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heroes of the telegraph-第14节

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ut the mirror instrument sprang out of Thomson's study of this phenomenon; and was designed to match it。  Hence this instrument; through being the fittest for the purpose; drove the others from the field; and allowed the first Atlantic cables to be worked on a profitable basis。

The cable consisted of a strand of seven copper wires; one weighing 107 pounds a nautical mile or knot; covered with three coats of gutta… percha; weighing 261 pounds a knot; and wound with tarred hemp; over which a sheath of eighteen strands; each of seven iron wires; was laid in a close spiral。  It weighed nearly a ton to the mile; was flexible as a rope; and able to withstand a pull of several tons。  It was made conjointly by Messrs。 Glass; Elliot & Co。; of Greenwich; and Messrs。 R。 S。 Newall & Co。; of Liverpool。

The British Government promised Mr。 Field a subsidy of L1;400 a year; and the loan of ships to lay the cable。  He solicited an equal help from Congress; but a large number of the senators; actuated by a national jealousy of England; and looking to the fact that both ends of the line were to lie in British territory; opposed the grant。 It appeared to these far…sighted politicians that England; the hereditary foe; was 'literally crawling under the sea to get some advantage over the United States。' The Bill was only passed by a majority of a single vote。  In the House of Representatives it encountered a similar hostility; but was ultimately signed by President Pierce。

The Agamemnon; a British man…of…war fitted out for the purpose; took in the section made at Greenwich; and the Niagara; an American warship; that made at Liverpool。  The vessels and their consorts met in the bay of Valentia Island; on the south…west coast of Ireland; where on August 5; 1857; the shore end of the cable was landed from the Niagara。  It was a memorable scene。  The ships in the bay were dressed in bunting; and the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland stood on the beach; attended by his following; to receive the end from the American sailors。  Visitors in holiday attire collected in groups to watch the operations; and eagerly joined with his excellency in helping to pull the wire ashore。  When it was landed; the Reverend Mr。 Day; of Kenmore; offered up a prayer; asking the Almighty to prosper the undertaking; Next day the expedition sailed; but ere the Niagara had proceeded five miles on her way the shore…end parted; and the repairing of it delayed the start for another day。

At first the Niagara went slowly ahead to avoid a mishap; but as the cable ran out easily she increased her speed。  The night fell; but hardly a soul slept。  The utmost vigilance was maintained throughout the vessel。 Apart from the noise of the paying…out machinery; there was an awful stillness on board。  Men walked about with a muffled step; or spoke in whispers; as if they were afraid the sound of their voices would break the slender line。  It seemed as though a great and valued friend lay at the point of death。

The submarine hill; with its dangerous slope; was passed in safety; and the 'telegraph plateau;' nearly two miles deep; was reached; when suddenly the signals from Ireland; which told that the conductor was intact; stopped altogether。  Professor Morse and De Sauty; the electricians; failed to restore the  communication; and the engineers were preparing to cut the cable; when quite as suddenly the signals returned; and every face grew bright。  A weather…beaten  old sailor said; 'I have watched nearly every mile of it as it came over the side; and I would have given fifty dollars; poor man as I am; to have saved it; although I don't expect to make anything by it when it is laid down。'

But the joy was short…lived。  The line was  running out at the rate of six miles an hour; while the vessel was only making four。  To check this waste of cable the engineer tightened the brakes; but as the stern of the ship rose on the swell; the cable parted under the heavy strain; and the end was lost in the sea。

The bad news ran like a flash of lightning through all the ships; and produced a feeling of sorrow and dismay。

No attempt was made to grapple the line in such deep water; and the expedition  returned to England。  It was too late to try again that year; but the following  summer the Agamemnon and Niagara; after an experimental trip to the Bay of Biscay; sailed from Plymouth on June 10 with a full supply of cable; better gear than before; and a riper experience of the work。  They were to meet in the middle of the Atlantic; where the two halves of the cable on board of each were to be spliced together; and while the Agamemnon payed out eastwards to Valentia Island the Niagara was to pay out westward to Newfoundland。  On her way to the rendezvous the Agamemnon encountered a terrific gale; which lasted for a week; and nearly proved her destruction。

