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小说: cleopatra 字数: 每页4000字

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Now; this was the plan that had been built up。 My uncle Sepa had; for

a while; left the Temple of Annu; giving out that his health had

failed him。 Thence he had moved down to a house in Alexandria; to

gather strength; as he said; from the breath of the sea; and also to

learn for himself the wonders of the great Museum and the glory of

Cleopatra's Court。 There it was planned that I should join him; for

there; at Alexandria; the egg of the plot was hatching。 Accordingly;

when at last the summons came; all things being prepared; I made ready

for the journey; and passed into my father's chamber to receive his

blessing before I went。 There sat the old man; as once before he sat

when he had rebuked me because I went out to slay the lion; his long

white beard resting on the table of stone and sacred writings in his

hand。 When I came in he rose from his seat and would have knelt before

me; crying 〃Hail; Pharaoh!〃 but I caught him by the hand。

〃It is not meet; my father;〃 I said。

〃It is meet;〃 he answered; 〃it is meet that I should bow before my

King; but be it as thou wilt。 And so thou goest; Harmachis; my

blessings go with thee; O my son! And may Those whom I serve grant to

me that my old eyes may; indeed; behold thee on the throne! I have

searched long; striving; Harmachis; to read the future that shall be;

but I can learn naught by all my wisdom。 It is hid from me; and at

times my heart fails。 But hear this; there is danger in thy path; and

it comes in the form of Woman。 I have known it long; and therefore

thou hast been called to the worship of the heavenly Isis; who bids

her votaries put away the thought of woman till such time as she shall

think well to slacken the rule。 Oh; my son; I would that thou wert not

so strong and fairstronger and fairer; indeed; than any man in

Egypt; as a King should befor in that strength and beauty may lie a

cause of stumbling。 Beware; then; of those witches of Alexandria;

lest; like a worm; some one of them creep into my heart and eat its

secret out。〃

〃Have no fear; my father;〃 I answered; frowning; 〃my thought is set on

other things than red lips and smiling eyes。〃

〃It is good;〃 he answered; 〃so may it befall。 And now farewell。 When

next we meet; may it be in that happy hour when; with all the priests

of the Upper Land; I move down from Abouthis to do my homage to

Pharaoh on his throne。〃

So I embraced him; and went。 Alas! I little thought how we should meet


Thus it came about that once more I passed down the Nile travelling as

a man of no estate。 And to such as were curious about me it was given

out that I was the adopted son of the High Priest of Abouthis; having

been brought up to the priesthood; and that I had at the last refused

the service of the Gods; and chosen to go to Alexandria; to seek my

fortune。 For; be it remembered; I was still held to be the grandson of

the old wife; Atoua; by all those who did not know the truth。

On the tenth night; sailing with the wind; we reached the mighty city

of Alexandria; the city of a thousand lights。 Above them all towered

the white Pharos; that wonder of the world; from the crown of which a

light like the light of the sun blazed out across the waters of the

harbour to guide mariners on their way across the sea。 The vessel

having been cautiously made fast to the quay; for it was night; I

disembarked and stood wondering at the vast mass of houses; and

confused by the clamour of many tongues。 For here all peoples seemed

to be gathered together; each speaking after the fashion of his own

land。 And as I stood a young man came and touched me on the shoulder;

asking me if I was from Abouthis and named Harmachis。 I said 〃Yea。〃

Then; bending over me; he whispered the secret pass…word into my ear;

and; beckoning to two slaves; bade them bring my baggage from the

ship。 This they did; fighting their way through the crowd of porters

who were clamouring for hire。 Then I followed him down the quay; which

was bordered with drinking…places; where all sorts of men were

gathered; tippling wine and watching the dancing of women; some of

whom were but scantily arrayed; and some not arrayed at all。

And so we went through the lamp…lit houses till at last we reached the

shore of the great harbour; and turned to the right along a wide way

paved with granite and bordered by strong houses; having cloisters in

front of them; the like of which I had never seen。 Turning once more

to the right we came to a quieter portion of the city; where; except

for parties of strolling revellers; the streets were still。 Presently

my guide halted at a house built of white stone。 We passed in; and;

