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the return of tarzan-第51节

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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thick of the primeval forest。  It was night。  A huge fire burned

brightly in the little clearing in which she lay。  About it

squatted fifty frightful men。  Their heads and faces were

covered with matted hair。  Their long arms rested upon the bent

knees of their short; crooked legs。  They were gnawing; like

beasts; upon unclean food。  A pot boiled upon the edge of the

fire; and out of it one of the creatures would occasionally

drag a hunk of meat with a sharpened stick。

When they discovered that their captive had regained

consciousness; a piece of this repulsive stew was tossed to her

from the foul hand of a nearby feaster。  It rolled close to her

side; but she only closed her eyes as a qualm of nausea

surged through her。

For many days they traveled through the dense forest。  The girl;

footsore and exhausted; was half dragged; half pushed through

the long; hot; tedious days。  Occasionally; when she would

stumble and fall; she was cuffed and kicked by the nearest

of the frightful men。  Long before they reached their

journey's end her shoes had been discardedthe soles

entirely gone。  Her clothes were torn to mere shreds and

tatters; and through the pitiful rags her once white and

tender skin showed raw and bleeding from contact with the

thousand pitiless thorns and brambles through which she

had been dragged。

The last two days of the journey found her in such utter

exhaustion that no amount of kicking and abuse could force

her to her poor; bleeding feet。  Outraged nature had reached

the limit of endurance; and the girl was physically powerless

to raise herself even to her knees。

As the beasts surrounded her; chattering threateningly the

while they goaded her with their cudgels and beat and kicked

her with their fists and feet; she lay with closed eyes;

praying for the merciful death that she knew alone could

give her surcease from suffering; but it did not come; and

presently the fifty frightful men realized that their victim

was no longer able to walk; and so they picked her up and

carried her the balance of the journey。

Late one afternoon she saw the ruined walls of a mighty

city looming before them; but so weak and sick was she

that it inspired not the faintest shadow of interest。

Wherever they were bearing her; there could be but one

end to her captivity among these fierce half brutes。

At last they passed through two great walls and came

to the ruined city within。  Into a crumbling pile they bore

her; and here she was surrounded by hundreds more of the

same creatures that had brought her; but among them were

females who looked less horrible。  At sight of them the

first faint hope that she had entertained came to mitigate

her misery。  But it was short…lived; for the women offered

her no sympathy; though; on the other hand; neither did

they abuse her。

After she had been inspected to the entire satisfaction

of the inmates of the building she was borne to a dark

chamber in the vaults beneath; and here upon the bare floor

she was left; with a metal bowl of water and another of food。

For a week she saw only some of the women whose duty

it was to bring her food and water。  Slowly her strength was

returningsoon she would be in fit condition to offer as

a sacrifice to The Flaming God。  Fortunate indeed it was that

she could not know the fate for which she was destined。

As Tarzan of the Apes moved slowly through the jungle

after casting the spear that saved Clayton and Jane Porter

from the fangs of Numa; his mind was filled with all the

sorrow that belongs to a freshly opened heart wound。

He was glad that he had stayed his hand in time to

prevent the consummation of the thing that in the first mad

wave of jealous wrath he had contemplated。  Only the fraction

of a second had stood between Clayton and death at the

hands of the ape…man。  In the short moment that had

elapsed after he had recognized the girl and her companion

and the relaxing of the taut muscles that held the poisoned

shaft directed at the Englishman's heart; Tarzan had been

swayed by the swift and savage impulses of brute life。

He had seen the woman he cravedhis womanhis mate

in the arms of another。  There had been but one course

open to him; according to the fierce jungle code that guided

him in this other existence; but just before it had become

too late the softer sentiments of his inherent chivalry had

risen above the flaming fires of his passion and saved him。

A thousand times he gave thanks that they had triumphed

before his fingers had released that polished arrow。

As he contemplated his return to the Waziri the idea became

repugnant。  He did not wish to see a human being again。

At least he would range alone through the jungle for a time;

until the sharp edge of his sorrow had become blunted。  Like his

fellow beasts; he preferred to suffer in silence and alone。

That night he slept again in the amphitheater of the apes;

and for several days he hunted from there; returning at night。

On the afternoon of the third day he returned early。

He had lain stretched upon the soft grass of the circular

clearing for but a few moments when he heard far to the

south a familiar sound。  It was the passing through the

jungle of a band of great apeshe could not mistake that。

For several minutes he lay listening。  They were coming

in the direction of the amphitheater。

Tarzan arose lazily and stretched himself。  His keen ears

followed every movement of the advancing tribe。  They were

upwind; and presently he caught their scent; though he had

not needed this added evidence to assure him that he was right。

As they came closer to the amphitheater Tarzan of the Apes

melted into the branches upon the other side of the arena。

There he waited to inspect the newcomers。  Nor had he long

to wait。

Presently a fierce; hairy face appeared among the lower

branches opposite him。  The cruel little eyes took in the

clearing at a glance; then there was a chattered report

returned to those behind。  Tarzan could hear the words。

The scout was telling the other members of the tribe that the

coast was clear and that they might enter the amphitheater

in safety。

First the leader dropped lightly upon the soft carpet of

the grassy floor; and then; one by one; nearly a hundred

anthropoids followed him。  There were the huge adults and

several young。  A few nursing babes clung close to the

shaggy necks of their savage mothers。

Tarzan recognized many members of the tribe。  It was

the same into which he had come as a tiny babe。  Many of

the adults had been little apes during his boyhood。  He had

frolicked and played about this very jungle with them

during their brief childhood。  He wondered if they would

remember himthe memory of some apes is not overlong; and

two years may be an eternity to them。

From the talk which he overheard he learned that they

had come to choose a new kingtheir late chief had fallen a

hundred feet beneath a broken limb to an untimely end。

Tarzan walked to the end of an overhanging limb in

plain view of them。  The quick eyes of a female caught

sight of him first。  With a barking guttural she called

the attention of the others。  Several huge bulls stood

erect to get a better view of the intruder。  With bared

fangs and bristling necks they advanced slowly toward him;

with deep…throated; ominous growls。

〃Karnath; I am Tarzan of the Apes;〃 said the ape…man in

the vernacular of the tribe。  〃You remember me。  Together we

teased Numa when we were still little apes; throwing sticks

and nuts at him from the safety of high branches。〃

The brute he had addressed stopped with a look of half…

comprehending; dull wonderment upon his savage face。

〃And Magor;〃 continued Tarzan; addressing another; 〃do you

not recall your former kinghe who slew the mighty Kerchak?

Look at me!  Am I not the same Tarzanmighty hunterinvincible

fighterthat you all knew for many seasons?〃

The apes all crowded forward now; but more in curiosity

than threatening。  They muttered among themselves for

a few moments。

〃What do you want among us now?〃 asked Karnath。

〃Only peace;〃 answered the ape…man。

Again the apes conferred。  At length Karnath spoke again。

〃Come in peace; then; Tarzan of the Apes;〃 he said。

And so Tarzan of the Apes dropped lightly to the turf

into the midst of the fierce and hideous hordehe had

completed the cycle of evolution; and had returned to be once

again a brute among brutes。

There were no greetings such as would have taken place

among men after a separation of two years。  The majority

of the apes went on about the little activities that the

advent of the ape…man had interrupted; paying no further

attention to him than as though he had not been gone from

the tribe at all。

One or two young bulls who had not been old enough

to remem

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