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ment。 It was to this source of hospitality; however; that Lovelock mainly appealed; following the young girl out upon the little balcony that was suspended above the confectioner's window。 Mrs。 Vivian sat writing at one of the windows of the sitting…room; and Bernard addressed his conversation to Angela。

〃Wright requested me to keep an eye on you;〃 he said; 〃but you seem very much inclined to keep out of my jurisdiction。〃

〃I supposed you had gone away;〃 she answered〃now that your friend is gone。〃

〃By no means。  Gordon is a charming fellow; but he is by no means the only attraction of Baden。  Besides; I have promised him to look after you to take care of you。〃

The girl looked at him a moment in silencea little askance。

〃I thought you had probably undertaken something of that sort;〃 she presently said。

〃It was of course a very natural request for Gordon to make。〃

Angela got up and turned away; she wandered about the room and went and stood at one of the windows。  Bernard found the movement abrupt and not particularly gracious; but the young man was not easy to snub。 He followed her; and they stood at the second windowthe long window that opened upon the balcony。  Miss Evers and Captain Lovelock were leaning on the railing; looking into the street and apparently amusing themselves highly with what they saw。

〃I am not sure it was a natural request for him to make;〃 said Angela。

〃What could have been more sodevoted as he is to you?〃

She hesitated a moment; then with a little laugh

〃He ought to have locked us up and said nothing about it。〃

〃It 's not so easy to lock you up;〃 said Bernard。  〃I know Wright has great influence with you; but you are after all independent beings。〃

〃I am not an independent being。  If my mother and Mr。 Wright were to agree together to put me out of harm's way they could easily manage it。〃

〃You seem to have been trying something of that sort;〃 said Bernard。 〃You have been so terribly invisible。〃

〃It was because I thought you had designs upon us; that you were watching for usto take care of us。〃

〃You contradict yourself!  You said just now that you believed I had left Baden。〃

〃That was an artificiala conventional speech。  Is n't a lady always supposed to say something of that sort to a visitor by way of pretending to have noticed that she has not seen him?〃

〃You know I would never have left Baden without coming to bid you good…bye;〃 said Bernard。

The girl made no rejoinder; she stood looking out at the little sunny; slanting; rough…paved German street。

〃Are you taking care of us now?〃 she asked in a moment。 〃Has the operation begun?  Have you heard the news; mamma?〃 she went on。  〃Do you know that Mr。 Wright has made us over to Mr。 Longueville; to be kept till called for? Suppose Mr。 Wright should never call for us!〃

Mrs。 Vivian left her writing…table and came toward Bernard; smiling at him and pressing her hands together。

〃There is no fear of that; I think;〃 she said。 〃I am sure I am very glad we have a gentleman near us。 I think you will be a very good care…taker; Mr。 Longueville; and I recommend my daughter to put great faith in your judgment。〃 And Mrs。 Vivian gave him an intensea pleading; almost affecting little smile。

〃I am greatly touched by your confidence and I shall do everything I can think of to merit it;〃 said the young man。

〃Ah; mamma's confidence is wonderful!〃  Angela exclaimed。 〃There was never anything like mamma's confidence。  I am very different; I have no confidence。  And then I don't like being deposited; like a parcel; or being watched; like a curious animal。  I am too fond of my liberty。〃

〃That is the second time you have contradicted yourself;〃 said Bernard。 〃You said just now that you were not an independent being。〃

Angela turned toward him quickly; smiling and frowning at once。

〃You do watch one; certainly!  I see it has already begun。〃 Mrs。 Vivian laid her hand upon her daughter's with a little murmur of tender deprecation; and the girl bent over and kissed her。 〃Mamma will tell you it 's the effect of agitation;〃 she said〃that I am nervous; and don't know what I say。 I am supposed to be agitated by Mr。 Wright's departure; is n't that it; mamma?〃

Mrs。 Vivian turned away; with a certain soft severity。

〃I don't know; my daughter。  I don't understand you。〃

A charming pink flush had come into Angela's cheek and a noticeable light into her eye。  She looked admirably handsome; and Bernard frankly gazed at her。 She met his gaze an instant; and then she went on。

