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She ceased weeping; wiping her eyes with her chiton; and I saw that
they seemed but the softer for her tears。
〃Methinks; most royal Harmachis; and beloved Cousin;〃 she said; as she
bent before me; 〃that we are already made acquainted。〃
〃Yea; Cousin;〃 I answered; not without shamefacedness; for I had never
before spoken to so fair a maid; 〃thou wert in the chariot with
Cleopatra this day when I struggled with the Nubian?〃
〃Assuredly;〃 she said; with a smile and a sudden lighting of the eyes;
〃it was a gallant fight and gallantly didst thou overthrow that black
brute。 I saw the fray and; though I knew thee not; I greatly feared
for one so brave。 But I paid him for my fright; for it was I who put
it into the mind of Cleopatra to bid the guards strike off his hand
now; knowing who thou art; I would I had said his head。〃 And she
looked up shooting a glance at me and then smiled。
〃Enough;〃 put in my uncle Sepa; 〃the time draws on。 Tell thou thy
mission; Charmion; and be gone。〃
Then her manner changed; she folded her hands meekly before her and
〃Let Pharaoh hearken to his handmaiden。 I am the daughter of Pharaoh's
uncle; the brother of his father; who is now long dead; and therefore
in my veins also flows the Royal blood of Egypt。 Also I am of the
ancient Faith; and hate these Greeks; and to see thee set upon the
throne has been my dearest hope now for many years。 To this end I;
Charmion; have put aside my rank and become serving…woman to
Cleopatra; that I might cut a notch in which thou couldst set thy foot
when the hour came for thee to climb the throne。 And; Pharaoh; the
notch is cut。
〃This then is our plot; royal Cousin。 Thou must gain an entrance to
the Household and learn its ways and secrets; and; so far as may be;
suborn the eunuchs and captains; some of whom I have already tempted。
This done; and all things being prepared without; thou must slay
Cleopatra; and; aided by me with those whom I control; in the
confusion that shall ensue; throw wide the gates; and; admitting those
of our party who are in waiting; put such of the troops as remain
faithful to the sword and seize the Bruchium。 Which being finished;
within two days thou shalt hold this fickle Alexandria。 At the same
time those who are sworn to thee in every city of Egypt shall rise in
arms; and in ten days from the death of Cleopatra thou shalt indeed be
Pharaoh。 This is the counsel which has been taken; and thou seest;
royal Cousin; that; though our uncle yonder thinks so ill of me; I
have learned my partay; and played it。〃
〃I hear thee; Cousin;〃 I answered; marvelling that so young a woman
she had but twenty yearscould weave so bold a plot; for in its
origin the scheme was hers。 But in those days I little knew Charmion。
〃Go on; how then shall I gain entrance to the palace of Cleopatra?〃
〃Nay; Cousin; as things are it is easy。 Thus: Cleopatra loves to look
upon a man; andgive me pardonthy face and form are fair。 To…day
she noted them; and twice she said she would she had asked where that
astrologer might be found; for she held that an astrologer who could
wellnigh slay a Nubian gladiator with his bare hands; must indeed be a
master of the fortunate stars。 I answered her that I would cause
inquiry to be made。 So hearken; royal Harmachis。 At midday Cleopatra
sleeps in her inner hall which looks over the gardens to the harbour。
At that hour to…morrow; then; I will meet thee at the gates of the
palace; whither thou shalt come boldly asking for the Lady Charmion。 I
will make appointment for thee with Cleopatra; so that she shall see
thee alone when she wakes; and the rest shall be for thee; Harmachis。
For much she loves to play with the mysteries of magic; and I have
known her stand whole nights watching the stars and making a pretence
to read them。 And but lately she has sent away Dioscorides the
physician; because; poor fool! he ventured on a prophecy from the
conjunction of the stars; that Cassius would defeat Mark Antony。
Thereon Cleopatra sent orders to the General Allienus; bidding him add
the legions she had sent to Syria to help Antony to the army of
Cassius; whose victory; forsooth; wasaccording to Dioscorides
written on the stars。 But; as it chanced; Antony beat Cassius first
and Brutus afterwards; and so Dioscorides has departed; and now he
