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小说: cleopatra 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Bethink thee;〃 she answered; with a heavy frown。 〃Bethink thee and

choose。 I am but a woman; Harmachis; and one who is not wont to sue to

men。 Do as thou wilt; but this I say to theeif thou dost put me

away; I will gather up the mercy I have meted out。 Therefore; most

virtuous priest; choose thou between the heavy burden of my love and

the swift death of thy aged father and of all those who plotted with


I glanced at her and saw that she was angered; for her eyes shone and

her bosom heaved。 So; I sighed and kissed her; thereby setting the

seal upon my shame and bondage。 Then; smiling like the triumphant

Aphrodité of the Greeks; she went thence; bearing the dagger with her。

I knew not yet how deeply I was betrayed; or why I was still left to

draw the breath of life; or why Cleopatra; the tiger…hearted; had

grown merciful。 I did not know that she feared to slay me; lest; so

strong was the plot and so feeble her hold upon the Double Crown; the

tumult that might tread hard upon the tidings of my murder should

shake her from the throneeven when I was no more。 I did not know

that because of fear and the weight of policy only she showed scant

mercy to those whom I had betrayed; or that because of cunning and not

for the holy sake of woman's lovethough; in truth; she liked me well

enoughshe chose rather to bind me to her by the fibres of my heart。

And yet I will say this in her behalf: even when the danger…cloud had

melted from her sky she kept faith; nor; save Paulus and one other;

did any suffer the utmost penalty of death for their part in the great

plot against Cleopatra's crown and dynasty。 But they suffered many

other things。

And so she went; leaving the vision of her glory to strive with the

shame and sorrow in my heart。 Oh; bitter were the hours that could not

now be made light with prayer。 For the link between me and the Divine

was snapped; and Isis communed with Her Priest no more。 Bitter were

the hours and dark; but ever through their darkness shone the starry

eyes of Cleopatra; and came the echo of her whispered love。 For not

yet was the cup of sorrow full。 Hope still lingered in my heart; and I

could almost think that I had failed to some higher end; and that in

the depths of ruin I should find another and more flowery path to


For thus those who sin deceive themselves; striving to lay the burden

of their evil deeds upon the back of Fate; striving to believe their

wickedness may compass good; and to murder Conscience with the sharp

plea of Necessity。 But it can avail nothing; for hand in hand down the

path of sin rush Remorse and Ruin; and woe to him they follow! Ay; and

woe to me who of all sinners am the chief!




For a space of eleven days I was thus kept prisoned in my chamber; nor

did I see anyone except the sentries at my doors; the slaves who in

silence brought me food and drink; and Cleopatra's self; who came

continually。 But; though her words of love were many; she would tell

me nothing of how things went without。 She came in many moodsnow gay

and laughing; now full of wise thoughts and speech; and now passionate

only; and to every mood she gave some new…found charm。 She was full of

talk as to how I should help her make Egypt great; and lessen the

burdens on the people; and fright the Roman eagles back。 And; though

at first I listened heavily when she spoke thus; by slow advance as

she wrapped me closer and yet more close in her magic web; from which

there was no escape; my mind fell in time with hers。 Then I; too;

opened something of my heart; and somewhat also of the plans that I

had formed for Egypt。 She seemed to listen gladly; weighing them all;

and spoke of means and methods; telling me how she would purify the

Faith and repair the ancient templesay; and build new ones to the

Gods。 And ever she crept deeper into my heart; till at length; now

that every other thing had gone from me; I learned to love her with

all the unspent passion of my aching soul。 I had naught left to me but

Cleopatra's love; and I twined my life about it; and brooded on it as

a widow over her only babe。 And thus the very author of my shame

became my all; my dearest dear; and I loved her with a strong love

that grew and grew; till it seemed to swallow up the past and make the

present a dream。 For she had conquered me; she had robbed me of my

honour; and steeped me to the lips in shame; and I; poor fallen;

blinded wretch; I kissed the rod that smote me; and was her very


Ay; even now; in those dreams which still come when Sleep unlocks the

secret heart; and sets its terrors free to roam through the opened

halls of Thought; I seem to see her royal form; as erst I saw it; come

with arms outstretched and Love's own light shining in her eyes; with

lips apart and flowing locks; and stamped upon her face the look of

utter tenderness that she alone could wear。 Ay; still; after all the

years; I seem to see her come as erst she came; and still I wake to

know her an unutterable lie!

