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the return of tarzan-第19节

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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fortunate for her; and for De Coude as well; that it was you

and not another man more sophisticated。

Had you really paid court to Olga's heart I am afraid that

there would have been no hope for either of you。

She asked me to tell you that Nikolas had left France。

She paid him twenty thousand francs to go away; and stay。

She is congratulating herself that she got rid of him before

he tried to carry out a threat he recently made her that he

should kill you at the first opportunity。  She said that she

should hate to think that her brother's blood was on your

hands; for she is very fond of you; and made no bones in

saying so before the count。  It never for a moment seemed to

occur to her that there might be any possibility of any other

outcome of a meeting between you and Nikolas。  The count

quite agreed with her in that。  He added that it would take a

regiment of Rokoffs to kill you。  He has a most healthy

respect for your prowess。

Have been ordered back to my ship。  She sails from Havre in

two days under sealed orders。  If you will address me in her

care; the letters will find me eventually。  I shall write you

as soon as another opportunity presents。

                                    Your sincere friend;

                                                PAUL D'ARNOT。

〃I fear;〃 mused Tarzan; half aloud; 〃that Olga has thrown

away her twenty thousand francs。〃

He read over that part of D'Arnot's letter several times

in which he had quoted from his conversation with Jane

Porter。  Tarzan derived a rather pathetic happiness from

it; but it was better than no happiness at all。

The following three weeks were quite uneventful。  On

several occasions Tarzan saw the mysterious Arab; and once

again he had been exchanging words with Lieutenant Gernois;

but no amount of espionage or shadowing by Tarzan revealed

the Arab's lodgings; the location of which Tarzan was

anxious to ascertain。

Gernois; never cordial; had kept more than ever aloof

from Tarzan since the episode in the dining…room of the

hotel at Aumale。  His attitude on the few occasions that

they had been thrown together had been distinctly hostile。

That he might keep up the appearance of the character

he was playing; Tarzan spent considerable time hunting in

the vicinity of Bou Saada。  He would spend entire days in

the foothills; ostensibly searching for gazelle; but on the

few occasions that he came close enough to any of the

beautiful little animals to harm them he invariably allowed

them to escape without so much as taking his rifle from its

boot。  The ape…man could see no sport in slaughtering the

most harmless and defenseless of God's creatures for the

mere pleasure of killing。

In fact; Tarzan had never killed for 〃pleasure;〃 nor to

him was there pleasure in killing。  It was the joy of righteous

battle that he lovedthe ecstasy of victory。  And the keen

and successful hunt for food in which he pitted his skill

and craftiness against the skill and craftiness of another;

but to come out of a town filled with food to shoot down a

soft…eyed; pretty gazelleah; that was crueller than the

deliberate and cold…blooded murder of a fellow man。

Tarzan would have none of it; and so he hunted alone

that none might discover the sham that he was practicing。

And once; probably because of the fact that he rode alone;

he was like to have lost his life。  He was riding slowly

through a little ravine when a shot sounded close behind

him; and a bullet passed through the cork helmet he wore。

Although he turned at once and galloped rapidly to the top

of the ravine; there was no sign of any enemy; nor did he

see aught of another human being until he reached Bou Saada。

〃Yes;〃 he soliloquized; in recalling the occurrence;

〃Olga has indeed thrown away her twenty thousand francs。〃

That night he was Captain Gerard's guest at a little dinner。

〃Your hunting has not been very fortunate?〃 questioned

the officer。

〃No;〃 replied Tarzan; 〃the game hereabout is timid; nor do

I care particularly about hunting game birds or antelope。

I think I shall move on farther south; and have a try at

some of your Algerian lions。〃

〃Good!〃 exclaimed the captain。  〃We are marching toward Djelfa

on the morrow。  You shall have company that far at least。

Lieutenant Gernois and I; with a hundred men; are ordered

south to patrol a district in which the marauders are giving

considerable trouble。  Possibly we may have the pleasure

of hunting the lion togetherwhat say you?〃

Tarzan was more than pleased; nor did he hesitate to say so;

but the captain would have been astonished had he known

the real reason of Tarzan's pleasure。  Gernois was sitting

opposite the ape…man。  He did not seem so pleased with his

captain's invitation。

〃You will find lion hunting more exciting than gazelle

shooting;〃 remarked Captain Gerard; 〃and more dangerous。〃

〃Even gazelle shooting has its dangers;〃 replied Tarzan。

〃Especially when one goes alone。  I found it so today。

I also found that while the gazelle is the most timid

of animals; it is not the most cowardly。〃

He let his glance rest only casually upon Gernois after

he had spoken; for he did not wish the man to know that he

was under suspicion; or surveillance; no matter what he

might think。  The effect of his remark upon him; however;

might tend to prove his connection with; or knowledge of;

certain recent happenings。  Tarzan saw a dull red creep up

from beneath Gernois' collar。  He was satisfied; and quickly

changed the subject。

When the column rode south from Bou Saada the next

morning there were half a dozen Arabs bringing up the rear。

〃They are not attached to the command;〃 replied Gerard

in response to Tarzan's query。  〃They merely accompany us

on the road for companionship。〃

Tarzan had learned enough about Arab character since

he had been in Algeria to know that this was no real motive;

for the Arab is never overfond of the companionship of

strangers; and especially of French soldiers。  So his

suspicions were aroused; and he decided to keep a sharp eye

on the little party that trailed behind the column at a distance

of about a quarter of a mile。  But they did not come close

enough even during the halts to enable him to obtain a

close scrutiny of them。

He had long been convinced that there were hired assassins

on his trail; nor was he in great doubt but that Rokoff was

at the bottom of the plot。  Whether it was to be revenge for

the several occasions in the past that Tarzan had defeated the

Russian's purposes and humiliated him; or was in some way

connected with his mission in the Gernois affair; he could not

determine。  If the latter; and it seemed probable since the

evidence he had had that Gernois suspected him; then he

had two rather powerful enemies to contend with; for there

would be many opportunities in the wilds of Algeria; for

which they were bound; to dispatch a suspected enemy

quietly and without attracting suspicion。

After camping at Djelfa for two days the column moved to the

southwest; from whence word had come that the marauders were

operating against the tribes whose DOUARS were situated

at the foot of the mountains。

The little band of Arabs who had accompanied them from

Bou Saada had disappeared suddenly the very night that

orders had been given to prepare for the morrow's march

from Djelfa。  Tarzan made casual inquiries among the men;

but none could tell him why they had left; or in what

direction they had gone。  He did not like the looks of it;

especially in view of the fact that he had seen Gernois in

conversation with one of them some half hour after Captain

Gerard had issued his instructions relative to the new move。

Only Gernois and Tarzan knew the direction of the proposed march。

All the soldiers knew was that they were to be prepared to

break camp early the next morning。  Tarzan wondered if

Gernois could have revealed their destination to the Arabs。

Late that afternoon they went into camp at a little oasis in

which was the DOUAR of a sheik whose flocks were being

stolen; and whose herdsmen were being killed。  The Arabs

came out of their goatskin tents; and surrounded the soldiers;

asking many questions in the native tongue; for the soldiers

were themselves natives。  Tarzan; who; by this time; with the

assistance of Abdul; had picked up quite a smattering of

Arab; questioned one of the younger men who had accompanied

the sheik while the latter paid his respects to Captain Gerard。

No; he had seen no party of six horsemen riding from

the direction of Djelfa。  There were other oases scattered

aboutpossibly they had been journeying to one of these。

Then there were the marauders in the mountains above

they often rode north to Bou Saada in small parties; and

even as far as Aumale and Bouira。  It might indeed have been

a few 

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