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the mirror of the sea-第31节

小说: the mirror of the sea 字数: 每页4000字

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from the horizon in uninterrupted cadence of motion; passing under

us with a slight friendly toss of our boat。  Far away; where the

brig had been; an angry white stain undulating on the surface of

steely…gray waters; shot with gleams of green; diminished swiftly;

without a hiss; like a patch of pure snow melting in the sun。  And

the great stillness after this initiation into the sea's implacable

hate seemed full of dread thoughts and shadows of disaster。

〃Gone!〃 ejaculated from the depths of his chest my bowman in a

final tone。  He spat in his hands; and took a better grip on his

oar。  The captain of the brig lowered his rigid arm slowly; and

looked at our faces in a solemnly conscious silence; which called

upon us to share in his simple…minded; marvelling awe。  All at once

he sat down by my side; and leaned forward earnestly at my boat's

crew; who; swinging together in a long; easy stroke; kept their

eyes fixed upon him faithfully。

〃No ship could have done so well;〃 he addressed them firmly; after

a moment of strained silence; during which he seemed with trembling

lips to seek for words fit to bear such high testimony。  〃She was

small; but she was good。  I had no anxiety。  She was strong。  Last

voyage I had my wife and two children in her。  No other ship could

have stood so long the weather she had to live through for days and

days before we got dismasted a fortnight ago。  She was fairly worn

out; and that's all。  You may believe me。  She lasted under us for

days and days; but she could not last for ever。  It was long

enough。  I am glad it is over。  No better ship was ever left to

sink at sea on such a day as this。〃

He was competent to pronounce the funereal oration of a ship; this

son of ancient sea…folk; whose national existence; so little

stained by the excesses of manly virtues; had demanded nothing but

the merest foothold from the earth。  By the merits of his sea…wise

forefathers and by the artlessness of his heart; he was made fit to

deliver this excellent discourse。  There was nothing wanting in its

orderly arrangement … neither piety nor faith; nor the tribute of

praise due to the worthy dead; with the edifying recital of their

achievement。  She had lived; he had loved her; she had suffered;

and he was glad she was at rest。  It was an excellent discourse。

And it was orthodox; too; in its fidelity to the cardinal article

of a seaman's faith; of which it was a single…minded confession。

〃Ships are all right。〃  They are。  They who live with the sea have

got to hold by that creed first and last; and it came to me; as I

glanced at him sideways; that some men were not altogether unworthy

in honour and conscience to pronounce the funereal eulogium of a

ship's constancy in life and death。

After this; sitting by my side with his loosely…clasped hands

hanging between his knees; he uttered no word; made no movement

till the shadow of our ship's sails fell on the boat; when; at the

loud cheer greeting the return of the victors with their prize; he

lifted up his troubled face with a faint smile of pathetic

indulgence。  This smile of the worthy descendant of the most

ancient sea…folk whose audacity and hardihood had left no trace of

greatness and glory upon the waters; completed the cycle of my

initiation。  There was an infinite depth of hereditary wisdom in

its pitying sadness。  It made the hearty bursts of cheering sound

like a childish noise of triumph。  Our crew shouted with immense

confidence … honest souls!  As if anybody could ever make sure of

having prevailed against the sea; which has betrayed so many ships

of great 〃name;〃 so many proud men; so many towering ambitions of

fame; power; wealth; greatness!

As I brought the boat under the falls my captain; in high good…

humour; leaned over; spreading his red and freckled elbows on the

rail; and called down to me sarcastically; out of the depths of his

cynic philosopher's beard:

〃So you have brought the boat back after all; have you?〃

Sarcasm was 〃his way;〃 and the most that can be said for it is that

it was natural。  This did not make it lovable。  But it is decorous

and expedient to fall in with one's commander's way。  〃Yes。  I

brought the boat back all right; sir;〃 I answered。  And the good

man believed me。  It was not for him to discern upon me the marks

of my recent initiation。  And yet I was not exactly the same

youngster who had taken the boat away … all impatience for a race

against death; with the prize of nine men's lives at the end。

Already I looked with other eyes upon the sea。  I knew it capable

of betraying the generous ardour of youth as implacably as;

indifferent to evil and good; it would have betrayed the basest

greed or the noblest heroism。  My conception of its magnanimous

greatness was gone。  And I looked upon the true sea … the sea that

plays with men till their hearts are broken; and wears stout ships

to death。  Nothing can touch the brooding bitterness of its heart。

Open to all and faithful to none; it exercises its fascination for

the undoing of the best。  To love it is not well。  It knows no bond

of plighted troth; no fidelity to misfortune; to long

companionship; to long devotion。  The promise it holds out

perpetually is very great; but the only secret of its possession is

strength; strength … the jealous; sleepless strength of a man

guarding a coveted treasure within his gates。


The cradle of oversea traffic and of the art of naval combats; the

Mediterranean; apart from all the associations of adventure and

glory; the common heritage of all mankind; makes a tender appeal to

a seaman。  It has sheltered the infancy of his craft。  He looks

upon it as a man may look at a vast nursery in an old; old mansion

where innumerable generations of his own people have learned to

walk。  I say his own people because; in a sense; all sailors belong

to one family:  all are descended from that adventurous and shaggy

ancestor who; bestriding a shapeless log and paddling with a

crooked branch; accomplished the first coasting…trip in a sheltered

bay ringing with the admiring howls of his tribe。  It is a matter

of regret that all those brothers in craft and feeling; whose

generations have learned to walk a ship's deck in that nursery;

have been also more than once fiercely engaged in cutting each

other's throats there。  But life; apparently; has such exigencies。

Without human propensity to murder and other sorts of

unrighteousness there would have been no historical heroism。  It is

a consoling reflection。  And then; if one examines impartially the

deeds of violence; they appear of but small consequence。  From

Salamis to Actium; through Lepanto and the Nile to the naval

massacre of Navarino; not to mention other armed encounters of

lesser interest; all the blood heroically spilt into the

Mediterranean has not stained with a single trail of purple the

deep azure of its classic waters。

Of course; it may be argued that battles have shaped the destiny of

mankind。  The question whether they have shaped it well would

remain open; however。  But it would be hardly worth discussing。  It

is very probable that; had the Battle of Salamis never been fought;

the face of the world would have been much as we behold it now;

fashioned by the mediocre inspiration and the short…sighted labours

of men。  From a long and miserable experience of suffering;

injustice; disgrace and aggression the nations of the earth are

mostly swayed by fear … fear of the sort that a little cheap

oratory turns easily to rage; hate; and violence。  Innocent;

guileless fear has been the cause of many wars。  Not; of course;

the fear of war itself; which; in the evolution of sentiments and

ideas; has come to be regarded at last as a half…mystic and

glorious ceremony with certain fashionable rites and preliminary

incantations; wherein the conception of its true nature has been

lost。  To apprehend the true aspect; force; and morality of war as

a natural function of mankind one requires a feather in the hair

and a ring in the nose; or; better still; teeth filed to a point

and a tattooed breast。  Unfortunately; a return to such simple

ornamentation is impossible。  We are bound to the chariot of

progress。  There is no going back; and; as bad luck would have it;

our civilization; which has done so much for the comfort and

adornment of our bodies and the elevation of our minds; has made

lawful killing frightfully and needlessly expensive。

The whole question of improved armaments has been approached by the

governments of the earth in a spirit of nervous and unreflecting

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