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the chignecto isthmus and its first settlers-第12节

小说: the chignecto isthmus and its first settlers 字数: 每页4000字

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appertaining and all the profits thereof with the right; title and interest in Law and Equity; to have and to hold the said acre of land; to him the said John Wesly and his successors in the Methodist Line forever; and to be appropriated for a preaching House and burying…ground; and other conveniences that shall be judged necessary to accommodate the same under the inspection and direction of the general assistant or the preacher by Conference stationed on the Circuit; together with Wm。 Wells; Thomas Watson; Esq。; Richard Lowerison; George Falkinther; Wm。 Trueman; jun。; Stephen Read; and James Metcalf to be Trustees to act in concert; and those to be only Trustees as long as they adhere to the Doctrine and Discipline of the said John Wesley and his connection; and in case of death or failure of any of these particulars the preacher is to nominate one in his room。 Furthermore; the said William Chapman; for himself; his heirs; executors and administrators; doth covenant to and with the said John Wesley and his successors; the before mentioned demised premises; against the lawful claim or demand of any person or persons whatsoever; to warrant and secure and defend by these presents; in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal。 Bargained year before written。 〃Signed; sealed and delivered; in presence of


James Wray; and Englishman; ordained and sent out by Wesley; arrived in 1788。 He was the first ordained Methodist minister in Cumberland。 Previous to this the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered by the Episcopal clergyman。 This same year Mr。 Black; Mr。 John Mann; and Mr。 James Mann went to Philadelphia and were ordained。 Mr。 Mann and Mr。 Wray were both on the Cumberland circuit for a year; and Mr。 James Mann remained in charge until 1791; when he was followed by Mr。 Whitehead。 From 1793 until 1797 Mr。 Early; Mr。 John Black and Mr。 Benjamin Wilson were each at times preaching in the Stone Chapel。 Mr。 Wilson was alone in 1798; and assisted by Mr。 Cooper in 1799。 In 1800 Joshua Marsden came out from England and was sent to the Cumberland circuit; where he labored for three years。

The following are from the journal before referred to:

〃1802; May 9thMr。 Marsden preached his farewell sermon at the Stone Meeting House。

〃May 10thMr。 Marsden set out for Conference。〃

Mr。 Wm。 Bennet followed Mr。 Marsden; coming directly from England to Cumberland; arriving at Mr。 Trueman's on June 26th。

〃June 26thMr。 Bennet arrived at our house and went to Tantramar。

〃27thMr。 Bennet preached his first sermon at Tantramar。

〃July 8thThis day was appointed by the Government as a day of thanksgiving for the blessings of peace。 Mr。 Bennet preached at the Amherst Court…House from Romans 12 c。 1 v。 to a crowded and attentive audience。〃

The church at this time was in a fairly good financial condition。 Point de Bute was then headquarters for the ministers; it and Sackville being the most important places in the circuit。 Mr。 Mann visited Point de Bute in 1803; preaching at the Stone House on May 2nd; also June 16th。

〃June 16th; Mr。 Mann preached at Mr。 Wells'。〃

〃June 26thMr。 Mann preached at the Stone House morning and evening to a crowded house。〃

Mr。 Bennet's place was taken; in 1806; by Mr。 Stephen Bamford; a local preacher sent out from England。 he was afterwards ordained and remained three years。

〃July 6th; 1806Mr。 Bamford preached at the Stone House for the first time。〃

On June 3rd; 1808; Mr。 and Mrs。 Wm。 Black paid a visit to Point de Bute; making their home at Mr。 Wm。 Trueman's。 It was a great joy to the church there to have Mr。 Black with them again。 In 1809…10…11; Mr。 Knowlan was on the Cumberland Circuit; and in 1812 Mr。 Bennet returned; followed by Mr。 Dunbar; in 1815。

Mr。 Dunbar remained three years and his place was taken by Mr。 Priestly。 During Mr。 Priestly's stay the new church was built at Point de Bute。 It stood in front of the spot occupied by the old Stone House; and was opened by Mr。 Priestly in 1822。

Mr。 Stephen Bamford was on the circuit 1823 to 1825; Wm。 Temple in 1826 and 1827; Wm。 Webb in 1828 and 1829; Wm。 Smithson from 1830 to 1833。

In 1833; Rev。 Alexander McLeod was sent to Cumberland as assistant。 He made his home in Point de Bute; and was there most of the time until 1836。 Rev。 Richardson Douglas had charge of the circuit in 1834 and 1835。 Mr。 Jos。 Bent came in 1836; and the house on the farm now owned by Mr。 Burton Jones was rented for a parsonage。 During Mr。 Bent's ministry there was a large revival at Point de Bute; and about sixty members were received into the church。 Mr。 Bent was followed by Richard Williams; who remained two years。 In 1840 the Sackville District was divided; the Point de Bute Circuit consisting of Point de Bute; Fort Lawrence; Bay Verte and Cape Tormentine。 The Cumberland Circuit had been divided before this (as early as 1830); but the exact date cannot be found。

