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the heritage of the sioux-第25节

小说: the heritage of the sioux 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Here's what's left of the hobbles the buckskin wore;〃 he said; holding up the

cut loops of a figure…eight rope hobble。 〃Kinda speaks for itself; don't it?〃

They crowded around to inspect this plain evidence of stealing。 Afterwards

they stood hard…eyed and with a flush on their cheek…bones; considering what

was the best and wisest way to meet this emergency。 As to hunting afoot for

their horses; the chance of success was almost too small to be considered at

all; Pink's horse was not fit for further travel until he had rested。 There

was one pair of field glasses …and there were nine irate men to whom inaction

was intolerable。

〃One thing we can do; if we have to;〃 Luck said at last; with the fighting

look in his face which moving…picture people had cause to remember。 〃We can

help ourselves to any horses we run across。 Applehead; how's the best way to

go about it?〃

Applehead; thus pushed into leadership; chewed his mustache and eyed the mesa

sourly。 〃Well;  seein' they've set us afoot; I calc'late we're jest about

entitled to any dang thing we run across that's ridable;〃 he acceded。 〃'N' the

way I'd do; would be to git on high groun' with them glasses 'n' look fer

hosses。 'N' then head fer 'em 'n' round 'em up afoot 'n' rope out what we

want。 They's enough of us t' mebby git a mount apiece; but it shore ain't

goin' t' be no snap; now I'm tellin' ye。 'N' if yuh do that;〃 he added; 〃yuh

want t' leave a man er two in camp'n' they want to keep their dang eyes

peeled; lemme tell yuh! Ef we was t' find ourselves afoot an' our grub 'n'

outfit stole〃

〃We won't give them that chance at us。〃 Luck was searching with his eyes for

the nearest high point that was yet not too far from camp。 〃I think I'll just

take Andy up on that pinnacle there; and camp down by that pile of boulders。

The rest of you stay around camp and rest yourselves while you've got the

chance。 In a couple of hours; Applehead; you and Lite come up and take our

place; then Miguel and Bud; and after that Weary and Happy。 Pink; you go and

bed down in the shade somewhere and go to sleepand quit worrying over last

night。 Nobody could have done any better than you did。 It was just one put

over on the bunch; and you happened to be the particular goat; that's all。

〃Now; if one of us waves his hat over his head; all of you but Happy and Bud

and Pink come up with your rifles and your ropes; because we'll have some

horses sighted。 If we wave from side to side; like this; about even with our

belts; you boys want to look out for trouble。 So one of you keep an eye on us

all the time we're up there。 We'll be up outa reach of any trouble ourselves;

if I remember that little pinnacle right。〃 He hung the strap that held the

leather case of the glasses over one shoulder; picked up his rifle and his

rope and started off; with Andy similarly equipped coming close behind him。

The mesa; when they reached the pinnacle and looked down over the wide expanse

of it; glimmered like clear; running water with the heat waves that rose from

the sand。 Away to the southward a scattered band of sheep showed in a mirage

that made them look long…legged as camels and half convinced them both that

they were seeing  the lost horses; until the vision changed and shrunk the

moving objects to mere dots upon the mesa。

Often before they had watched the fantastic airpictures of the desert mirage;

and they knew well enough that what they saw might be one mile away or twenty。

But unless the atmospheric conditions happened to be just right; what was

pictured in the air could not be depended upon to portray truthfully what was

reflected。 They sat there and saw the animals suddenly grow clearly defined

and very close; and discovered at last that they were sheep; and that a man

was walking beside the flock; and even while they watched it and wondered if

the sheep were really as close as they seemed; the vision slowly faded into

blank; wavery distance and the mesa lay empty and quivering under the sun。

〃Fine chance we've got of locating anything;〃 Andy grumbled; 〃if it's going to

be miragy all day。 We could run our fool heads off trying to get up to a bunch

that would puff out into nothing。 Makes a fellow think of the stories they

tell about old prospectors going crazy trying to find mirage water…holes。 I'm

glad we didn't get hung up at a dry camp; Luck。 Yuh realize what that would be


〃Oh; I may have some faint idea;〃 Luck drawled whimsically。 〃Look over there;