And thus one day she came。 She had fled in haste; she said; from some

great council summoned concerning the wars of Antony in Syria; and she

came; as she had left the council; in all her robes of state; the

sceptre in her hand; and on her brow the ur?us diadem of gold。 There

she sat before me; laughing; for; wearying of them; she had told the

envoys to whom she gave audience in the council that she was called

from their presence by a sudden message come from Rome; and the jest

seemed merry to her。 Suddenly she rose; took the diadem from her brow;

and set it on my hair; and on my shoulders her royal mantle; and in my

hand the sceptre; and bowed the knee before me。 Then; laughing again;

she kissed me on the lips; and said I was indeed her King。 But;

remembering how I had been crowned in the halls of Abouthis; and

remembering also that wreath of roses of which the odour haunts me

yet; I rose; pale with wrath; and cast the trinkets from me; asking

how she dared to mock meher caged bird。 And I think there was that

about me which startled her; for she fell back。

〃Nay; Harmachis;〃 she said; 〃be not wroth! How knowest thou that I

mock thee? How knowest thou that thou shalt not be Pharaoh in fact and


〃What meanest thou?〃 I said。 〃Wilt thou; then; wed me before Egypt?

How else can I be Pharaoh now?〃

She cast down her eyes。 〃Perchance; love; it is in my mind to wed

thee;〃 she said gently。 〃Listen;〃 she went on: 〃Thou growest pale;

here; in this prison; and thou dost eat little。 Gainsay me not! I know

it from the slaves。 I have kept thee here; Harmachis; for thy own

sake; that is so dear to me; and for thy own sake; and thy honour's

sake; thou must still seem to be my prisoner。 Else wouldst thou be

shamed and slainay; murdered secretly。 But I can meet thee here no

more! therefore to…morrow I shall free thee in all; save in the name;

and thou shalt once more be seen at Court as my astronomer。 And I will

give this reasonthat thou hast cleared thyself; and; moreover; that

thy auguries as regards the war have been auguries of truthas;

indeed; they have; though for this I have no cause to thank thee;

seeing that thou didst suit thy prophecies to fit thy cause。 Now;

farewell; for I must return to those heavy…browed ambassadors; and

grow not so sudden wroth; Harmachis; for who knows what may come to

pass betwixt thee and me?〃

And; with a little nod; she went; leaving it on my mind that she had

it in her heart to wed me openly。 And of a truth; I believe that; at

this hour; such was her thought。 For; if she loved me not; still she

held me dear; and as yet she had not wearied of me。

On the morrow Cleopatra came not; but Charmion cameCharmion; whom I

had not seen since that fatal night of ruin。 She entered and stood

before me; with pale face and downcast eyes; and her first words were

words of bitterness。

〃Pardon me;〃 she said; in her gentle voice; 〃in that I dare to come to

thee in Cleopatra's place。 Thy joy is not delayed for long; for thou

shalt see her presently。〃

I shrank at her words; as well I might; and; seeing her vantage; she

seized it。

〃I come; Harmachisroyal no more!I come to say that thou art free!

Thou art free to face thine own infamy; and see it thrown back from

every eye which trusted thee; as shadows are from water。 I come to

tell thee that the great plotthe plot of twenty years and moreis

at its utter end。 None have been slain; indeed; unless it is Sepa; who

has vanished。 But all the leaders have been seized and put in chains;

or driven from the land; and their party is broken and scattered。 The

storm has melted before it burst。 Egypt is lost; and lost for ever;

for her last hope is gone! No longer may she strugglenow for all

time s

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