Below is a list of the ministers who have been resident in the Point de Bute Circuit since 1840:

Wm。 Leggit; 1840…1842。 Geo。 Millar; 1842…1843。 Parsonage built。 R。 Williams; 1843…1844。 Sampson Busby; 1844…1847。 Wm。 Smithson; 1847…1850。 Geo。 Johnson; 1850…1853。 Wm。 Smith; 1853…1856。 T。 H。 Davies; 1856…1860。 John Snowball; 1860…1861。 Point de Bute Circuit again divided。 Michael Pickles; 1861…1863。 Chas。 Stewart; 1863…1865。 Geo。 Butcher; 1865…1866。 Robert Duncan; 1866…1868。 Wm。 Wilson; 1868…1870。 Jas。 G。 Angwin; 1870…1873。 Present parsonage built。 Douglas Chapman; 1873…1876。 Edwin Mills; 1876…1879。 Geo。 W。 Fisher; 1879…1882。 Present church built in 1881。 Thos。 Marshall; 1882…1884。 W。 W。 Lodge; 1884…1885。 S。 R。 Ackman; 1885…1888。 Jas。 Crisp; 1888…1891。 F。 H。 W。 Pickles; 1891…1894。 J。 A。 Clark; 1894…1896。 T。 L。 Williams; 1896…1897。 Jos。 Seller; 1897…1898。 D。 Chapman; 1898…1901。 Thos。 Marshall; 1901。

The first Methodist church in Sackville stood a little north of Philip Palmer's farm。 It was opened in 1790 by Rev。 James Mann。 Previous to that date the preaching place had been a small schoolhouse; which stood near the place where J。 L。 Black's store now stands。 The new building served its purpose for twenty…eight years。 Then another was built at Crane's Corner; on the same site as the present church。

The following extracts from the Sackville Circuit Book of 1801…1811 may prove interesting:

〃QUARTERLY MEETING。 〃POINT DE BUTE; August 28th; 1802。 〃(1) _Q_。 Who is the general steward for the circuit? _A_。 William Trueman。 Elected。 〃(2) _Q_。 Who is steward for Sackville? _A_。 John Fawcett。 Elected。 〃(3) _Q_。 Who is steward for Dorchester? _A_。 John Weldon。 Elected。 〃(4) _Q_。 Who is steward for Amherst and the Rivers? _A_。 Thomas Roach。 Elected。 〃(5) _Q_。 How shall Mr。 Bennett's expenses to New York be paid? _A_。 Let it be approved by the next Conference。 〃(6) _Q_。 When and where shall the next quarterly meeting be held? _A_。 At W。 Fawcett's; Sackville; January 9th; 1803。〃

〃QUARTERLY MEETING。 〃December 3rd; 1810。 〃_Q_。 Where shall a house be built for the circuit preacher? _A_。 In Sackville; on the lands given by C。 Dixon; Esq。; and John Harris。 〃_Q_。 How shall the expenses be borne? _A_。 By a subscription begun first in Sackville。 〃_Q_。 Of what material shall the said house be built? _A_。 Of brick; except the cellar wall; which shall be made of stone。 〃_Q_。 Who shall be appointed to provide stone and timber during the winter previous to the next quarterly meeting? _A_。 Charles Dixon and Rich。 Bowser to see it provided out of the subscription。 The said timber to be got for a house 34 by 24。 〃_Q_。 Shall the collections made in the Stone Chapel go to the discharging of the debt due to Mr。 Trueman for the care of the said chapel? _A_。 Yes; and also to the providing of wood for said chapel。〃

〃QUARTERLY MEETING。 〃SACKVILLE; March 9th; 1811。 〃_Q_。 Shall the minutes of Dec。 Q。 M。; 1810; respecting preacher's house be agreed to by this Q。 M。? _A_。 Yes; we are agreed that the house shall be built upon the grounds given by Messrs。 Dixon and Harris。 〃_Q_。 Who shall be the trustees of the said house? _A_。 John Fawcett; Jr。; Chas。 Dixon; Jr。; Edwin Dixon; Esq。; Rich。 Bowser and Thomas Roach; Esq。 〃_Q_。 Who shall we employ to build the house? _A_。 Chas。 Dixon; Jr。; who has engaged to finish it in a workmanlike manner for L200; according to plan; N。 B。; 35 ft。 by 24; one story and half high and of brick。〃


In 1763 a Baptist church at Swansea; Mass。; left in a body and settled in Sackville; bringing their pastor with them。 They numbered thirteen members。 Almost all of them returned to Massachusetts in 1771。 The Baptists were the first Protestant denomination in Sackville; but had no church building until about the year 1800。 That year Joseph Crandall organized the church; and they at once proceeded to erect a building in which to worship。 The site chosen was at the Four Corners。 The church which replaced this one in 1830 was called Beulah。

The first Baptist association for New Brunswick and Nova Scotia met in Sackville in 1810。 Sackville was represented by Elders Jos。 Crandall and Jonathan Cole; and by Messrs。 Wm。 Lawrence and Jos。 Read。 There were twenty…two elders and messengers presen

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