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the return of tarzan-第29节

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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Thuran were Lord Tennington's guests aboard his yacht。

Mrs。 Strong had been telling them how much she had enjoyed

her visit at Cape Town; and that she regretted that a letter

just received from her attorneys in Baltimore had necessitated

her cutting her visit shorter than they had intended。

〃When do you sail?〃 asked Tennington。

〃The first of the week; I think;〃 she replied。

〃Indeed?〃 exclaimed Monsieur Thuran。  〃I am very fortunate。

I; too; have found that I must return at once; and now

I shall have the honor of accompanying and serving you。〃

〃That is nice of you; Monsieur Thuran;〃 replied Mrs。 Strong。

〃I am sure that we shall be glad to place ourselves under

your protection。〃  But in the bottom of her heart was

the wish that they might escape him。  Why; she could not

have told。

〃By Jove!〃 ejaculated Lord Tennington; a moment later。

〃Bully idea; by Jove!〃

〃Yes; Tennington; of course;〃 ventured Clayton; 〃it must

be a bully idea if you had it; but what the deuce is it?

Goin' to steam to China via the south pole?〃

〃Oh; I say now; Clayton;〃 returned Tennington; 〃you

needn't be so rough on a fellow just because you didn't

happen to suggest this trip yourselfyou've acted a regular

bounder ever since we sailed。

〃No; sir;〃 he continued; 〃it's a bully idea; and you'll all

say so。  It's to take Mrs。 Strong and Miss Strong; and Thuran;

too; if he'll come; as far as England with us on the yacht。

Now; isn't that a corker?〃

〃Forgive me; Tenny; old boy;〃 cried Clayton。  〃It certainly

IS a corking ideaI never should have suspected you of it。

You're quite sure it's original; are you?〃

〃And we'll sail the first of the week; or any other time that

suits your convenience; Mrs。 Strong;〃 concluded the big…hearted

Englishman; as though the thing were all arranged

except the sailing date。

〃Mercy; Lord Tennington; you haven't even given us an

opportunity to thank you; much less decide whether we shall

be able to accept your generous invitation;〃 said Mrs。 Strong。

〃Why; of course you'll come;〃 responded Tennington。

〃We'll make as good time as any passenger boat; and you'll

be fully as comfortable; and; anyway; we all want you; and

won't take no for an answer。〃

And so it was settled that they should sail the following Monday。

Two days out the girls were sitting in Hazel's cabin;

looking at some prints she had had finished in Cape Town。

They represented all the pictures she had taken since she

had left America; and the girls were both engrossed in them;

Jane asking many questions; and Hazel keeping up a perfect torrent

of comment and explanation of the various scenes and people。

〃And here;〃 she said suddenly; 〃here's a man you know。

Poor fellow; I have so often intended asking you about him;

but I never have been able to think of it when we were together。〃

She was holding the little print so that Jane did not see

the face of the man it portrayed。

〃His name was John Caldwell;〃 continued Hazel。  〃Do you recall him?

He said that he met you in America。  He is an Englishman。〃

〃I do not recollect the name;〃 replied Jane。  〃Let me

see the picture。〃

〃The poor fellow was lost overboard on our trip down the

coast;〃 she said; as she handed the print to Jane。

〃Lost overWhy; Hazel; Hazeldon't tell me that he is

deaddrowned at sea!  Hazel!  Why don't you say that you are joking!〃

And before the astonished Miss Strong could catch her

Jane Porter had slipped to the floor in a swoon。

After Hazel had restored her chum to consciousness she

sat looking at her for a long time before either spoke。

〃I did not know; Jane;〃 said Hazel; in a constrained voice;

〃that you knew Mr。 Caldwell so intimately that his death

could prove such a shock to you。〃

〃John Caldwell?〃 questioned Miss Porter。  〃You do not mean

to tell me that you do not know who this man was; Hazel?〃

〃Why; yes; Jane; I know perfectly well who he washis

name was John Caldwell; he was from London。〃

〃Oh; Hazel; I wish I could believe it;〃 moaned the girl。

〃I wish I could believe it; but those features are burned so

deep into my memory and my heart that I should recognize

them anywhere in the world from among a thousand others;

who might appear identical to any one but me。〃

〃What do you mean; Jane?〃 cried Hazel; now thoroughly alarmed。

〃Who do you think it is?〃

〃I don't think; Hazel。  I know that that is a picture of

Tarzan of the Apes。〃


〃I cannot be mistaken。  Oh; Hazel; are you sure that he is dead?

