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the return of tarzan-第6节

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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They are both old men。  They may not live many years longer。

And then; did it not occur to you that once Miss Porter

knew the truth she would break her engagement with Clayton?

You might easily have your title; your estates; and the

woman you love; Tarzan。  Had you not thought of that?〃

Tarzan shook his head。  〃You do not know her;〃 he said。

〃Nothing could bind her closer to her bargain than some

misfortune to Clayton。  She is from an old southern family in

America; and southerners pride themselves upon their loyalty。〃

Tarzan spent the two following weeks renewing his former

brief acquaintance with Paris。  In the daytime he haunted

the libraries and picture galleries。  He had become an

omnivorous reader; and the world of possibilities that were

opened to him in this seat of culture and learning fairly

appalled him when he contemplated the very infinitesimal

crumb of the sum total of human knowledge that a single

individual might hope to acquire even after a lifetime of

study and research; but he learned what he could by day;

and threw himself into a search for relaxation and amusement

at night。  Nor did he find Paris a whit less fertile field

for his nocturnal avocation。

If he smoked too many cigarettes and drank too much

absinth it was because he took civilization as he found it;

and did the things that he found his civilized brothers

doing。  The life was a new and alluring one; and in addition

he had a sorrow in his breast and a great longing which he

knew could never be fulfilled; and so he sought in study and

in dissipationthe two extremesto forget the past and

inhibit contemplation of the future。

He was sitting in a music hall one evening; sipping his

absinth and admiring the art of a certain famous Russian

dancer; when he caught a passing glimpse of a pair of evil

black eyes upon him。  The man turned and was lost in the

crowd at the exit before Tarzan could catch a good look at

him; but he was confident that he had seen those eyes before

and that they had been fastened on him this evening

through no passing accident。  He had had the uncanny feeling

for some time that he was being watched; and it was in

response to this animal instinct that was strong within him

that he had turned suddenly and surprised the eyes in the

very act of watching him。

Before he left the music hall the matter had been forgotten;

nor did he notice the swarthy individual who stepped

deeper into the shadows of an opposite doorway as Tarzan

emerged from the brilliantly lighted amusement hall。

Had Tarzan but known it; he had been followed many times

from this and other places of amusement; but seldom if

ever had he been alone。  Tonight D'Arnot had had another

engagement; and Tarzan had come by himself。

As he turned in the direction he was accustomed to taking

from this part of Paris to his apartments; the watcher across

the street ran from his hiding…place and hurried on ahead

at a rapid pace。

Tarzan had been wont to traverse the Rue Maule on his

way home at night。  Because it was very quiet and very

dark it reminded him more of his beloved African jungle

than did the noisy and garish streets surrounding it。

If you are familiar with your Paris you will recall the

narrow; forbidding precincts of the Rue Maule。  If you are

not; you need but ask the police about it to learn that in

all Paris there is no street to which you should give a

wider berth after dark。

On this night Tarzan had proceeded some two squares through

the dense shadows of the squalid old tenements which line

this dismal way when he was attracted by screams and cries

for help from the third floor of an opposite building。

The voice was a woman's。  Before the echoes of her first

cries had died Tarzan was bounding up the stairs and

through the dark corridors to her rescue。

At the end of the corridor on the third landing a door

stood slightly ajar; and from within Tarzan heard again the

same appeal that had lured him from the street。

Another instant found him in the center of a dimly…lighted room。

An oil lamp burned upon a high; old…fashioned mantel; casting

its dim rays over a dozen repulsive figures。  All but one

were men。  The other was a woman of about thirty。  Her face;

marked by low passions and dissipation; might once have

been lovely。  She stood with one hand at her throat; crouching

against the farther wall。

〃Help; monsieur;〃 she cried in a low voice as Tarzan

entered the room; 〃they were killing me。〃

As Tarzan turned toward the men about him he saw the

crafty; evil faces of habitual criminals。  He wondered that

they had made no effort to escape。  A movement behind him

caused him to turn。  Two things his eyes saw; and one of

them caused him considerable wonderment。  A man was

sneaking stealthily from the room; and in the brief glance

that Tarzan had of him he saw that it was Rokoff。

But the other thing that he saw was of more immediate interest。

It was a great brute of a fellow tiptoeing upon him from

behind with a huge bludgeon in his hand; and then; as

the man and his confederates saw that he was discovered;

there was a concerted rush upon Tarzan from all sides。

Some of the men drew knives。  Others picked up chairs; while the

fellow with the bludgeon raised it high above his head in a

mighty swing that would have crushed Tarzan's head had it

ever descended upon it。

But the brain; and the agility; and the muscles that had coped

with the mighty strength and cruel craftiness of Terkoz and

Numa in the fastness of their savage jungle were not to be so

easily subdued as these apaches of Paris had believed。

Selecting his most formidable antagonist; the fellow with

the bludgeon; Tarzan charged full upon him; dodging the

falling weapon; and catching the man a terrific blow on the

point of the chin that felled him in his tracks。

Then he turned upon the others。  This was sport。  He was

reveling in the joy of battle and the lust of blood。  As though

it had been but a brittle shell; to break at the least rough

usage; the thin veneer of his civilization fell from him; and

the ten burly villains found themselves penned in a small

room with a wild and savage beast; against whose steel

muscles their puny strength was less than futile。

At the end of the corridor without stood Rokoff; waiting

the outcome of the affair。  He wished to be sure that Tarzan

was dead before he left; but it was not a part of his plan to

be one of those within the room when the murder occurred。

The woman still stood where she had when Tarzan entered;

but her face had undergone a number of changes with

the few minutes which had elapsed。  From the semblance of

distress which it had worn when Tarzan first saw it; it had

changed to one of craftiness as he had wheeled to meet the

attack from behind; but the change Tarzan had not seen。

Later an expression of surprise and then one of horror

superseded the others。  And who may wonder。  For the

immaculate gentleman her cries had lured to what was to have

been his death had been suddenly metamorphosed into a

demon of revenge。  Instead of soft muscles and a weak

resistance; she was looking upon a veritable Hercules gone mad。

〃MON DIEU!〃 she cried; 〃he is a beast!〃  For the strong;

white teeth of the ape…man had found the throat of one of

his assailants; and Tarzan fought as he had learned to fight

with the great bull apes of the tribe of Kerchak。

He was in a dozen places at once; leaping hither and

thither about the room in sinuous bounds that reminded

the woman of a panther she had seen at the zoo。  Now a wrist…

bone snapped in his iron grip; now a shoulder was wrenched

from its socket as he forced a victim's arm backward and upward。

With shrieks of pain the men escaped into the hallway as

quickly as they could; but even before the first one staggered;

bleeding and broken; from the room; Rokoff had seen enough

to convince him that Tarzan would not be the one to lie

dead in that house this night; and so the Russian had

hastened to a nearby den and telephoned the police that a

man was committing murder on the third floor of Rue Maule; 27。

When the officers arrived they found three men groaning

on the floor; a frightened woman lying upon a filthy bed; her

face buried in her arms; and what appeared to be a well…

dressed young gentleman standing in the center of the room

awaiting the reenforcements which he had thought the footsteps

of the officers hurrying up the stairway had announced

but they were mistaken in the last; it was a wild beast

that looked upon them through those narrowed lids and steel…

gray eyes。  With the smell of blood the last vestige of

civilization had deserted Tarzan; and now he stood at bay; like a

lion surrounded by hunters; awaiting the next overt act; and

crouching to charge its author。

〃What has happened here?〃 asked one of th

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