Andy over toward Albuquerque。 Is that a mirage again; or do you see something


Andy; having the glasses; swung them slowly to the southeast。 After a minute

or two he shook his head and gave the glasses to Luck。 〃There was one square

look I got; and I'd been willing to swear it was our saddle…bunch;〃 he said。

〃And then they got to wobbling and I couldn't make out what they are。 They

might be field mice; or they might be giraffesI'm darned if I know which。〃

Luck focussed the glasses; but whatever the objects had been; they were no

longer to he seen。 So the two hours passed and they saw Applehead and Lite

come slowly up the hill from camp bearing their rifles and their ropes and a

canteen of fresh water; as the three things they might find most use for。

These two settled themselves to watch for horsestheir own range horses。 When

they were relieved they reported nothing save a continued inclination on the

part of the atmosphere to be what Andy called miragy。 So; the day passed;

chafing their spirits worse than any amount of active trouble would have done。

Pink slept and brooded by turns; still blaming himself for the misfortune。 The

others moped; or took their turns on the pinnacle to strain their eyes

unavailingly into the four corners of the earthor as much as they could in

those directions。

With the going of the sun Applehead and Lite; sitting out their second guard

on the pinnacle; discussed seriously the desperate idea of going in the night

to the nearest Navajo ranch and helping themselves to what horses they could

find about the place。 The biggest obstacle was their absolute ignorance of

where the nearest ranch lay。 Not; surely; that half…day's ride back towards

Albuquerque; where they bad seen but one pony and that a poor specimen of

horseflesh。 Another obstacle would be the dogs; which could be quieted only

with bullets。

〃We might git hold of something to ride;〃 Applehead stated glumly; 〃an' then

agin the chances is we wouldn't git nothin' more'n a scrap on our hands。 'N'

I'm tellin' yuh right now; Lite; I ain't hankerin' fer no fuss till I git a

hoss under me。〃

〃Me either;〃 Lite testified succinctly。 〃Say; is that something coming; away

up that draw the camp's in? Seems to me I saw something pass that line of

lava; about half a mile over。〃

Applehead stood up and peered into the half darkness。 In a couple of minutes

he said: 〃Ye better git down an' tell the boys t' be on the watch; Lite。 They

can't see no hat…wavin' this time uh day。 They's somethin' movin' up to…wards

camp; but what er who they be I can't make out in the dark。 Tell Luck〃

〃What's the matter with us both going?〃 Lite asked; cupping his hands around

his eyes that he might see better。 〃It's getting too dark to do any good up


〃Well; I calc'late mebby yore right;〃 Applehead admitted; and began to pick

his way down over the rocks。 〃Ef them's Injuns; the bigger we stack up in camp

the better。 If it's Ramon 'n' his bunch; I want t' git m' hands on 'im。〃

He must have turned the matter over pretty thoroughly in his mind; for when

the two reached camp he had his ideas fixed and his plans all perfected。 He

told Luck that somebody was working down the draw in the dark; and that it

looked like a Navvy trick; and that they had better be ready for them; because

they weren't coming just to pass the time of day〃now I'm tellin' ye!〃

The nerves of the Happy Family were raw enough by now to welcome anything that

promised action; even an Indian fight would not be so much a disaster as a

novel way of breaking the monotony。 Applehead; with the experience gathered in

the old days when he was a young fellow with a freighting outfit and old

Geronimo was terrorizing all this country; sent them back in compact half

circle just within the shelter of the trees and several rods 。away from their

campfire and the waterhole。 There; lying crouched behind their saddles with

their rifles across the seat…sides and with ammunition belts full of

cartridges; they waited for whatever might be coming in the dark。

〃It's horses;〃 Pink exclaimed under his breath; as faint sounds came down the

draw。 〃Maybe〃

〃Horsesand an Injun laying along the back of every one; most likely;〃

Applehead returned grimly。 〃An old Navvy trick; that isdon't let 'em fool

ye; boys! You jest wait; 'n' I'll tell ye 'when t' shoot; er whether t' shoot

at all。 They can't fool MEnow I'm tellin' yuh!

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