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the mirror of the sea-第9节

小说: the mirror of the sea 字数: 每页4000字

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take a turn or two; perfectly silent; hang on by the compass for a

while; take another couple of turns; and suddenly burst out:

〃What are you trying to do with the ship?〃

And Mr。 P…; who was not good at catching what was shouted in the

wind; would say interrogatively:

〃Yes; sir?〃

Then in the increasing gale of the sea there would be a little

private ship's storm going on in which you could detect strong

language; pronounced in a tone of passion and exculpatory

protestations uttered with every possible inflection of injured


〃By Heavens; Mr。 P…!  I used to carry on sail in my time; but … 〃

And the rest would be lost to me in a stormy gust of wind。

Then; in a lull; P…'s protesting innocence would become audible:

〃She seems to stand it very well。〃

And then another burst of an indignant voice:

〃Any fool can carry sail on a ship … 〃

And so on and so on; the ship meanwhile rushing on her way with a

heavier list; a noisier splutter; a more threatening hiss of the

white; almost blinding; sheet of foam to leeward。  For the best of

it was that Captain S… seemed constitutionally incapable of giving

his officers a definite order to shorten sail; and so that

extraordinarily vague row would go on till at last it dawned upon

them both; in some particularly alarming gust; that it was time to

do something。  There is nothing like the fearful inclination of

your tall spars overloaded with canvas to bring a deaf man and an

angry one to their senses。


So sail did get shortened more or less in time even in that ship;

and her tall spars never went overboard while I served in her。

However; all the time I was with them; Captain S… and Mr。 P… did

not get on very well together。  If P… carried on 〃like the very

devil〃 because he was too deaf to know how much wind there was;

Captain S… (who; as I have said; seemed constitutionally incapable

of ordering one of his officers to shorten sail) resented the

necessity forced upon him by Mr。 P…'s desperate goings on。  It was

in Captain S…'s tradition rather to reprove his officers for not

carrying on quite enough … in his phrase 〃for not taking every

ounce of advantage of a fair wind。〃  But there was also a

psychological motive that made him extremely difficult to deal with

on board that iron clipper。  He had just come out of the marvellous

Tweed; a ship; I have heard; heavy to look at but of phenomenal

speed。  In the middle sixties she had beaten by a day and a half

the steam mail…boat from Hong Kong to Singapore。  There was

something peculiarly lucky; perhaps; in the placing of her masts …

who knows?  Officers of men…of…war used to come on board to take

the exact dimensions of her sail…plan。  Perhaps there had been a

touch of genius or the finger of good fortune in the fashioning of

her lines at bow and stern。  It is impossible to say。  She was

built in the East Indies somewhere; of teak…wood throughout; except

the deck。  She had a great sheer; high bows; and a clumsy stern。

The men who had seen her described her to me as 〃nothing much to

look at。〃  But in the great Indian famine of the seventies that

ship; already old then; made some wonderful dashes across the Gulf

of Bengal with cargoes of rice from Rangoon to Madras。

She took the secret of her speed with her; and; unsightly as she

was; her image surely has its glorious place in the mirror of the

old sea。

The point; however; is that Captain S…; who used to say frequently;

〃She never made a decent passage after I left her;〃 seemed to think

that the secret of her speed lay in her famous commander。  No doubt

the secret of many a ship's excellence does lie with the man on

board; but it was hopeless for Captain S… to try to make his new

iron clipper equal the feats which made the old Tweed a name of

praise upon the lips of English…speaking seamen。  There was

something pathetic in it; as in the endeavour of an artist in his

old age to equal the masterpieces of his youth … for the Tweed's

famous passages were Captain S…'s masterpieces。  It was pathetic;

and perhaps just the least bit dangerous。  At any rate; I am glad

that; what between Captain S…'s yearning for old triumphs and Mr。

P…'s deafness; I have seen some memorable carrying on to make a

passage。  And I have carried on myself upon the tall spars of that

Clyde shipbuilder's masterpiece as I have never carried on in a

ship before or since。

The second mate falling ill during the passage; I was promoted to

officer of the watch; alone in charge of the deck。  Thus the

immense leverage of the ship's tall masts became a matter very near

my own heart。  I suppose it was something of a compliment for a

young fellow to be trusted; apparently without any supervision; by

such a commander as Captain S…; though; as far as I can remember;

neither the tone; nor the manner; nor yet the drift of Captain S…'s

remarks addressed to myself did ever; by the most strained

interpretation; imply a favourable opinion of my abilities。  And he

was; I must say; a most uncomfortable commander to get your orders

from at night。  If I had the watch from eight till midnight; he

would leave the deck about nine with the words; 〃Don't take any

sail off her。〃  Then; on the point of disappearing down the

companion…way; he would add curtly:  〃Don't carry anything away。〃

I am glad to say that I never did; one night; however; I was

caught; not quite prepared; by a sudden shift of wind。

There was; of course; a good deal of noise … running about; the;

shouts of the sailors; the thrashing of the sails … enough; in

fact; to wake the dead。  But S… never came on deck。  When I was

relieved by the chief mate an hour afterwards; he sent for me。  I

went into his stateroom; he was lying on his couch wrapped up in a

rug; with a pillow under his head。

〃What was the matter with you up there just now?〃 he asked。

〃Wind flew round on the lee quarter; sir;〃 I said。

〃Couldn't you see the shift coming?〃

〃Yes; sir; I thought it wasn't very far off。〃

〃Why didn't you have your courses hauled up at once; then?〃 he

asked in a tone that ought to have made my blood run cold。

But this was my chance; and I did not let it slip。

〃Well; sir;〃 I said in an apologetic tone; 〃she was going eleven

knots very nicely; and I thought she would do for another half…hour

or so。〃

He gazed at me darkly out of his head; lying very still on the

white pillow; for a time。

〃Ah; yes; another half…hour。  That's the way ships get dismasted。〃

And that was all I got in the way of a wigging。  I waited a little

while and then went out; shutting carefully the door of the state…

room after me。

Well; I have loved; lived with; and left the sea without ever

seeing a ship's tall fabric of sticks; cobwebs and gossamer go by

the board。  Sheer good luck; no doubt。  But as to poor P…; I am

sure that he would not have got off scot…free like this but for the

god of gales; who called him away early from this earth; which is

three parts ocean; and therefore a fit abode for sailors。  A few

years afterwards I met in an Indian port a man who had served in

the ships of the same company。  Names came up in our talk; names of

our colleagues in the same employ; and; naturally enough; I asked

after P…。  Had he got a command yet?  And the other man answered


〃No; but he's provided for; anyhow。  A heavy sea took him off the

poop in the run between New Zealand and the Horn。〃

Thus P… passed away from amongst the tall spars of ships that he

had tried to their utmost in many a spell of boisterous weather。

He had shown me what carrying on meant; but he was not a man to

learn discretion from。  He could not help his deafness。  One can

only remember his cheery temper; his admiration for the jokes in

PUNCH; his little oddities … like his strange passion for borrowing

looking…glasses; for instance。  Each of our cabins had its own

looking…glass screwed to the bulkhead; and what he wanted with more

of them we never could fathom。  He asked for the loan in

confidential tones。  Why?  Mystery。  We made various surmises。  No

one will ever know now。  At any rate; it was a harmless

eccentricity; and may the god of gales; who took him away so

abruptly between New Zealand and the Horn; let his soul rest in

some Paradise of true seamen; where no amount of carrying on will

ever dismast a ship!


There has been a time when a ship's chief mate; pocket…book in hand

and pencil behind his ear; kept one eye a

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