On Saturday; the 26th; the middle splice was effected and the bight dropped into the deep。  The two ships got under weigh; but had not proceeded three miles when the cable broke in the paying…out machinery of the Niagara。  Another splice; followed by a fresh start; was made during the same afternoon; but when some fifty miles were payed out of each vessel; the current which kept up communication between them suddenly failed owing to the cable having snapped in the sea。  Once more the middle splice was made and lowered; and the ships parted company a third time。  For a day or two all went well; over two hundred miles of cable ran smoothly out of each vessel; and the anxious chiefs began to indulge in hopes of ultimate success; when the cable broke about twenty feet behind the stern of the Agamemnon。

The expedition returned to Queenstown; and a consultation took place。 Mr。 Field; and Professor Thomson; who was on board the Agamemnon; were in favour of another trial; and it was decided to make one without delay。  The vessels left the Cove of Cork on July 17; but on this occasion there was no public enthusiasm; and even those on board felt as if they were going on another wild goose chase。  The Agamemnon was now almost becalmed on her way to the rendezvous; but the middle splice was finished by 12。30 p。m。 on July 29; 1858; and immediately dropped into the sea。  The ships thereupon started; and increased their distance; while the cable ran easily out of them。  Some alarm was caused by the stoppage of the continuity signals; but after a time they reappeared。 The Niagara deviated from the great arc of a circle on which the cable was to be laid; and the error was traced to the iron of the cable influencing her compass。  Hence the Gorgon; one of her consorts; was ordered to go ahead and lead the way。  The Niagara passed several icebergs; but none injured the cable; and on August 4 she arrived in Trinity Bay; Newfoundland。  At 6。 a。m。 next morning the shore end was landed into the telegraph…house which had been built for its reception。 Captain Hudson; of the Niagara; then read prayers; and at one p。m。 H。M。S。 Gorgon fired a salute of twenty…one guns。

The Agamemnon made an equally successful run。  About six o'clock on the first evening a huge whale was seen approaching on the starboard bow; and as he sported in the waves; rolling and lashing them into foam; the onlookers began to fear that he might  endanger the line。  Their excitement became intense as the monster heaved astern; nearer and nearer to the cable; until his body grazed it where it sank into the water; but happily no harm was done。  Damaged portions of the cable had to be removed in paying…out; and the stoppage of the continuity signals raised other alarms on board。  Strong head winds kept the Agamemnon back; and two American ships which got into her course had to be warned off by firing guns。  The signals from the Niagara became very weak; but on Professor Thomson asking the electricians on board of her to increase their battery power; they improved at once。  At length; on Thursday; August; 5; the Agamemnon; with her consort; the Valorous; arrived at Valentia Island; and the shore end was landed into the cable…house at Knightstown by 3 p。m。; and a royal salute announced the completion of the work。

The news was received at first with some incredulity; but on being confirmed it caused a universal joy。  On August 16 Queen Victoria sent a telegram of  congratulation to President Buchanan through the line; and expressed a hope that it would prove 'an  additional link between the nations whose friendship is founded on their common interest and reciprocal esteem。' The President responded that; 'it is a triumph more glorious; because far more useful to mankind; than was ever won by conqueror on the field of battle。  May the Atlantic telegraph; under the blessing of heaven; prove to be a bond of perpetual peace and friendship between the kindred nations; and an instrument destined by Divine Providence to diffuse religion; civilisation; liberty; and law throughout the world。'

These messages were the signal for a fresh outburst of enthusiasm。 Next morning a grand salute of 100 guns resounded in New York; the streets were decorated with flags; the bells of the churches rung; and at night the city was illuminated。

The Atlantic cable was a theme of inspiration for innumerable sermons and a prodigious qu

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