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of Antony。 But; as thou sentest me word; I entreated him for the

Queen; vowing to him; with tears; that; did he leave her; she would

die of grief; and he; poor slave; believed me。 And so she went; and in

the thick of the fight; for what cause I know not; though perchance

thou knowest; Harmachis; she made signal to her squadron; and; putting

about fled from the battle; sailing for Peloponnesus。 And now; mark

the end! When Antony saw that she was gone; he; in his madness; took a

galley; and deserting all; followed hard after her; leaving his fleet

to be shattered and sunk; and his great army in Greece; of twenty

legions and twelve thousand horse; without a leader。 And all this no

man would believe; that Antony; the smitten of the Gods; had fallen so

deep in shame。 Therefore for a while the army tarried; and but now

to…night comes news brought by Canidius; the General; that; worn with

doubt and being at length sure that Antony had deserted them; the

whole of his great force has yielded to C?sar。〃

〃And where; then; is Antony?〃

〃He has built him a habitation on a little isle in the Great Harbour

and named it Timonium; because; forsooth; like Timon; he cries out at

the ingratitude of mankind that has forsaken him。 And there he lies

smitten by a fever of the mind; and thither thou must go at dawn; so

wills the Queen; to cure him of his ills and draw him to her arms; for

he will not see her; nor knows he yet the full measure of his woe。 But

first my bidding is to lead thee instantly to Cleopatra; who would ask

thy counsel。〃

〃I come;〃 I answered; rising。 〃Lead thou on。〃

And so we passed the palace gates and along the Alabaster Hall; and

presently once again I stood before the door of Cleopatra's chamber;

and once again Charmion left me to warn her of my coming。

Presently she came back and beckoned to me。 〃Make strong thy heart;〃

she whispered; 〃and see that thou dost not betray thyself; for still

are the eyes of Cleopatra keen。 Enter!〃

〃Keen; indeed; must they be to find Harmachis in the learned Olympus!

Had I not willed it; thyself thou hadst not known me; Charmion;〃 I

made answer。

Then I entered that remembered place and listened once more to the

plash of the fountain; the song of the nightingale; and the murmur of

the summer sea。 With bowed head and halting gait I came; till at

length I stood before the couch of Cleopatrathat same golden couch

on which she had sat the night she overcame me。 Then I gathered my

strength; and looked up。 There before me was Cleopatra; glorious as of

old; but; oh! how changed since that night when I saw Antony clasp her

in his arms at Tarsus! Her beauty still clothed her like a garment;

the eyes were yet deep and unfathomable as the blue sea; the face

still splendid in its great loveliness。 And yet all was changed。 Time;

that could not touch her charms; had stamped upon her presence such a

look of weary grief as may not be written。 Passion; beating ever in

that fierce heart of hers; had written his record on her brow; and in

her eyes shone the sad lights of sorrow。

I bowed low before this most royal woman; who once had been my love

and destruction; and yet knew me not。

She looked up wearily; and spoke in her slow; well remembered voice:

〃So thou art come at length; Physician。 How callest thou thyself?

Olympus? 'Tis a name of promise; for surely now that the Gods of Egypt

have deserted us; we do need aid from Olympus。 Well; thou hast a

learned air; for learning does not with beauty。 Strange; too; there is

that about thee which recalls what I know not。 Say; Olympus; have we

met before?〃

〃Never; O Queen; have my eyes fallen on thee in the body;〃 I answered

in a feigned voice。 〃Never till this hour; when I come forth from my

solitude to do thy bidding and cure thee of thy ills!〃

〃Strange! and even in the voicePshaw! 'tis some memory that I cannot

catch。 In the body; thou sayest? then; perchance; I knew thee in a


〃Ay; O Queen; we have met in dreams。〃

〃Thou art a strange man; who talkest thus; but; if what I hear be

true; one well learned; and; indeed; I mind me of thy counsel when

thou didst bid me join my Lord Antony in Syria; and how things befell

according to thy word。 Skilled must thou be in the casting of

nativities and in the law of auguries; of which these Alexandrian

fools have little knowledge。 Once I knew such another man; one

Harmachis;〃 and she sighed: 〃but he is long deadas I would I were

also!and at times I sorrow for him。〃

She paused; while I sank my head upon my breast and stood silent。

〃Interpret me this; Olympus。 In the battle at that accursed Actium;

