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the return of tarzan-第26节

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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home ties had been broken; she would not so dread the step

which she had so long hesitated to take。

So the evening that he received Clayton's letter Professor Porter

announced that they would leave for London the following week。

But once in London Jane Porter was no more tractable than she

had been in Baltimore。  She found one excuse after another;

and when; finally; Lord Tennington invited the party to cruise

around Africa in his yacht; she expressed the greatest delight

in the idea; but absolutely refused to be married until they

had returned to London。  As the cruise was to consume a year

at least; for they were to stop for indefinite periods at

various points of interest; Clayton mentally anathematized

Tennington for ever suggesting such a ridiculous trip。

It was Lord Tennington's plan to cruise through the

Mediterranean; and the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean; and

thus down the East Coast; putting in at every port that

was worth the seeing。

And so it happened that on a certain day two vessels passed

in the Strait of Gibraltar。  The smaller; a trim white

yacht; was speeding toward the east; and on her deck sat a

young woman who gazed with sad eyes upon a diamondstudded

locket which she idly fingered。  Her thoughts were far

away; in the dim; leafy fastness of a tropical jungleand

her heart was with her thoughts。

She wondered if the man who had given her the beautiful

bauble; that had meant so much more to him than the

intrinsic value which he had not even known could ever

have meant to him; was back in his savage forest。

And upon the deck of the larger vessel; a passenger steamer

passing toward the east; the man sat with another young

woman; and the two idly speculated upon the identity of the

dainty craft gliding so gracefully through the gentle swell of

the lazy sea。

When the yacht had passed the man resumed the conversation

that her appearance had broken off。

〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃I like America very much; and that means;

of course; that I like Americans; for a country is only what

its people make it。  I met some very delightful people while I

was there。  I recall one family from your own city; Miss

Strong; whom I liked particularlyProfessor Porter and

his daughter。〃

〃Jane Porter!〃 exclaimed the girl。  〃Do you mean to tell me

that you know Jane Porter?  Why; she is the very best friend

I have in the world。  We were little children togetherwe have

known each other for ages。〃

〃Indeed!〃 he answered; smiling。  〃You would have difficulty

in persuading any one of the fact who had seen either of you。〃

〃I'll qualify the statement; then;〃 she answered; with a laugh。

〃We have known each other for two ageshers and mine。

But seriously we are as dear to each other as sisters;

and now that I am going to lose her I am almost heartbroken。〃

〃Going to lose her?〃 exclaimed Tarzan。  〃Why; what do you mean?

Oh; yes; I understand。  You mean that now that she is married

and living in England; you will seldom if ever see her。〃

〃Yes;〃 replied she; 〃and the saddest part of it all is that

she is not marrying the man she loves。  Oh; it is terrible。

Marrying from a sense of duty!  I think it is perfectly wicked;

and I told her so。  I have felt so strongly on the subject that

although I was the only person outside of blood relations

who was to have been asked to the wedding I would not let

her invite me; for I should not have gone to witness the

terrible mockery。  But Jane Porter is peculiarly positive。

She has convinced herself that she is doing the only honorable

thing that she can do; and nothing in the world will ever

prevent her from marrying Lord Greystoke except Greystoke

himself; or death。〃

〃I am sorry for her;〃 said Tarzan。

〃And I am sorry for the man she loves;〃 said the girl; 〃for

he loves her。  I never met him; but from what Jane tells me

he must be a very wonderful person。  It seems that he was

born in an African jungle; and brought up by fierce;