crossing a small courtyard; entered a chamber where there was a light。

And here; at last; I found my uncle Sepa; most glad to see me safe。

When I had washed and eaten; he told me that all things went well; and

that as yet there was no thought of evil at the Court。 Further; he

said; it having come to the ears of the Queen that the Priest of Annu

was sojourning at Alexandria; she sent for him and closely questioned

himnot as to any plot; for of that she never thought; but as to the

rumour which had reached her; that there was treasure hid in the Great

Pyramid which is by Annu。 For; being ever wasteful; she was ever in

want of money; and had bethought her of opening the Pyramid。 But he

laughed at her; telling her the Pyramid was the burying…place of the

divine Khufu; and that he knew nothing of its secrets。 Then she was

angered; and swore that so surely as she ruled in Egypt she would tear

it down; stone by stone; and discover the secret at its heart。 Again

he laughed; and; in the words of the proverb which they have at

Alexandria; told her that 〃Mountains live longer than Kings。〃 Thereon

she smiled at his ready answer; and let him go。 Also my uncle Sepa

told me that on the morrow I should see this Cleopatra。 For it was her

birthday (as; indeed; it was also mine); and; dressed in the robes of

the Holy Isis; she would pass in state from her palace on the Lochias

to the Serapeum to offer a sacrifice at the Shrine of the false God

who sits in the Temple。 And he said that thereafter the fashion by

which I should gain entrance to the household of the Queen should be


Then; being very weary; I went to rest; but could sleep little for the

strangeness of the place; the noises in the streets; and the thought

of the morrow。 While it was yet dark; I rose; climbed the stair to the

roof of the house; and waited。 Presently; the sun's rays shot out like

arrows; and lit upon the white wonder of the marble Pharos; whose

light instantly sank and died; as though; indeed; the sun had killed

it。 Now the rays fell upon the palaces of the Lochias where Cleopatra

lay; and lit them up till they flamed like a jewel set on the dark;

cool bosom of the sea。 Away the light flew; kissing the Soma's sacred

dome; beneath which Alexander sleeps; touching the high tops of a

thousand palaces and temples; past the porticoes of the great museum

that loomed near at hand; striking the lofty Shrine; where; carved of

ivory; is the image of the false God Serapis; and at last seeming to

lose itself in the vast and gloomy Necropolis。 Then; as the dawn

gathered into day; the flood of brightness; overbrimming the bowl of

night; flowed into the lower lands and streets; and showed Alexandria

red in the sunrise as the mantle of a king; and shaped as a mantle。

The Etesian wind came up from the north; and swept away the vapour

from the harbours; so that I saw their blue waters rocking a thousand

ships。 I saw; too; that mighty mole the Heptastadium; I saw the

hundreds of streets; the countless houses; the innumerable wealth and

splendour of Alexandria set like a queen between lake Mareotis and the

ocean; and dominating both; and I was filled with wonder。 This; then;

was one city in my heritage of lands and cities! Well; it was worth

the grasping。 And having looked my full and fed my heart; as it were;

with the sight of splendour; I communed with the Holy Isis and came

down from the roof。

In the chamber beneath was my uncle Sepa。 I told him that I had been

watching the sun rise over the city of Alexandria。

〃So!〃 he said; looking at me from beneath his shaggy eyebrows; 〃and

what thinkest thou of Alexandria?〃

〃I think it is like some city of the Gods;〃 I answered。

〃Ay!〃 he replied fiercely; 〃a city of the infernal Godsa sink of

corruption; a bubbling well of iniquity; a home of false faith

springing from false hearts。 I would that not one stone of it was left

upon another stone; and that its wealth lay deep beneath yonder

waters! I would that the gulls were screaming across its site; and

that the wind; untainted by a Grecian breath; swept through its ruins

from the ocean to Mareotis! O royal Harmachis; let not the luxury and

beauty of Alexandria poison thy sense; for in their deadly a

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