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the return of tarzan-第3节

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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whole cowardly transaction。〃

〃Monsieur Tarzan?〃 asked the countess; in evident surprise。

〃Yes。  Do you know him; Olga?〃

〃I have seen him。  A steward pointed him out to me。〃

〃I did not know that he was a celebrity;〃 said the count。

Olga de Coude changed the subject。  She discovered suddenly

that she might find it difficult to explain just why

the steward had pointed out the handsome Monsieur Tarzan

to her。  Perhaps she flushed the least little bit; for was

not the count; her husband; gazing at her with a strangely

quizzical expression。  〃Ah;〃 she thought; 〃a guilty

conscience is a most suspicious thing。〃

Chapter 2

Forging Bonds of Hate and ?

It was not until late the following afternoon that Tarzan

saw anything more of the fellow passengers into the midst

of whose affairs his love of fair play had thrust him。

And then he came most unexpectedly upon Rokoff and Paulvitch

at a moment when of all others the two might least

appreciate his company。

They were standing on deck at a point which was temporarily

deserted; and as Tarzan came upon them they were in

heated argument with a woman。  Tarzan noted that she was

richly appareled; and that her slender; well…modeled figure

denoted youth; but as she was heavily veiled he could not

discern her features。

The men were standing on either side of her; and the

backs of all were toward Tarzan; so that he was quite close

to them without their being aware of his presence。

He noticed that Rokoff seemed to be threatening; the woman

pleading; but they spoke in a strange tongue; and he could

only guess from appearances that the girl was afraid。

Rokoff's attitude was so distinctly filled with the threat of

physical violence that the ape…man paused for an instant just

behind the trio; instinctively sensing an atmosphere of danger。

Scarcely had he hesitated ere the man seized the woman

roughly by the wrist; twisting it as though to wring a promise

from her through torture。  What would have happened next

had Rokoff had his way we may only conjecture; since he

did not have his way at all。  Instead; steel fingers gripped his

shoulder; and he was swung unceremoniously around; to meet

the cold gray eyes of the stranger who had thwarted him

on the previous day。

〃SAPRISTI!〃 screamed the infuriated Rokoff。  〃What do you

mean?  Are you a fool that you thus again insult Nikolas Rokoff?〃

〃This is my answer to your note; monsieur;〃 said Tarzan;

in a low voice。  And then he hurled the fellow from him with

such force that Rokoff lunged sprawling against the rail。

〃Name of a name!〃 shrieked Rokoff。  〃Pig; but you shall die

for this;〃 and; springing to his feet; he rushed upon Tarzan;

tugging the meanwhile to draw a revolver from his hip

pocket。  The girl shrank back in terror。

〃Nikolas!〃 she cried。  〃Do notoh; do not do that。  Quick;

monsieur; fly; or he will surely kill you!〃  But instead of

flying Tarzan advanced to meet the fellow。  〃Do not make a

fool of yourself; monsieur;〃 he said。

Rokoff; who was in a perfect frenzy of rage at the humiliation

the stranger had put upon him; had at last succeeded in drawing

the revolver。  He had stopped; and now he deliberately raised

it to Tarzan's breast and pulled the trigger。  The hammer fell

with a futile click on an empty chamberthe ape…man's hand

shot out like the head of an angry python; there was a quick

wrench; and the revolver sailed far out across the ship's

rail; and dropped into the Atlantic。

For a moment the two men stood there facing one another。  Rokoff

had regained his self…possession。  He was the first to speak。

〃Twice now has monsieur seen fit to interfere in matters

which do not concern him。  Twice he has taken it upon himself

to humiliate Nikolas Rokoff。  The first offense was overlooked

on the assumption that monsieur acted through ignorance;