Can there be no mistake?〃

〃I am afraid not; dear;〃 answered Hazel sadly。  〃I wish I

could think that you are mistaken; but now a hundred and

one little pieces of corroborative evidence occur to me that

meant nothing to me while I thought that he was John Caldwell;

of London。  He said that he had been born in Africa;

and educated in France。〃

〃Yes; that would be true;〃 murmured Jane Porter dully。

〃The first officer; who searched his luggage; found nothing

to identify John Caldwell; of London。  Practically all his

belongings had been made; or purchased; in Paris。  Everything

that bore an initial was marked either with a ‘T' alone; or

with ‘J。 C。 T。'  We thought that he was traveling incognito

under his first two namesthe J。 C。 standing for John Caldwell。〃

〃Tarzan of the Apes took the name Jean C。 Tarzan;〃 said

Jane; in the same lifeless monotone。  〃And he is dead!  Oh!

Hazel; it is horrible!  He died all alone in this terrible ocean!

It is unbelievable that that brave heart should have ceased

to beatthat those mighty muscles are quiet and cold forever!

That he who was the personification of life and health

and manly strength should be the prey of slimy; crawling

things; that〃  But she could go no further; and with a little

moan she buried her head in her arms; and sank sobbing to the floor。

For days Miss Porter was ill; and would see no one except

Hazel and the faithful Esmeralda。  When at last she came on

deck all were struck by the sad change that had taken place

in her。  She was no longer the alert; vivacious American

beauty who had charmed and delighted all who came in contact

with her。  Instead she was a very quiet and sad little

girlwith an expression of hopeless wistfulness that none

but Hazel Strong could interpret。

The entire party strove their utmost to cheer and amuse

her; but all to no avail。  Occasionally the jolly Lord

Tennington would wring a wan smile from her; but for the

most part she sat with wide eyes looking out across the sea。

With Jane Porter's illness one misfortune after another

seemed to attack the yacht。  First an engine broke down; and

they drifted for two days while temporary repairs were being made。

Then a squall struck them unaware; that carried overboard

nearly everything above deck that was portable。  Later two of

the seamen fell to fighting in the forecastle; with the

result that one of them was badly wounded with a knife; and

the other had to be put in irons。  Then; to cap the climax;

the mate fell overboard at night; and was drowned before

help could reach him。  The yacht cruised about the spot for

ten hours; but no sign of the man was seen after he

disappeared from the deck into the sea。

Every member of the crew and guests was gloomy and depressed

after these series of misfortunes。  All were apprehensive of

worse to come; and this was especially true of the

seamen who recalled all sorts of terrible omens and warnings

that had occurred during the early part of the voyage; and

which they could now clearly translate into the precursors of

some grim and terrible tragedy to come。

Nor did the croakers have long to wait。  The second night

after the drowning of the mate the little yacht was suddenly

wracked from stem to stern。  About one o'clock in the

morning there was a terrific impact that threw the slumbering

guests and crew from berth and bunk。  A mighty shudder ran

through the frail craft; she lay far over to starboard; the

engines stopped。  For a moment she hung there with her decks

at an angle of forty…five degreesthen; with a sullen; rending

sound; she slipped back into the sea and righted。

Instantly the men rushed upon deck; followed closely by

the women。  Though the night was cloudy; there was little

wind or sea; nor was it so dark but that just off the port

bow a black mass could be discerned floating low in the water。

〃A derelict;〃 was the terse explanation of the officer of the watch。

Presently the engineer hurried on deck in search of the captain。

〃That patch we put on the cylinder head's blown out; sir;〃 he

reported; 〃and she's makin' water fast for'ard on the port bow。〃

An instant later a seaman rushed up from below。

〃My Gawd!〃 he cried。  〃Her whole bleedin' bottom's ripped

out。  She can't float twenty minutes。〃

〃Shut up!〃 roared Tennington。  〃Ladies; g

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