  Delicate lace curtains hung before the small察square察broad´silled windows。  The walls were adorned with pictures in much finer taste than Mrs。 Griggs could appreciate。  There was a bookcase between the windows filled with choicely bound books。  Beside it stood a little table with a very dainty work´basket on it。  By the basket Mrs。 Griggs saw a pair of tiny scissors and a silver thimble。  A wicker rocker察comfortable with silk cushions察was near it。  Above the bookcase a woman's picture hunga water´colour察if Mrs。 Griggs had but known itrepresenting a pale察very sweet face察with large察dark eyes and a wistful expression under loose masses of black察lustrous hair。  Just beneath the picture察on the top shelf of the bookcase察was a vaseful of flowers。  Another vaseful stood on the table beside the basket。

All this was astonishing enough。  But what puzzled Mrs。 Griggs completely was the fact that a woman's dress was hanging over a chair before the mirrora pale blue察silken affair。  And on the floor beside it were two little blue satin slippers

Good Mrs。 Griggs did not leave the room until she had thoroughly explored it察even to shaking out the blue dress and discovering it to be a tea´gownwrapper察she called it。  But she found nothing to throw any light on the mystery。  The fact that the simple name ;Alice; was written on the fly´leaves of all the books only deepened it察for it was a name unknown in the Dale family。  In this puzzled state she was obliged to depart察nor did she ever find the door unlocked again察and察discovering that people thought she was romancing when she talked about the mysterious west gable at Golden Milestone察she indignantly held her peace concerning the whole affair。

But Mrs。 Griggs had told no more than the simple truth。  Jasper Dale察under all his shyness and aloofness察possessed a nature full of delicate romance and poesy察which察denied expression in the common ways of life察bloomed out in the realm of fancy and imagination。  Left alone察just when the boy's nature was deepening into the man's察he turned to this ideal kingdom for all he believed the real world could never give him。  Lovea strange察almost mystical loveplayed its part here for him。  He shadowed forth to himself the vision of a woman察loving and beloved察he cherished it until it became almost as real to him as his own personality and he gave this dream woman the name he liked best Alice。 In fancy he walked and talked with her察spoke words of love to her察and heard words of love in return。  When he came from work at the close of day she met him at his threshold in the twilight a strange察fair察starry shape察as elusive and spiritual as a blossom reflected in a pool by moonlightwith welcome on her lips and in her eyes。

One day察when he was in Charlottetown on business察he had been struck by a picture in the window of a store。  It was strangely like the woman of his dream love。  He went in察awkward and embarrassed察and bought it。  When he took it home he did not know where to put it。  It was out of place among the dim old engravings of bewigged portraits and conventional landscapes on the walls of Golden Milestone。  As he pondered the matter in his garden that evening he had an inspiration。  The sunset察flaming on the windows of the west gable察kindled them into burning rose。  Amid the splendour he fancied Alice's fair face peeping archly down at him from the room。  The inspiration came then。  It should be her room察he would fit it up for her察and her picture should hang there。

He was all summer carrying out his plan。  Nobody must know or suspect察so he must go slowly and secretly。  One by one the furnishings were purchased and brought home under cover of darkness。  He arranged them with his own hands。  He bought the books he thought she would like best and wrote her name in them察he got the little feminine knick´knacks of basket and thimble。  Finally he saw in a store a pale blue tea´gown and the satin slippers。  He had always fancied her as dressed in blue。  He bought them and took them home to her room。  Thereafter it was sacred to her察he always knocked on its door before he entered察he kept it sweet with fresh flowers察he sat there in the purple summer evenings and talked aloud to her or read his favourite books to her。  In his fancy she sat opposite to him in her rocker察clad in the trailing blue gown察with her head leaning on one slender hand察as white as a twilight star。

But Carlisle people knew nothing of thiswould have thought him tinged with mild lunacy if they had known。  To them察he was just the shy察simple farmer he appeared。  They never knew or guessed at the real Jasper Dale。

One spring Alice Reade came to teach music in Carlisle。  Her pupils worshipped her察but the grown people thought she was rather too distant and reserved。  They had been used to merry察jolly girls who joined eagerly in the social life of the place。  Alice Reade held herself aloof from itnot disdainfully察but as one to whom these things were of small importance。  She was very fond of books and solitary rambles察she was not at all shy but she was as sensitive as a flower察and after a time Carlisle people were content to let her live her own life and no longer resented her unlikeness to themselves。

She boarded with the Armstrongs察who lived beyond Golden Milestone around the hill of pines。  Until the snow disappeared she went out to the main road by the long Armstrong lane察but when spring came she was wont to take a shorter way察down the pine hill察across the brook察past Jasper Dale's garden察and out through his lane。  And one day察as she went by察Jasper Dale was working in his garden。

He was on his knees in a corner察setting out a bunch of rootsan unsightly little tangle of rainbow possibilities。  It was a still spring morning察the world was green with young leaves察a little wind blew down from the pines and lost itself willingly among the budding delights of the garden。  The grass opened eyes of blue violets。  The sky was high and cloudless察turquoise´blue察shading off into milkiness on the far horizons。  Birds were singing along the brook valley。  Rollicking robins were whistling joyously in the pines。  Jasper Dale's heart was filled to over´flowing with a realization of all the virgin loveliness around him察the feeling in his soul had the sacredness of a prayer。  At this moment he looked up and saw Alice Reade。

She was standing outside the garden fence察in the shadow of a great pine tree察looking not at him察for she was unaware of his presence察but at the virginal bloom of the plum trees in a far corner察with all her delight in it outblossoming freely in her face。  For a moment Jasper Dale believed that his dream love had taken visible form before him。  She was likeso like察not in feature察perhaps察but in grace and colouringthe grace of a slender察lissome form and the colouring of cloudy hair and wistful察dark gray eyes察and curving red mouth察and more than all察she was like her in expressionin the subtle revelation of personality exhaling from her like perfume from a flower。  It was as if his own had come to him at last and his whole soul suddenly leaped out to meet and welcome her。

Then her eyes fell upon him and the spell was broken。  Jasper remained kneeling mutely there察shy man once more察crimson with blushes察a strange察almost pitiful creature in his abject confusion。  A little smile flickered about the delicate corners of her mouth察but she turned and walked swiftly away down the lane。

Jasper looked after her with a new察painful sense of loss 

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