just as the fight raged thickest and Victory began to smile upon us; a

great terror seized my heart; and thick darkness seemed to fall before

my eyes; while in my ears a voice; ay; the voice of that long dead

Harmachis; cried '/Fly! fly; or perish!/' and I fled。 But from my

heart the terror leapt to the heart of Antony; and he followed after

me; and thus was the battle lost。 Say; then; what God brought this

evil thing about?〃

〃Nay; O Queen;〃 I answered; 〃it was no Godfor wherein hast thou

angered the Gods of Egypt? Hast thou robbed the temples of their

Faith? Hast thou betrayed the trust of Egypt? Having done none of

these things; how; then; can the Gods of Egypt be wroth with thee?

Fear not; it was nothing but some natural vapour of the mind that

overcame thy gentle soul; made sick with the sight and sound of

slaughter; and as for the noble Antony; where thou didst go needs must

that he should follow。〃

And as I spoke; Cleopatra turned white and trembled; glancing at me

the while to find my meaning。 But I well knew that the thing was of

the avenging Gods; working through me; their instrument。

〃Learned Olympus;〃 she said; not answering my words; 〃my Lord Antony

is sick and crazed with grief。 Like some poor hunted slave he hides

himself in yonder sea…girt Tower and shuns mankindyes; he shuns even

me; who; for his sake; endure so many woes。 Now; this is my bidding to

thee。 To…morrow; at the coming of the light; do thou; led by Charmion;

my waiting…lady; take boat and row thee to the Tower and there crave

entry; saying that ye bring tidings from the army。 Then he will cause

you to be let in; and thou; Charmion; must break this heavy news that

Canidius bears; for Canidius himself I dare not send。 And when his

grief is past; do thou; Olympus; soothe his fevered frame with thy

draughts of value; and his soul with honeyed words; and draw him back

to me; and all will yet be well。 Do thou this; and thou shalt have

gifts more than thou canst count; for I am yet a Queen and yet can pay

back those who serve my will。〃

〃Fear not; O Queen;〃 I answered; 〃this thing shall be done; and I ask

no reward; who have come hither to do thy bidding to the end。〃

So I bowed and went and; summoning Atoua; made ready a certain potion。





Ere it was yet dawn Charmion came again; and we walked to the private

harbour of the palace。 There; taking boat; we rowed to the island

mount on which stands the Timonium; a vaulted tower; strong; small;

and round。 And; having landed; we twain came to the door and knocked;

till at length a grating was thrown open in the door; and an aged

eunuch; looking forth; roughly asked our business。

〃Our business is with the Lord Antony;〃 said Charmion。

〃Then it is no business; for Antony; my master; sees neither man nor


〃Yet will he see us; for we bring tidings。 Go tell him that the Lady

Charmion brings tidings from the army。〃

The man went; and presently returned。

〃The Lord Antony would know if the tidings be good or ill; for; if

ill; then will he none of it; for with evil tidings he has been

overfed of late。〃

〃Whywhy; it is both good and ill。 Open; slave; I will make answer to

thy master!〃 and she slipped a purse of gold through the bars。

〃Well; well;〃 he grumbled; as he took the purse; 〃the times are hard;

and likely to be harder; for when the lion's down who will feed the

jackal? Give thy news thyself; and if it do but draw the noble Antony

out of this hall of Groans; I care not what it be。 Now the palace door

is open; and there's the road to the banqueting…chamber。〃

We passed on; to find ourselves in a narrow passage; and; leaving the

eunuch to bar the door; advanced till we came to a curtain。 Through

this entrance we went; and found ourselves in a vaulted chamber; ill…

lighted from the roof。 On the further side of this rude chamber was a

bed of rugs; and on them crouched the figure of a man; his face hidden

in the folds of his toga。

〃Most noble Antony;〃 said Charmion drawing near; 〃unwrap thy face and

hearken to me; for I bring

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