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heroes of the telegraph-第15节

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The Atlantic cable was a theme of inspiration for innumerable sermons and a prodigious quantity of doggerel。  Among the happier lines were these :…

    ''Tis done! the angry sea consents;      The nations stand no more apart;      With clasped hands the continents      Feel throbbings of each other's heart。

     Speed! speed the cable! let it run      A loving girdle round the earth;      Till all the nations 'neath the sun      Shall be as brothers of one hearth。

     As brothers pledging; hand in hand;      One freedom for the world abroad;      One commerce over every land;      One language; and one God。'

The rejoicing reached a climax in September; when a public service was held in Trinity Church; and Mr。 Field; the hero of the hour; as head and mainspring of the expedition; received an ovation in the Crystal Palace at New York。  The mayor presented him with a golden casket as a souvenir of 'the grandest enterprise of our day and generation。' The band played 'God save the Queen;' and the whole audience rose to their feet。  In the evening there was a magnificent torchlight procession of the city firemen。

That very day the cable breathed its last。  Its  insulation had been failing for some days; and the only signals which could be read were those given by the mirror galvanometer。'It is said to have broken down while Newfoundland was vainly attempting to inform Valentia  that it was sending with THREE HUNDRED AND TWELVE CELLS!' The reaction at this news was tremendous。  Some writers even hinted that the line was a mere hoax; and others pronounced it a stock exchange speculation。  Sensible men doubted whether the cable had ever 'spoken;' but in addition to the royal despatch; items of daily news had passed through the wire; for instance; the announcement of a collision between two ships; the Arabia and the Europa; off Cape Race; Newfoundland; and an order from London; countermanding the departure of a regiment in Canada for the seat of the Indian Mutiny; which had come to an end。

Mr。 Field was by no means daunted at the failure。  He was even more eager to renew the work; since he had come so near to success。  But the public had lost confidence in the scheme; and all his efforts to revive the company were futile。  It was not until 1864 that with the assistance of Mr。 Thomas (afterwards Lord) Brassey; and Mr。 (now Sir) John Fender; that he succeeded in raising the necessary capital。  The Glass; Elliot; and Gutta…Percha Companies were united to form the well…known Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company; which undertook to manufacture and lay the new cable。

Much experience had been gained in the meanwhile。  Long cables had been submerged in the Mediterranean and the Red Sea。  The Board of Trade in 1859 had appointed a committee of experts; including Professor Wheatstone; to investigate the whole subject; and the results were published in a Blue…book。  Profiting by these aids; an improved type of cable was designed。  The core consisted of a strand of seven very pure copper wires weighing 300 lbs。 a knot; coated with Chatterton's compound; which is impervious to water; then covered with four layers of gutta…percha  alternating with four thin layers of the compound cementing the whole; and bringing the weight of the insulator to 400 lbs。 per knot。  This core was served with hemp saturated in a preservative solution; and on the hemp as a padding were spirally wound eighteen single wires of soft steel; each covered with fine strands of Manilla yam steeped in the preservative。  The weight of the new cable was 35。75 cwt。 per knot; or nearly twice the weight of the old; and it was stronger in proportion。

Ten years before; Mr。 Marc Isambard Brunel; the architect of the Great Eastern; had taken Mr。 Field to Blackwall; where the leviathan was lying; and said to him; 'There is the ship to lay the Atlantic cable。' She was now purchased to fulfil the mission。  Her immense hull was fitted with three iron tanks for the reception of 2;300 miles of cable; and her decks furnished with the paying…out gear。  Captain (now Sir) James Anderson; of the Cunard steamer China; a thorough seaman; was appointed to the command; with Captain Moriarty; R。N。; as chief navigating officer。  Mr。 (afterwards Sir) Samuel Canning was engineer for the contractors; the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company; and Mr。 de Sauty their electrician; Professor Thomson and Mr。 Cromwell Fleetwood Varley were the electricians for the Atlantic Telegraph Company。  The Press was ably represented by Dr。 W。 H。 Russell; correspondent of the TIMES。  The Great Eastern took on board seven or eight thousand tons of coal to feed her fires; a prodigious quantity of stores; and a multitude of live stock which turned her decks into a farmyard。  Her crew all told numbered 500 men。

