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the mirror of the sea-第24节

小说: the mirror of the sea 字数: 每页4000字

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cellars … down through the interesting group of West India Docks;

the fine docks at Blackwall; on past the Galleons Reach entrance of

the Victoria and Albert Docks; right down to the vast gloom of the

great basins in Tilbury; each of those places of restraint for

ships has its own peculiar physiognomy; its own expression。  And

what makes them unique and attractive is their common trait of

being romantic in their usefulness。

In their way they are as romantic as the river they serve is unlike

all the other commercial streams of the world。  The cosiness of the

St。 Katherine's Dock; the old…world air of the London Docks; remain

impressed upon the memory。  The docks down the river; abreast of

Woolwich; are imposing by their proportions and the vast scale of

the ugliness that forms their surroundings … ugliness so

picturesque as to become a delight to the eye。  When one talks of

the Thames docks; 〃beauty〃 is a vain word; but romance has lived

too long upon this river not to have thrown a mantle of glamour

upon its banks。

The antiquity of the port appeals to the imagination by the long

chain of adventurous enterprises that had their inception in the

town and floated out into the world on the waters of the river。

Even the newest of the docks; the Tilbury Dock; shares in the

glamour conferred by historical associations。  Queen Elizabeth has

made one of her progresses down there; not one of her journeys of

pomp and ceremony; but an anxious business progress at a crisis of

national history。  The menace of that time has passed away; and now

Tilbury is known by its docks。  These are very modern; but their

remoteness and isolation upon the Essex marsh; the days of failure

attending their creation; invested them with a romantic air。

Nothing in those days could have been more striking than the vast;

empty basins; surrounded by miles of bare quays and the ranges of

cargo…sheds; where two or three ships seemed lost like bewitched

children in a forest of gaunt; hydraulic cranes。  One received a

wonderful impression of utter abandonment; of wasted efficiency。

From the first the Tilbury Docks were very efficient and ready for

their task; but they had come; perhaps; too soon into the field。  A

great future lies before Tilbury Docks。  They shall never fill a

long…felt want (in the sacramental phrase that is applied to

railways; tunnels; newspapers; and new editions of books)。  They

were too early in the field。  The want shall never be felt because;

free of the trammels of the tide; easy of access; magnificent and

desolate; they are already there; prepared to take and keep the

biggest ships that float upon the sea。  They are worthy of the

oldest river port in the world。

 And; truth to say; for all the criticisms flung upon the heads of

the dock companies; the other docks of the Thames are no disgrace

to the town with a population greater than that of some

commonwealths。  The growth of London as a well…equipped port has

been slow; while not unworthy of a great capital; of a great centre

of distribution。  It must not be forgotten that London has not the

backing of great industrial districts or great fields of natural

exploitation。  In this it differs from Liverpool; from Cardiff;

from Newcastle; from Glasgow; and therein the Thames differs from

the Mersey; from the Tyne; from the Clyde。  It is an historical

river; it is a romantic stream flowing through the centre of great

affairs; and for all the criticism of the river's administration;

my contention is that its development has been worthy of its

dignity。  For a long time the stream itself could accommodate quite

easily the oversea and coasting traffic。  That was in the days

when; in the part called the Pool; just below London Bridge; the

vessels moored stem and stern in the very strength of the tide

formed one solid mass like an island covered with a forest of

gaunt; leafless trees; and when the trade had grown too big for the

river there came the St。 Katherine's Docks and the London Docks;

magnificent undertakings answering to the need of their time。  The

same may be said of the other artificial lakes full of ships that

go in and out upon this high road to all parts of the world。  The

labour of the imperial waterway goes on from generation to

generation; goes on day and night。  Nothing ever arrests its

sleepless industry but the coming of a heavy fog; which clothes the

teeming stream in a mantle of impenetrable stillness。

After the gradual cessation of all sound and movement on the

faithful river; only the ringing of ships' bells is heard;

mysterious and muffled in the white vapour from London Bridge right

down to the Nore; for miles and miles in a decrescendo tinkling; to

where the estuary broadens out into the North Sea; and the anchored

ships lie scattered thinly in the shrouded channels between the

sand…banks of the Thames' mouth。  Through the long and glorious

tale of years of the river's strenuous service to its people these

are its only breathing times。


A ship in dock; surrounded by quays and the walls of warehouses;

has the appearance of a prisoner meditating upon freedom in the

sadness of a free spirit put under restraint。  Chain cables and

stout ropes keep her bound to stone posts at the edge of a paved

shore; and a berthing…master; with brass buttons on his coat; walks

about like a weather…beaten and ruddy gaoler; casting jealous;

watchful glances upon the moorings that fetter a ship lying passive

and still and safe; as if lost in deep regrets of her days of

liberty and danger on the sea。

The swarm of renegades … dock…masters; berthing…masters; gatemen;

and such like … appear to nurse an immense distrust of the captive

ship's resignation。  There never seem chains and ropes enough to

satisfy their minds concerned with the safe binding of free ships

to the strong; muddy; enslaved earth。  〃You had better put another

bight of a hawser astern; Mr。 Mate;〃 is the usual phrase in their

mouth。  I brand them for renegades; because most of them have been

sailors in their time。  As if the infirmities of old age … the gray

hair; the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes; and the knotted

veins of the hands … were the symptoms of moral poison; they prowl

about the quays with an underhand air of gloating over the broken

spirit of noble captives。  They want more fenders; more breasting…

ropes; they want more springs; more shackles; more fetters; they

want to make ships with volatile souls as motionless as square

blocks of stone。  They stand on the mud of pavements; these

degraded sea…dogs; with long lines of railway…trucks clanking their

couplings behind their backs; and run malevolent glances over your

ship from headgear to taffrail; only wishing to tyrannize over the

poor creature under the hypocritical cloak of benevolence and care。

Here and there cargo cranes looking like instruments of torture for

ships swing cruel hooks at the end of long chains。  Gangs of dock…

labourers swarm with muddy feet over the gangways。  It is a moving

sight this; of so many men of the earth; earthy; who never cared

anything for a ship; trampling unconcerned; brutal and hob…nailed

upon her helpless body。

Fortunately; nothing can deface the beauty of a ship。  That sense

of a dungeon; that sense of a horrible and degrading misfortune

overtaking a creature fair to see and safe to trust; attaches only

to ships moored in the docks of great European ports。  You feel

that they are dishonestly locked up; to be hunted about from wharf

to wharf on a dark; greasy; square pool of black water as a brutal

reward at the end of a faithful voyage。

A ship anchored in an open roadstead; with cargo…lighters alongside

and her own tackle swinging the burden over the rail; is

accomplishing in freedom a function of her life。  There is no

restraint; there is space:  clear water around her; and a clear sky

above her mastheads; with a landscape of green hills and charming

bays opening around her anchorage。  She is not abandoned by her own

men to the tender mercies of shore people。  She still shelters; and

is looked after by; her own little devoted band; and you feel that

presently she will glide between the headlands and disappear。  It

is only at home; in dock; that she lies abandoned; shut off from

freedom by all the artifices of men that think of quick despatch

and profitable freights。  It is only then that the odious;

rectangular shadows of walls and roofs fall upon her decks; with

showers of soot。

To a man who has never seen the extraordinary nobility; strength;

and grace that the devoted generations

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