lectures on herbs in the museum for his bread; and hates the name of
stars。 But his place is empty; and thou shalt fill it; and then we
will work in secret and in the shadow of the sceptre。 Ay; we will work
like the worm at the heart of a fruit; till the time of plucking
comes; and at thy dagger's touch; royal Cousin; the fabric of this
Grecian throne crumbles to nothingness; and the worm that rotted it
bursts his servile covering; and; in the sight of empires; spreads his
royal wings o'er Egypt。〃
I gazed at this strange girl once more astonished; and saw that her
face was lit up with such a light as I had never seen in the eyes of
〃Ah;〃 broke in my uncle; who was watching her; 〃ah; I love to see thee
so; girl; there is the Charmion that I knew and I bred upnot the
Court girl whom I like not; draped in silks of Cos and fragrant with
essences。 Let thy heart harden in this moulday; stamp it with the
fervid zeal of patriot faith; and thy reward shall find thee。 And now
cover up that shameless dress of thine and leave us; for it grows
late。 To…morrow Harmachis shall come; as thou hast said; and so
Charmion bowed her head; and; turning; wrapped her dark…hued peplos
round her。 Then; taking my hand; she touched it with her lips and went
without any further word。
〃A strange woman!〃 said Sepa; when she had gone; 〃a most strange
woman; and an uncertain!〃
〃Methought; my uncle;〃 I said; 〃that thou wast somewhat harsh with
〃Ay;〃 he answered; 〃but not without a cause。 Look thou; Harmachis;
beware of this Charmion。 She is too wayward; and; I fear me; may be
led away。 In truth; she is a very woman; and; like a restive horse;
will take the path that pleases her。 She has brain and fire; and she
loves our cause; but I pray that the cause come not face to face with
her desires; for what her heart is set on that will she do; at any
cost she will do it。 Therefore I frightened her now while I may: for
who can know but that she will pass beyond my power? I tell thee; that
in this one girl's hand lie all our lives: and if she play us false;
what then? Alas! and alas! that we must use such tools as these! But
it was needful: there was no other way; and yet I misdoubted me。 I
pray that it may be well; still; at times; I fear my niece Charmion
she is too fair; and the blood of youth runs too warm in those blue
veins of hers。
〃Ah; woe to the cause that builds its strength upon a woman's faith;
for women are faithful only where they love; and when they love their
faithlessness becomes their faith。 They are not fixed as men are
fixed: they rise more high and sink more lowthey are strong and
changeful as the sea。 Harmachis; beware of this Charmion: for; like
the ocean; she may float thee home; or; like the ocean; she may wreck
thee; and; with thee; the hope of Egypt!〃
Thus it came to pass that on the next day I arrayed myself in a long
and flowing robe; after the fashion of a magician or astrologer。 I
placed a cap on my head; about which were broidered images of the
stars; and in my belt a scribe's palette and a roll of papyrus written
over with magic spells and signs。 In my hand I held a wand of ebony;
tipped with ivory; such as is used by priests and masters of magic。
Among these; indeed; I took high rank; filling my knowledge of their
secrets which I had learned at Annu what I lacked in that skill which
comes from use。 And so with no small shame; for I love not such play
and hold this common magic in contempt; I set forth through the
Bruchium to the palace on the Lochias; being guided on my way by my
uncle Sepa。 At length; passing up the avenue of sphinxes; we came to
the great marble gateway and the gates of bronze; within which is the
guard…house。 Here my uncle left me; breathing many prayers for my
safety and success。 But I advanced with an easy air to the gate; where
I was roughly challenged by the Gallic sentries; and asked of my name;
following; and business。 I gave my name; Harmachis; the astrologer;
saying that my business was with the Lady Charmion; the Queen's lady。
Thereon the man made as though to let me pass in; when a captain of
the guard; a Roman named Paulus; came forward and forbade it。 Now;
this Paulus was a large limbed man; with a woman's face; and a hand
that shook from wine…bibbing。 Still he knew me again。
〃Why;〃 he cried; in the Latin tongue;