At noon on Saturday; July 15; 1865; the Great Eastern left the Nore for Foilhommerum Bay; Valentia Island; where the shore end was laid by the Caroline。

At 5。30 p。m。 on Sunday; July 23; amidst the firing of cannon and the cheers of the telegraph fleet; she started on her voyage at a speed of about four knots an hour。  The weather was fine; and all went well until next morning early; when the boom of a gun signalled that a fault had broken out in the cable。  It turned out that a splinter of iron wire had penetrated the core。  More faults of the kind were discovered; and as they always happened in the same watch; there was a suspicion of foul play。  In repairing one of these on July 31; after 1;062 miles had been payed out; the cable snapped near the stern of the ship; and the end was lost。  'All is over;' quietly observed Mr。 Canning; and though spirited attempts were made to grapple the sunken line in two miles of water; they failed to recover it。

The Great Eastern steamed back to England; where the indomitable Mr。 Field issued another prospectus; and formed the Anglo…American Telegraph Company; with a capital of L600;000; to lay a new cable and complete the broken one。  On July 7; 1866; the William Cory laid the shore end at Valentia; and on Friday; July 13;。about 3 p。m。; the Great Eastern started paying…out once more。  'Friday is regarded as  an unlucky; and Sunday as a lucky day by sailors。  The Great Eastern started on Sunday before and failed;  she succeeded now。  Columbus sailed on a Friday; and discovered America on a Friday。'  A private service of prayer was held at Valentia by invitation of two directors of the company; but otherwise there was no celebration of the event。  Professor Thomson was on board; but Dr。 W。 H。 Russell had gone to the seat of the Austro…Prussian war; from which telegrams were received through the cable。

The 'big ship' was attended by three consorts; the Terrible; to act as a spy on the starboard how; and warn other vessels off the course; the Medway on the port; and the Albany on the starboard quarter; to drop or pick up buoys; and make themselves generally useful。  Despite the fickleness of the weather; and a 'foul flake;' or clogging of the line as it ran out of the tank; there was no interruption of the work。  The 'old coffee mill;' as the sailors dubbed the paying…out gear; kept grinding away。  'I believe we shall do it this time; Jack;' said one of the crew to his mate。

On the evening of Friday; July 27; the expedition made the entrance of Trinity Bay; Newfoundland; in a thick fog; and next morning the Great Eastern cast her anchor at Heart's Content。  Flags were flying from the little church and the telegraph station on shore。  The Great Eastern was dressed; three cheers were given; and a salute was fired。  At 9 a。m。 a message from England cited these words from a leading article in the current TIMES:  'It is a great work; a glory to our age and nation; and the men who have achieved it deserve to be honoured among the benefactors of their race。' 'Treaty of peace signed between Prussia and Austria。' The shore end was landed during the day by the Medway; and Captain Anderson; with the officers of the telegraph fleet; went in a body to the church to return thanks for the success of the expedition。 Congratulations poured in; and friendly telegrams were again exchanged between Her Majesty and the United States。  The great work had been finally accomplished; and the two worlds were lastingly united。

On August 9 the Great Eastern put to sea again in order to grapple the lost cable of 1865; and  complete it to Newfoundland。  Arriving in mid… ocean she proceeded to fish for the submerged line in two thousand fathoms of water; and after repeated failures; involving thirty casts of the grapnel; she hooked and raised it to surface; then spliced it to the fresh cable in her hold; and payed out to Heart's Content; where she arrived on Saturday; September 7。  There were now two fibres of intelligence between the two hemispheres。

On his return home; Professor Thomson was among those who received the honour of knighthood for their services in connection with the enterprise。  He deserved it。  By his theory and apparatus he probably did more than any other man; with the exception of Mr。 Field; to further the Atlantic telegraph。  We owe it to his admirable inventions; the mirror instrument of 1857 and the siphon recorder of 1869; that messag

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