but this affair shall not be overlooked。  If monsieur

does not know who Nikolas Rokoff is; this last piece of

effrontery will insure that monsieur later has good reason

to remember him。〃

〃That you are a coward and a scoundrel; monsieur;〃 replied

Tarzan; 〃is all that I care to know of you;〃 and he

turned to ask the girl if the man had hurt her; but she had

disappeared。  Then; without even a glance toward Rokoff and

his companion; he continued his stroll along the deck。

Tarzan could not but wonder what manner of conspiracy

was on foot; or what the scheme of the two men might be。

There had been something rather familiar about the

appearance of the veiled woman to whose rescue he had just

come; but as he had not seen her face he could not be sure

that he had ever seen her before。  The only thing about her

that he had particularly noticed was a ring of peculiar

workmanship upon a finger of the hand that Rokoff had

seized; and he determined to note the fingers of the women

passengers he came upon thereafter; that he might discover

the identity of her whom Rokoff was persecuting; and learn

if the fellow had offered her further annoyance。

Tarzan had sought his deck chair; where he sat speculating

on the numerous instances of human cruelty; selfishness; and

spite that had fallen to his lot to witness since that day in

the jungle four years since that his eyes had first fallen

upon a human being other than himselfthe sleek; black

Kulonga; whose swift spear had that day found the vitals of

Kala; the great she…ape; and robbed the youth; Tarzan; of

the only mother he had ever known。

He recalled the murder of King by the rat…faced Snipes;

the abandonment of Professor Porter and his party by the

mutineers of the ARROW; the cruelty of the black warriors

and women of Mbonga to their captives; the petty jealousies of

the civil and military officers of the West Coast colony that

had afforded him his first introduction to the civilized world。

〃MON DIEU!〃 he soliloquized; 〃but they are all alike。

Cheating; murdering; lying; fighting; and all for things that

the beasts of the jungle would not deign to possessmoney

to purchase the effeminate pleasures of weaklings。  And yet

withal bound down by silly customs that make them slaves to

their unhappy lot while firm in the belief that they be the

lords of creation enjoying the only real pleasures of existence。

In the jungle one would scarcely stand supinely aside while

another took his mate。  It is a silly world; an idiotic world;

and Tarzan of the Apes was a fool to renounce the freedom and

the happiness of his jungle to come into it。〃

Presently; as he sat there; the sudden feeling came over

him that eyes were watching from behind; and the old

instinct of the wild beast broke through the thin veneer of

civilization; so that Tarzan wheeled about so quickly that the

eyes of the young woman who had been surreptitiously regarding

him had not even time to drop before the gray eyes

of the ape…man shot an inquiring look straight into them。

Then; as they fell; Tarzan saw a faint wave of crimson creep

swiftly over the now half…averted face。

He smiled to himself at the result of his very uncivilized and

ungallant action; for he had not lowered his own eyes when

they met those of the young woman。  She was very young;

and equally good to look upon。  Further; there was something

rather familiar about her that set Tarzan to wondering

where he had seen her before。  He resumed his former position;

and presently he was aware that she had arisen and was

leaving the deck。  As she passed; Tarzan turned to watch her;

in the hope that he might discover a clew to satisfy his mild

curiosity as to her identity。

Nor was he disappointed entirely; for as she walked away

she raised one hand to the black; waving mass at the nape

of her neckthe peculiarly feminine gesture that admits

cognizance of appraising eyes behind herand Tarzan saw

upon a finger of this hand the ring of strange workmanship

that he had seen upon the finger of the veiled woman a short

time before。

So it was this beautiful young woman Rokoff had been

persecuting。  Tarzan wondered in a lazy sort of way whom

she might be; and what relations one so lovely could have

with the surly; bearded Russian。

After dinner that evening Tarzan strolled forward; where

he remained until after dark; in conversation with the second

officer; and when that gentleman's duties called him elsewhere

Tarzan lolled lazily by the rail watching the play of

the moonlight upon the gently rolling waters。  He was

half hidden by a davit; so that two men who approached

along the deck did not see him; and as they passed Tarzan

caught enough of their conversation to cause him to fall in

behind them; to follow and learn what deviltry they were up

to。  He had recognized the voice as that of Rokoff; and had

seen that his companion was Paulvitch。

Tarzan had overheard but a few words:  〃And if she screams

you m

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