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小说: cleopatra 字数: 每页4000字

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then。 To…morrow night; at three hours before midnight thou dost cast

the final augury of the issue of the war。 And then thou wilt; as is

agreed; descend alone with me; having the signet; to the outer chamber

of the Queen's apartment。 For the vessel bearing orders to the Legions

sails from Alexandria at the following dawn; and alone with Cleopatra;

since she wills that the thing be kept secret as the sea; thou wilt

read the message of the stars。 And as she pores over the papyrus; then

must thou stab her in the back; so that she dies; and see thou that

thy will and arm fail thee not! The deed being doneand indeed it

will be easythou wilt take the signet and pass out to where the

eunuch isfor the others will be wanting。 If by any chance there is

trouble with himbut there will be no trouble; for he dare not enter

the private rooms; and the sounds of death cannot reach so farthou

must cut him down。 Then I will meet thee; and; passing on; we will

come to Paulus; and it shall be my care to see that he is neither

drunk nor backward; for I know how to hold him to the task。 And he and

those with him shall throw open the side gate; when Sepa and the five

hundred chosen men who are in waiting shall pour in and cast

themselves upon the sleeping legionaries; putting them to the sword。

Why; the thing is easy so thou rest true to thyself; and let no

womanish fears creep into thy heart。 What is this dagger's thrust? It

is nothing; and yet upon it hang the destinies of Egypt and the


〃Hush!〃 I said。 〃What is that?I hear a sound。〃

Charmion ran to the door; and; gazing down the long; dark passage;

listened。 In a moment she came back; her finger on her lips。 〃It is

the Queen;〃 she whispered hurriedly; 〃the Queen who mounts the stair

alone。 I heard her bid Iras to leave her。 I may not be found alone

with thee at this hour; it has a strange look; and she may suspect。

What wants she here? Where can I hide?〃

I glanced round。 At the further end of the chamber was a heavy curtain

that hid a little place built in the thickness of the wall which I

used for the storage of rolls and instruments。

〃Haste theethere!〃 I said; and she glided behind the curtain; which

swung back and covered her。 Then I thrust the fatal scroll of death

into the bosom of my robe and bent over the mystic chart。 Presently I

heard the sweep of woman's robes and there came a low knock upon the


〃Enter; whoever thou art;〃 I said。

The latch lifted; and Cleopatra swept in; royally arrayed; her dark

hair hanging about her and the sacred snake of royalty glistening on

her brow。

〃Of a truth; Harmachis;〃 she said with a sigh; as she sank into a

seat; 〃the path to heaven is hard to climb! Ah! I am weary; for those

stairs are many。 But I was minded; my astronomer; to see thee in thy


〃I am honoured overmuch; O Queen!〃 I said bowing low before her。

〃Art thou now? And yet that dark face of thine has a somewhat angry

lookthou art too young and handsome for this dry trade; Harmachis。

Why; I vow thou hast cast my wreath of roses down amidst thy rusty

tools! Kings would have cherished that wreath along with their

choicest diadems; Harmachis! and thou dost throw it away as a thing of

no account! Why; what a man art thou! But stay; what is this? A lady's

kerchief; by Isis! Nay; now; my Harmachis; how came /this/ here? Are

our poor kerchiefs also instruments of thy high art? Oh; fie; fie!

have I caught thee; then? Art thou indeed a fox?〃

〃Nay; most royal Cleopatra; nay!〃 I said; turning; for the kerchief

which had fallen from Charmion's neck had an awkward look。 〃I know

not; indeed; how the frippery came here。 Perhaps; some one of the

women who keeps the chamber may have let it fall。〃

〃Ah! soso!〃 she said dryly; and still laughing like a rippling

brook。 〃Yes; surely; the slave…women who keep chambers own such toys

as this; of the very finest silk; worth twice its weight in gold; and

broidered; too; in many colours。 Why; myself I should not shame to

wear it! Of a truth it seems familiar to my sight。〃 And she threw it

round her neck and smoothed the ends with her white hand。 〃But there;

doubtless; it is a thing unholy in thine eyes that the scarf of thy

beloved should rest upon my poor breast。 Take it; Harmachis; take it;

and hide it in thy bosomnigh thy heart indeed!〃

I took the accursed thing; and; muttering what I may not write;