anthropoid apes。  He had never seen a white man or woman

until Professor Porter and his party were marooned on the

coast right at the threshold of his tiny cabin。  He saved them

from all manner of terrible beasts; and accomplished the

most wonderful feats imaginable; and then to cap the climax

he fell in love with Jane and she with him; though she never

really knew it for sure until she had promised herself to

Lord Greystoke。〃

〃Most remarkable;〃 murmured Tarzan; cudgeling his brain for

some pretext upon which to turn the subject。  He delighted

in hearing Hazel Strong talk of Jane; but when he was the

subject of the conversation he was bored and embarrassed。

But he was soon given a respite; for the girl's mother

joined them; and the talk became general。

The next few days passed uneventfully。  The sea was quiet。

The sky was clear。  The steamer plowed steadily on toward the

south without pause。  Tarzan spent quite a little time with

Miss Strong and her mother。  They whiled away their hours

on deck reading; talking; or taking pictures with Miss

Strong's camera。  When the sun had set they walked。

One day Tarzan found Miss Strong in conversation with a

stranger; a man he had not seen on board before。  As he

approached the couple the man bowed to the girl and turned

to walk away。

〃Wait; Monsieur Thuran;〃 said Miss Strong; 〃you must meet

Mr。 Caldwell。  We are all fellow passengers; and should

be acquainted。〃

The two men shook hands。  As Tarzan looked into the eyes

of Monsieur Thuran he was struck by the strange familiarity

of their expression。

〃I have had the honor of monsieur's acquaintance in the

past; I am sure;〃 said Tarzan; 〃though I cannot recall the


Monsieur Thuran appeared ill at ease。

〃I cannot say; monsieur;〃 he replied。  〃It may be so。  I have

had that identical sensation myself when meeting a stranger。〃

〃Monsieur Thuran has been explaining some of the mysteries

of navigation to me;〃 explained the girl。

Tarzan paid little heed to the conversation that ensuedhe

was attempting to recall where he had met Monsieur Thuran before。

That it had been under peculiar circumstances he was positive。

Presently the sun reached them; and the girl asked Monsieur

Thuran to move her chair farther back into the shade。

Tarzan happened to be watching the man at the time;

and noticed the awkward manner in which he handled

the chairhis left wrist was stiff。  That clew was

sufficienta sudden train of associated ideas did the rest。

Monsieur Thuran had been trying to find an excuse to

make a graceful departure。  The lull in the conversation

following the moving of their position gave him an opportunity

to make his excuses。  Bowing low to Miss Strong; and inclining

his head to Tarzan; he turned to leave them。

〃Just a moment;〃 said Tarzan。  〃If Miss Strong will pardon me

I will accompany you。  I shall return in a moment; Miss Strong。〃

Monsieur Thuran looked uncomfortable。  When the two men had

passed out of the girl's sight; Tarzan stopped; laying a

heavy hand on the other's shoulder。

〃What is your game now; Rokoff?〃 he asked。

〃I am leaving France as I promised you;〃 replied the other;

in a surly voice。

〃I see you are;〃 said Tarzan; 〃but I know you so well

that I can scarcely believe that your being on the same boat

with me is purely a coincidence。  If I could believe it the

fact that you are in disguise would immediately disabuse

my mind of any such idea。〃

〃Well;〃 growled Rokoff; with a shrug; 〃I cannot see what you

are going to do about it。  This vessel flies the English flag。

I have as much right on board her as you; and from the

fact that you are booked under an assumed name I imagine

that I have more right。〃

〃We will not discuss it; Rokoff。  All I wanted to say to

you is that you must keep away from Miss Strongshe is a

decent woman。〃

Rokoff turned scarlet。

〃If you don't I shall pitch you overboard;〃 continued Tarzan。

〃Do not forget that I am just waiting for some excuse。〃

Then he turned on his heel; and left Rokoff standing

there trembling with suppressed rage。

He did not see the man again for days; but Rokoff was

not idle。  In his stateroom with Paulvitch he fumed and

swore; threatening the most terrible of revenges。

〃I would throw him overboard tonight;〃 he cried; 〃were I

sure that those papers were not on his person。  I cannot

chance pitching them into the ocean with him。  If you were

not such a stupid coward; Alexis; you would find a way to

enter his stateroom and search for the documents。〃

Paulvitch smiled。  〃You are supposed to be the brains of this

partnership; my dear Nikolas;〃 he replied。  〃Why do you not

find the means to search Monsieur Caldwell's stateroomeh?〃

Two hours later fate was kind to them; for Paulvitch; who

was ever on the watch; saw Tarzan leave his room without


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