〃Mr。 Longueville does n't understand me either。  You must know that I am agitated;〃 she continued。  〃Every now and then I have moments of talking nonsense。  It 's the air of Baden; I think; it 's too exciting。  It 's only lately I have been so。  When you go away I shall be horribly ashamed。〃

〃If the air of Baden has such an effect upon you;〃 said Bernard; 〃it is only a proof the more that you need the solicitous attention of your friends。〃

〃That may be; but; as I told you just now; I have no confidence none whatever; in any one or anything。  Therefore; for the present; I shall withdraw from the worldI shall seclude myself。 Let us go on being quiet; mamma。  Three or four days of it have been so charming。  Let the parcel lie till it 's called for。 It is much safer it should n't be touched at all。  I shall assume that; metaphorically speaking; Mr。 Wright; who; as you have intimated; is our earthly providence; has turned the key upon us。  I am locked up。 I shall not go out; except upon the balcony!〃  And with this; Angela stepped out of the long window and went and stood beside Miss Evers。

Bernard was extremely amused; but he was also a good deal puzzled; and it came over him that it was not a wonder that poor Wright should not have found this young lady's disposition a perfectly decipherable page。 He remained in the room with Mrs。 Vivianhe stood there looking at her with his agreeably mystified smile。  She had turned away; but on perceiving that her daughter had gone outside she came toward Bernard again; with her habitual little air of eagerness mitigated by discretion。 There instantly rose before his mind the vision of that moment when he had stood face to face with this same apologetic mamma; after Angela had turned her back; on the grass…grown terrace at Siena。 To make the vision complete; Mrs。 Vivian took it into her head to utter the same words。

〃I am sure you think she is a strange girl。〃

Bernard recognized them; and he gave a light laugh。

〃You told me that the first time you ever saw mein that quiet little corner of an Italian town。〃

Mrs。 Vivian gave a little faded; elderly blush。

〃Don't speak of that;〃 she murmured; glancing at the open window。 〃It was a little accident of travel。〃

〃I am dying to speak of it;〃 said Bernard。  〃It was such a charming accident for me!  Tell me this; at leasthave you kept my sketch?〃

Mrs。 Vivian colored more deeply and glanced at the window again。

〃No;〃 she just whispered。

Bernard looked out of the window too。  Angela was leaning against the railing of the balcony; in profile; just as she had stood while he painted her; against the polished parapet at Siena。  The young man's eyes rested on her a moment; then; as he glanced back at her mother:

〃Has she kept it?〃 he asked。

〃I don't know;〃 said Mrs。 Vivian; with decision。

The decision was excessiveit expressed the poor lady's distress at having her veracity tested。  〃Dear little daughter of the Puritans she can't tell a fib!〃  Bernard exclaimed to himself。  And with this flattering conclusion he took leave of her。


It was affirmed at an early stage of this narrative that he was a young man of a contemplative and speculative turn; and he had perhaps never been more true to his character than during an hour or two that evening as he sat by himself on the terrace of the Conversation…house; surrounded by the crowd of its frequenters; but lost in his meditations。 The place was full of movement and sound; but he had tilted back his chair against the great green box of an orange…tree; and in this easy attitude; vaguely and agreeably conscious of the music; he directed his gaze to the star…sprinkled vault of the night。 There were people coming and going whom he knew; but he said nothing to any onehe preferred to be alone; he found his own company quite absorbing。  He felt very happy; very much amused; very curiously preoccupied。  The feeling was a singular one。 It partook of the nature of intellectual excitement。 He had a sense of having received carte blanche for the expenditure of his wits。  Bernard liked to feel his intelligence at play; this is; perhaps; the highest luxury of a clever man。 It played at present over the whole field of Angela Vivian's oddities of conductfor; since his visit in the afternoon; Bernard had felt that the spectacle was considerably enlarged。 He had come to feel; also; that poor Gordon's predicament was by no means an unnatural one。  Longueville had begun to take his friend's dilemma very seriously indeed。  The girl was certainly a curious study。

The evening drew to a close and the crowd of Bernard's fellow…loungers dispersed。  The lighted windows of the Kursaal still glitt

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