stepped on to the giddy platform whence I watched the stars。 Then;

crushing it into a ball; I threw it to the winds of heaven。

At this the lovely Queen laughed once more。

〃Nay; think now;〃 she cried; 〃what would the lady say could she see

her love…gauge thus cast to all the world? Mayhap; Harmachis; thou

wouldst deal thus with my wreath also? See; the roses fade; cast it

forth;〃 and; stooping; she took up the wreath and gave it to me。

For a moment; so vexed was I; I had a mind to take her at her word and

send the wreath to join the kerchief。 But I thought better of it。

〃Nay;〃 I said more softly; 〃it is a Queen's gift; and I will keep it;〃

and; as I spoke; I saw the curtain shake。 Often since that night I

have sorrowed over those simple words。

〃Gracious thanks be to the King of Love for this small mercy;〃 she

answered; looking at me strangely。 〃Now; enough of wit; come forth

upon this balconytell me of the mystery of those stars of thine。 For

I always loved the stars; that are so pure and bright and cold; and so

far away from our fevered troubling。 There I would wish to dwell;

rocked on the dark bosom of the night; and losing the little sense of

self as I gazed for ever on the countenance of yon sweet…eyed space。

Naywho can tell; Harmachis?perhaps those stars partake of our very

substance; and; linked to us by Nature's invisible chain; do; indeed;

draw our destiny with them as they roll。 What says the Greek fable of

him who became a star? Perchance it has truth; for yonder tiny sparks

may be the souls of men; but grown more purely bright and placed in

happy rest to illume the turmoil of their mother…earth。 Or are they

lamps hung high in the heavenly vault that night by night some

Godhead; whose wings are Darkness; touches with his immortal fire so

that they leap out in answering flame? Give me of thy wisdom and open

these wonders to me; my servant; for I have little knowledge。 Yet my

heart is large; and I would fill it; for I have the wit; could I but

find the teacher。〃

Thereon; being glad to find footing on a safer shore; and marvelling

somewhat to learn that Cleopatra had a place for lofty thoughts; I

spoke and willingly told her such things as are lawful。 I told her how

the sky is a liquid mass pressing round the earth and resting on the

elastic pillars of the air; and how above is the heavenly ocean Nout;

in which the planets float like ships as they rush upon their radiant

way。 I told her many things; and amongst them how; through the certain

never…ceasing movement of the orbs of light; the planet Venus; that

was called Donaou when she showed as the Morning Star; became the

planet Bonou when she came as the sweet Star of Eve。 And while I stood

and spoke watching the stars; she sat; her hands clasped upon her

knee; and watched my face。

〃Ah!〃 she broke in at length; 〃and so Venus is to be seen both in the

morning and the evening sky。 Well; of a truth; she is everywhere;

though she best loves the night。 But thou lovest not that I should use

these Latin names to thee。 Come; we will talk in the ancient tongue of

Khem; which I know well; I am the first; mark thou; of all the Lagid?

who know it。 And now;〃 she went on; speaking in my own tongue; but

with a little foreign accent that did but make her talk more sweet;

〃enough of stars; for; when all is said; they are but fickle things;

and perhaps may even now be storing up an evil hour for thee or me; or

for both of us together。 Not but what I love to hear thee speak of

them; for then thy face loses that gloomy cloud of thought which mars

it and grows quick and human。 Harmachis; thou art too young for such a

solemn trade; methinks that I must find thee a better。 Youth comes but

once; why waste it in these musings? It is time to think when we can

no longer act。 Tell me how old art thou; Harmachis?〃

〃I have six…and…twenty years; O Queen;〃 I answered; 〃for I was born in

the first month of Shomou; in the summer season; and on the third day

of the month。〃

〃Why; then; we are of an age even to a day;〃 she cried; 〃for I too

have six…and…twenty years; and I too was born on the third day of the

first month of Shomou。 Well; this may we say: those who begot us need

have no shame。 For if I be the fairest woman in Egypt; methinks;

Harmachis; that there is in Egypt no man more fair and strong than

thou; ay; or more learned。 Born of the same day; why; 'tis manifest

that we were destined to stand together; I; as the Queen; and thou;

perchance; Harmach

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